Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 149: Public appearance

Tina shot immediately, aiming at the top edge of the shield. Through this, she wants to force Jingyu to hide her eyes into the shield and create an advantage for Yanzhu's attack.

In Yanzhu's view, since Jingyu didn't have a gun, she just rushed over to fight him close. In doing so, it can also create a situation-if she goes around from the side to Jingyu's back, should Jingyu's shield defend her approach, or Tina's gun?

He will face a dilemma, and the shortcomings of this shield will be immediately exposed.

She did so, using the super-high speed of the rabbit-shaped starter, and walked sideways.

However, Jingyu clings to the shield and suddenly rushes in the direction of Tina. The heavy and violent power, like a crushed tank, terrified Tina. She couldn't care about shooting anymore, screamed, and hurried away to the rear.

"Hello, Tina, are you deliberately releasing water?" Yan Zhu stopped annoyed and shouted at her.

"Hu, nonsense." Tina also recovered, feeling ashamed of her performance. However, she argued: "That's really terrible, you try it yourself." She indicated to Jingyu that she would not shoot, and Yanzhu charged forward once.

‘What do you think this is! It gave me anger at this time. ’

Jingyu's forehead jumped out of the blue muscles, and he couldn't help crying or laughing. However, it is not necessarily a bad thing to let Yanzhu proud of his temperament taste a little setback. He turned his shield to Yanzhu and rushed towards her.

"The concubine is not afraid." Yan Zhu immediately met, and jumped up, intending to jump directly behind Jingyu. However, from the upper edge of the shield, a sharp sword pierced without warning with the cover of the shield at a tricky angle and swift speed.

Yan Zhu's face changed, and he quickly kicked the tip of the sword with the metal boot sole.

Jingyu is holding the shield forward. His weight, plus the weight of the shield, were all passed to Yanzhu by collision. When the girl bounced off the tip of the sword and jumped backwards, because of this force, she lost her balance and stepped back and forth a few steps.

After all, she had a good skill, and soon she managed to stand firm. However, a thick black shield had ran into his eyes.

Yanzhu closed his eyes nervously. The imaginary pain did not appear. After opening her eyes, she saw Jingyu's face.

"Don't underestimate me next time." He said to her, withdrawing the shield backwards... With such a backward movement, he still showed the extraordinary control of the shield, making the eyes of Ruoye, who was looking at it, more shiny.

The test seems to start again.

Tina, who walked to Yanzhu, felt Yanzhu's unhappiness and did not intentionally speak to stimulate her. In other words, if she did that, she would only laugh in fifty steps.

"Mr. Jingyu is so powerful that he can push me in the 98th place and you in the 300th place to such a degree. Miss Yanzhu, for our reputation, we have to cooperate well." She reminded and encouraged. Out of his own request.

"Hmm." Yan Zhu focused his head heavily.

In this way, the previous scene re-enacted. Yanzhu attacked sideways and Jingyu sprinted to Tina who was shooting with a machine gun. Tina stayed calm this time and continued to shoot with a gun while retreating. Yan Zhu finally came to Jingyu's back before she retreated to the wall.

At this time, the three are in a straight line. If you change to another person, you will be in a crisis position. However, Jingyu is different. When Yanzhu rushes into him like a rabbit, he can often push it back with a sword. His forward speed was not affected, and Tina had to flee to the side before being hit by him.

This gave Jingyu a chance. When Yanzhu rushed up again, he took a shield around the circle. Yanzhu passed by him, and Jingyu turned 360 degrees, facing the two girls again with a shield. He walked round and round, gradually protruding both of them to the front of the shield.

Everything seems to be back to the original point.

"That's wrong." Without meritorious service, Yan Zhu couldn't be angry, pointing at Ruo Yedao: "She simply can't do the sword you did."

This is a fact, and Ruo Ye cannot refute it. But Ruo Ye is not a person who easily loses.

"I can't do it now, it doesn't mean I can't do it in the future, I will practice." She somewhat understood Jingyu's strategy.

For single players, in terms of collision and defense, this shield is almost invincible. However, when the number of enemies is plural, without peer support, the seemingly insignificant sword in the right hand is increased to the same level as the shield.

No, maybe it matters.

Sword shield, sword in front, not just screaming.

Unwoven as a bystander looked even more surprised. She found that Jingyu, who ran back and forth and fought for several minutes, hadn't even disturbed her breathing. This is beyond the normal, almost bottomless physical strength, it is really terrible.

This girl's thinking is not as conservative as Mu Geng. She also thought of another point, if you go to bed with him, wouldn't it be tossed by him endlessly.

Unwoven was a little uncomfortable with this, she didn't know what she could support in front of his physical strength. If, as a wife, you cannot satisfy your husband—

"Unwoven, you really came."

Mu Geng's shout suddenly appeared at the door. She stared at the unwoven with her fierce eyes and walked into the training room.

Unwoven blinked his big eyes twice, covering his smirk with a folding fan.

She was thinking about something like this, ‘I can’t handle it, and you certainly can’t. ‘I don’t know why, she wanted to see what she would look like when Mu Geng was devastated by Jingyu in bed.


In the following week, the first three **** officers from the **** team were disqualified. Then, the new **** officer was selected from the key **** units of the police, including four women and six men.

The four women can ensure that Sheng Tianzi, who is a woman, has privacy. The strong image of men has a considerable effect on obstructing fanatic fans and journalists.

The **** team finally took shape again.

However, this time, Sheng Tianzi particularly emphasized discipline on these adult guards. Anyone who fails to comply will either leave now; if he stays but violates it later, he will be severely punished.

Among these disciplines, there is a special clause that should not discriminate against cursed children... This is a matter of course. The **** team is equivalent to Sheng Tianzi's personal soldiers, let alone others, they must understand and obey the prince's idea.

In the evening of the day, when people were off duty and showed the most leisure time on the busy day, three black cars were parked in a downtown area of ​​Tokyo. From inside the car, a black suit woman wearing sunglasses walked out. The obvious white after her was-

"Sir Son of Heaven?"

Someone shouted. Everyone who heard the sound far and near turned around and saw the beautiful girl.

Sheng Tianzi nodded slightly to the people around him, took two girls and a black female guard, and walked into the Chinese restaurant with "Feilong Pavilion". From another car, three men in black sunglasses walked down and blocked the door.

Another woman in black said to the gathered people: "Sovereign Son is going to have dinner here, there is nothing important, please do not disturb."

Having said that, after an hour, even the traffic police came, and did not evacuate the crowd.

Sheng Tianzi finally came out. The people became noisy and squeezed the reporters in the front row, snapping pictures. A microphone was passed through the wall of traffic policemen to the path of the Holy Son.

"Sir Son, please say at least one thing, why are you here for dinner."

Female reporter, the posture seems to be desperate.

Sheng Tianzi responded to her, "Listening to the introduction of my friend, the food here is very delicious, so I came to try it."

"The result?" The reporter asked again.

"I will come again." Sheng Tianzi got into the car.

After a day like this, in front of dozens of Flying Dragon Pavilions in the Tokyo area, there was a long queue waiting for meals...

That night, Jingyu spoke with Sheng Tianzi.

"Thank you for helping me advertise, by the way, I also have an underwear store, in..."

"You never want me to buy it!"



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