Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 165: The restless girls

The test in the VR training room does not mean that the virtual gastrointestinal animals of stage three are summoned directly and let the testers try to see if they can knock it down. Instead, from the beginning of the phase, during the test, the strength of the tester is evaluated simultaneously.

This latter part is done by the super computer in charge of the VR training room. It will quantify the tester's strength, agility, and responsiveness. If there are any special abilities, they will be counted as one item and recorded.

Among them, some of the civilian police have used VR training rooms. In order to save time for the army, Unwoven screened them out, and planned to wait for others to test first, and then let them test...their existing data records will become the standard for evaluation at this stage.

As a result, the efficiency has improved a lot. When the evening came, the number of those who passed the test and already had data reached 200 groups. In the evening, the test will continue. Neither Woven nor Mu are planning to stay.

Instead of them, my director is right.

Unexpectedly, the words had this effect, and the two girls secretly laughed. They took the elevator to the first floor. In the lobby, I saw Jingyu who was chatting with the lady in the lobby... He also grabbed one hand and stroked it, making the woman blush.

"You said, are we doing too much for him, so much so that he is so busy doing things three times?" Mu more narrowed his eyes.

"We don't have any worries." Unwoven showed a very generous attitude. "The kind of woman who can be easily handled by him, he won't care about it at all... at most it is the degree of play." Zhizhi glanced at Mugen, "This is normal for a man. Such carelessness will make men feel annoying."

Mu looked back at her suspiciously, ‘would she be so kind, remind me? ’

"Hum..." Unwoven smiled with a black folding fan covering his lips. "Don't get me wrong, it's just because you've been internalized by him. We have no choice but to plan to form a united front with you at some point. As for If you want to cooperate with us, it’s up to you."

What does ‘sometimes’ mean, Mu Geng immediately understood it. I thought, ‘Really, joining forces with this cunning snake girl is the best way to stop others from approaching Jingyu. ’

However, "Okay, I also hope that "sometimes" you can cooperate with me." She said so.

Obviously, the two girls wanted to be the master and the other to be the second, not giving in to each other.

Jingyu actually saw them long ago and thought they would come over immediately. Who knows that they even talked about themselves. He laughed, let go of the lady in the lobby to pass the time, and walked towards them.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"My dean is below, Xiaojing, do you know?" Unwoven skillfully resolved his question. "He was instigated by our words, and he is happily supervising the police's test."

"Unwoven, you are too mean, and I obviously help." Mu even despised unwoven without telling the truth.

Jingyu ignored their quarrel and was curious about what they said. "Incitement? Let's listen."

He did know that my dean was below. After chatting with the lady in the lobby, while passing the time, he also heard a lot about what happened today and here.

The two girls looked at each other and Yuki said: "Before that, I hope you can forgive us and tell me the director of the Second Kanto War without permission."

"This, even if you don't say it now, he will know later that it's not a big deal, not forgiveness and blame." Jingyu shook his head. "To a certain extent, the secret that I opened to you also believes Do your judgement with confidence."

Unwoven and Mugen both smiled with relief. Although the two women work together, they seem to suffer a little. However, it is a lucky thing to have such a husband.

"We said that you might not be the head of the civilian police force. After he heard it, he seemed to be motivated." Unwoven Road.

Because Mu Geng used us in the previous sentence, she also used it this time. Of course, the situation of the two people is slightly different...Mu is unconscious.

Jingyu smiled, "It seems that he is obsessed with the nickname of the head of the army. He seems to want this achievement. However, in terms of his age, he really can’t do the police for a few years. Before leaving this industry, he wants to Once glorious, I can understand."

"Jingyu, do you want to give him the head of the army?" Mu even more surprised.

"It's not letting, but the police corps doesn't have a corps leader." Jingyu said with a smile: "Listening to you, I suddenly just want to set up a vice corps leader for the police corps. If he wants to be, he will give it to him."

Unwoven blinked his dark eyes twice, and understood what Jingyu meant. She smirked and said, "Xiaojing, you are too cunning. However, we like it very much." Arm around Jingyu's unilateral arm.

"Cunning is you!" Mu more pointed at the part where she and Jingyu stuck together, suppressing the volume and saying: "Quickly release him."

"You want to hug, you can hug, we will not stop you." Unwoven unmoved.

"I..." Mu even looked at Jingyu's arm and looked left and right, but he couldn't make it.

This is the lobby of Sima Heavy Industry, with people coming and going, no more than the office of Tiantong Civil Security Association. If it is such a closed space, two young girls fighting for jealousy, arms around a man is good to say. Here, she will be ashamed.

This is true even if it is a generous unwoven. If Mu Geng hugged Jingyu first, here she couldn't do it anymore and then hugged it. However, she just knew that Mu would not even hug. This was done to stimulate her on purpose.

Jingyu came here, not to stand here and talk to the two of them. He patted the unwoven hand, motioned her to let go, and said to both:

"Trainer has gone back to cooking, let's go back together."

"Xiaojing, let's go, but where do we live at night?" Unwoven asked after he let go of his arm with a smile.

Mu more secretly scolded her for being shameless and said unkindly: "You just sleep on the sofa in the living room."

"Ahra, is it?" Unwoven still smiled. "We might sleepwalk into a certain room."

"Then tie you up."

The girls are around Jingyu. While fighting, he walked out of Sima Heavy Industry's building. Under the steps, next to the black motorcycle, a Sima heavy industry guard was watching. After seeing the three people, especially the sinister air between the two girls, the guard jumped. Without waiting for the three to approach, they bowed away and left.

Jingyu rode on the motorcycle, and Mu Ken immediately took the back seat, demonstrating and watching Unwoven, indicating that there was no place for her.

However, she looked down on the unwoven bold. There are no familiar people at the left and right, and Unwoven suddenly fell into Jingyu's arms. After shrinking his small head to his chest and hiding, he flushed and urged:

"Xiaojing, go away."

Mu Geng was hit hard.



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