Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 166: This home will always be interesting

Mu had more words to say to Jingyu, but unexpectedly, this day basically stayed with the most annoying unwoven... even if he returned home, it was no exception.

However, Mu is not without ‘win chance’. She knew that Unwoven said that she would not take a bath with her. She blocked ‘win and lose’ at that time.

Things went smoothly.

After dinner, Jingyu went to take a bath for the first time, and he was unwoven after that. Mu Geng waited for her to enter for 5 minutes, and immediately took Jingyu to the balcony connected to the living room.

By the way, Yan Zhu admires the Tianzhu girl in her bedroom.

Several potted plants were placed on the balcony, and when I looked up, I could see the stars in the sky. It must be said that the existence of gastrointestinal animals has made the sky clear again ten years later.

Mu was standing on the edge of the balcony, facing away from Jingyu. The night wind blew her hair and fluttered gently to show a bit of femininity... she did not know how to speak for a while, so she seemed anxious and uneasy. The weak look was completely different from the one in front of Unwoven.

I feel that I should not torture her because of such things and unimportant characters. Jingyu embraced her waist from the back, using her chin to point on top of her head.

"Silly girl, Xun Zi told me all about it. Five years ago, I still remember it. The girl who didn't want to be married and chose to leave Tiantong's family without hesitation, is really beautiful. I love her ."

This is a happy moment for people to go from **** to heaven. Tian Tongmu's heart was filled with that sentence. She felt like she was happily dying, but her tears couldn't stop flowing out. Flicking, she followed her cheek and dropped it on his hand.

She felt the man behind her and comforted her by kissing the top of her head. His hand was still raised, wiping tears for her. Mugen's two small hands, holding his other hand, with a smile and tears...

Tina originally wanted to interrupt the two of them alone. This is the task assigned to her by Unwoven and Yanzhu, who are busy with their work and can't get away from each other. However, Tina already knew the secret that Jingyu wanted to pedal N ships in advance.

‘Then it’s what my brother wants to do, I can’t disturb my brother because of interference. ’

Compared to the sisters of the anti-chest alliance that was just established, in order to win the heart of her brother, Tina did not hesitate to incline to betrayal with one eye closed.

Moreover, she thinks that she is not without breasts. She is only ten years old now, she already has a considerable scale, and her future growth is even more exciting. Perhaps by then, she will also be the target of the anti-chest alliance.

In this case, there is no reason to help them.

Tina sat alone in the living room. The trainer who came out of the kitchen brought her a glass of juice, sat beside her, and chatted with her.

Xunzi stood up only when Mu calmed down and returned to the living room with Jingyu. She gestured to Mu Geng and took the daughter back to their bedroom.

Closed the door, "Mom," Mugen immediately called Xunzi, "With you and Jingyu, I feel so happy." She plunged into her mother's arms.

Xun Zi gently followed the hair of this daughter who had her own height, and her eyes were a little moist, and she smiled and said, "In a blink of an eye, you will grow so old that you can get married..."

There was a time when Xunzi didn't know how to raise the wood independently. Not only is she afraid of the hatred buried in her daughter's heart, but she also fears that her mother and daughter will become the political victims of Tiantong's family. In the end, she made a seemingly ridiculous decision and followed the six-year-old boy.

At the time, the fact that Mu Geng's father had died was not known to the outside world. It's like moving out of Tiantong's house on his own initiative. Xun Zi doesn't know how much pressure he has suffered.

But she didn't care how she was seen by others. She just wanted Mu to be able to grow well... the development of things did not deviate from her expectations. The child successfully sheltered their mother and daughter.

Xun Zi is very grateful for this.

Mu heard the mother's words and smiled shyly. The mother and daughter sat on the edge of the bed and talked quietly and intimately.

Without a towel around, he walked out of the bathroom. She originally thought she would be resisted by Mu Geng. Unexpectedly, there was no wooden figure in the living room. In this posture, after sitting next to Tina, she asked:

"What about Mu Gan?"

This is very funny. The two girls hated each other, so when they got together, they paid more attention to each other.

"Miss Mugen and Aunt Xunzi are in their bedroom." Tina replied.

"Oh..." Unwoven turned to look at the end of the corridor on the side of the living room. She thought to herself, would that woman who was even troubled by her, teach Mu Ki what to do with her strategy?

Just then, she felt some burning eyes. Looking back instinctively, the girl saw Jingyu's deep eyes. He was looking at her body... for some reason, he felt a little embarrassed, and his face was red.

"Tina, the bathroom is empty, you go to take a bath first." Jingyu said.

Tina blinked her big eyes twice and understood what Jingyu meant. As soon as she left, there were only two of them left. Unwoven is now so exposed, clearly provoking his desire.

However, even if it was unwilling, Jing Yu would be dissatisfied if he resisted in person... Tina would not be so stupid.

She stood up and walked to her and Yanzhu's bedroom. If you want to take a bath, always change some clothes. In the process, by the way, tell Yanzhu that unwoven has already come out, which is not too much.

As for what Yanzhu would do, it wouldn't matter to her.

After Tina entered the bedroom, Jingyu didn't do anything to Unwoven as Tina thought. He also stood up and walked over to the bedroom. But he whispered as he passed by the unwoven side.

"Come over and find me later."

The unwoven heart suddenly jumped dozens of times. Soon after, Tina entered the bathroom and said a few words to Yanzhu. She really went to Jingyu's room. However, after closing the door, she immediately begged:

"Xiaojing, people know that you want to, and they want to give it to you, but they cannot be today."

It is not that her body is not suitable for menstruation, it is not that she is unwilling, but there are too many obstacles in this room. If it's being done, someone suddenly knocks on the door, how can we proceed.

Jingyu, who was sitting at the computer, looked back at her with a smile, "What are you talking about? I want you to help me refer to these companies and real estate. I plan to have a big mess in the Tokyo area in a few days. At that time, buy at a large price at an ultra-low price. When the time comes, you must say that you need the financial support of Sima Heavy Industry."

The little unwoven face instantly became very interesting. Startled dumbfounded, and then complicated and entangled, he asked quietly and unwillingly, "Well, is that all?"

Jingyu's eyes scanned her body up and down again, "Of course, if you expect something else, I can barely accept it."

Unwoven trot came over and beat his shoulders angrily, "You're dead, you're dead, don't make it difficult, be full of expectations and be willing."

The bath towel, which was just tucked away, slackened in such a toss, and the whole face opened to Jingyu. All the while, the door was pushed open with a bang, accompanied by a wooden roar.

"Unwoven, you are not allowed..."

After the voice shouted halfway, he saw the unwoven naked figure, and changed to: "You are too shameful."

"They don't want to be like this!" Unwoven then hugged his body in shame, and angrily defended.

Obviously, the girl with black hair at the door could not be convinced.



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