Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 167: Civilian police auxiliary force

The final result is that Xunzi slept in Jingyu's room, while Mu Gan and Unwoven slept together... What Mu Gan said, they had to supervise Unwoven even if they hated each other.

As for Jingyu, she slept on the sofa in the living room. This made him even more determined that he must buy a bigger house as soon as possible.

In the VR training room, in the morning of the second day, 300 groups have been completed. Jingyu and others went to Tiantong Civil Security Association and got their detailed test data by fax. After reading, Jingyu grouped them.

Unwoven was a little curious. It stands to reason that the auxiliary forces of the civilian police are looking for their own companions and combining freely. As long as the three groups are enough, it is considered a formal team. Can Jingyu directly assign this way, will it not be in compliance?

After she got the details of the grouping from Jingyu, after a closer look, there were no more comments.

No, it should be said that those who have opinions are all idiots with abnormal brains.

"Xiaojing, you are so powerful. You can be so precise in such a short time." Unwoven was full of joy.

Jingyu scraped her little nose, "Don’t just patronize me and admire me, find a way to put it in the hands of my dean, and then convince him to let him persuade those unruly policemen... who let He is the deputy commander."

He laughed cunningly.

The same is true for Unwoven, "Hum, this is not difficult. Let’s say that this is the best combination plan obtained after analysis by the supercomputer. If he still hesitates, I will persuade him again. This can reduce casualties. The surviving police officers thanked him and increased his prestige...not believing that he was not fooled."

Jingyu's gratitude and the establishment of prestige among the police are not interested in Jingyu. Otherwise, unwoven is unwilling to give such good things to others.

Now that the ‘task’ has been assigned, it will leave immediately without weaving. She called in advance, parked in the luxury Mercedes-Benz car waiting downstairs, and carried her back to Sima Heavy Industry... This time, the task was more than that. She also needs to find a way to persuade the senior leaders of the Sima family to lend a large amount of funds to Jingyu.

Of course, when she wanted to tell the Sima family, she would not be able to win the war, so surely. Jingyu is her man. In the chaos that follows, it is only him who can earn the most benefit.

After unwoven, Jingyu and others went to the 39th district. Leaving Xunzi in the compound, as well as his locomotive. He, Mu Geng, Yan Zhu, and Tina took the tram to the 40th district.

After leaving the station, you can see a roadblock set up by the Self-Defense Forces martial law not far away. Because it is still far from the 32nd stone monument, there is no guard here, just a sign. It reads the warning, ‘Forward military exercises, please don’t come near’.

The four Jingyu ignored them, crossed the roadblock, and walked another kilometer forward, and finally saw the official interrogation guard.

Jingyu and Mu showed them their police certificates.

After the guards read it, they said to them when they returned their documents: "We can win, children like you, there is no need to come over specially."

Jingyu didn't say anything, and Mu Gan politely said: "Although it is, but it is the Tokyo area that is facing the crisis. If we can't work hard for this, we will be restless."

This immediately won the respect of the SDF players. They said, "Come on, then come on", let go.

Mu walked a few steps further, and under Jingyu's gaze, he spit out his tongue.

The thirty-ninth area and the forty area are the peripheral areas adjacent to the giant stone monument. Because it has not been planned and constructed, except for some large roads leading to facilities such as factories and power plants, it is full of abandoned buildings and wild grassland some decades ago.

If it is a person walking here, it is fine during the day and absolutely unsafe at night. Not because of gastrointestinal animals, but there are some homeless people who are not working, or bad molecules will appear here.

The four Jingyu walked two kilometers further and heard the roar of the machine. Looking far away, it can be found that inside the giant stone monument No. 32, the smoke is filled.

"That should be for the construction of Jingyu's small giant stone monument, and you are reorganizing the land." Mu Geng said.

Jingyu nodded, "The operation of transporting metal blocks can only be performed at night in order to avoid the sight of the people. Now, the giant stone monument on the seaside must be dismantled under the pretext of maintenance. As for how high it can be, I There is no bottom."

At the same time as the dismantling, it is necessary to arrange defense. Jingyu wondered when it would be when he received the call from Sheng Tianzi again.

"Anyway, the presence of small monoliths can affect the gastrointestinal animals and help us win." Mu Ganjian saw his expression dignified, and said comforting words, making him secretly smile.

The four left the avenue. Turning over a low grassy slope, on the flat ground below, you can already see military tents. I am afraid that the police who came in advance do not know that their combination will be disrupted.

"So, what about our squad members?" Mu asked with a blow to the hair that was blown by the wind.

She is still wearing a black sailor suit with tonal stockings. With the gift given by Jingyu, I'm not afraid to walk away. In addition, it is the Japanese sword in his hand. After all, she listened to Jingyu's opinion and did not bring the murdering sword Xueying.

"I'll make a phone call." Jingyu took out his cell phone and contacted General Yi Xiong.

The four of them walked down the slope, and soon they saw that the bear-monger carrying a huge black sword passed through the tent and ran over. Xia Shi was still wearing a light-colored dress and followed him expressionlessly.

"Mr. Jingyu," Jian Jian looked at Mu Mujian and Tina, and said with delight: "Great, after you come, we can receive the tent."

The three groups of civilian police, the minimum standard of this team, is also a benchmark for receiving field tents from the Self-Defense Forces.

"Did you see Pian Tong brother and sister?" Jing Yu asked.

"Sar, those two guys, maybe they won't come." The jail urn sounded airway.

"The man with the facial tissue over there, don't speak as if we are familiar with us." From another passage made of tents, Kirito Yushu talked and walked out with his sister Gongyue.

He is a young man dyed with blond hair, wearing brown glasses, wearing a black jacket and working trousers, and looking like a gangster.

"Hah? Who do you say is a man with a face towel?" The general glared over.

"Whoever wears a face towel, who is he talking about?" Katagi Yushu stared at him without showing any weakness.

"Do you want to be chopped by me?" The general has the tendency to pull the sword again.

"Oh, I must give it a try. How powerful is the sword that is easily taken away?" Katung Yushu said ironically, and began to wear iron gloves with chain saw function outside his fingerless gloves.

"You two..." Someone said in a cold tone: "It's not good to learn without being repaired."

Both Kyodo Yushu and Ikuma General knew who it was, and both were prepared under this sentence. However, they were easily grabbed by the opponent's head and pressed towards the center.


Beat loudly.

Even Jingyu, who made this, stayed for a while... The two big men in his hands kissed together with a black triangle scarf embroidered with skulls.

Mu Geng blushed, and Yanzhu, Tina, Gongyue were stunned. And Xia Shi said in the original tone:

"Is this BL? Disgusting than expected."



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