Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 148: transition

This day in the compound was really busy. After Sheng Tianzi left, another black Mercedes drove to the door. Walking out from the inside is Sima Weiwei wearing a pink printed kimono.

The steel gate of the compound opened, and a young maid ushered out a small cart as she had contacted beforehand. The driver of the Mercedes-Benz put a black box with a lot of weight on the cart. Unwoven walked into the compound with the maid.

In the black training ground of the compound, Wakaba is entangled with Jingyu.

"Hello, when are you going to test someone's arithmetic." She asked him, eager to show the results of her efforts for half a month to prove that her decision to join the fourth grade was correct.

"Wait a minute, there is something for you."

Jingyu sat cross-legged across from her, enjoying her unhappy expression. Now there are only two of them, and the other six children have returned to their respective classes after Sheng Tianzi left.

"Give me... something?" If Ye Ye apparently hadn't heard anyone mention it before, she looked at Jingyu suspiciously. "What is it?" She paused, thinking of a possibility, and smiled proudly. "First of all, it's not so easy to buy me up."

"What do you feel proud of?" Jingyu gave her a white look. "It has something to do with your future way...I want to build an organization, not to eliminate the gastrointestinal animals and protect humans..."

Ruo Ye shouted, "I certainly don't want to protect human beings anymore, all of them are..."

She was watched by Jingyu with calm eyes. She always felt that it was very majestic, and her voice became smaller and smaller unconsciously.

"Just like you, there may be some other cursed children who are treated unfairly when I don’t know. My energy and time are limited and I can’t use them all for cursed children. And I can’t count on the ordinary Humans all help the cursed child. So,"

He looked at Ruo Ye seriously, and the latter also felt a mission and straightened his posture.

"...I hope this organization can be composed of completely cursed children. It will be everywhere in the world. Where there is a cursed child, there will be its existence. Anyone who hits bad ideas on cursed children Human beings will all receive the most direct punishment from the organization."

Jingyu raised her finger to Ruoye, "Have you heard clearly? In the future, I will not protect you, but you will protect your own compatriots. Do you have the courage to take responsibility?"

The excited Wakaba was asked. Indeed, she has the courage to fight and fight, which has always existed in the past. However, in the past, she never involved other cursed children in her own struggle.

This is different.

Her courage rests only on herself, not enough to cover all of the cursed child.

Looking at his black eyes, she gradually understood what kind of answer he wanted to hear. If Ye lowered her head that would be proud only when facing "human beings", she even put her forehead on the floor.

"Consult me, what should I do."

Jingyu's hand covered her head instead, stroking gently.

"The initial rules will be set by me. When you reach the age of judging the truth of things, I think the organization will also have a certain scale. At that time, you will modify them according to the actual situation of the world."

The so-called'early stage' is actually recognized by Jingyu as the present chaotic period. Law is not so effective in times of war. Well, just use violence to control violence, even if it is called a terrorist organization.

Wait until the world is completely peaceful before transforming the organization.

After this day, Jingyu also divided the cursed children into two parts. One part is for the protection of the whole world, and it exists for antigen gut animals; the other part is for the protection of the existence of the cursed child, against human beings.

The door of the training room opened at this time, "Ah, Jingyu, we brought something." Unwoven waved in and walked in.

Behind her, she is no longer a maid. Yanzhu and Tina, who met halfway, launched their abilities and carried the box behind her.

"Jingyu, what's inside, so heavy." Yan Zhu asked curiously.

She and Tina placed the box a few steps away from Jingyu. "Just said, don't tell others." Jingyu whispered to Ruoye, then the volume turned to normal, "Let's take a look, the box is the weapon for you. "

"Hey..." Unexpectedly, "thing" would be this, and Wakaba, who had never had a specific weapon, could not help expecting it.

Unknitted the password of the box, with a click, the box lid opened under the watch of several people, revealing one—

"Shield?" Tina murmured.

Yes, lying flat in the box is a black shield. It shimmers with metallic luster, looks 120 cm long, cross-shaped, the vertical part is one foot wide, and the horizontal cross part is 50 cm.

If it is used by Ruo Ye, even if it is exaggerated, it is not an exaggeration to hide her body behind the shield.

"No!" The unwoven hand clings to the black folding fan and gently shakes it from side to side. "Correctly speaking, it is a sword shield. Look, doesn't it have a sword handle on its head."

"Ah, really." Yanzhu lowered his head to the side, "But, even if it is, if Ye can really use it?"

One of the principles of fighting gastroent animals is to make yourself as agile as possible to avoid all attacks of gastrointestinal animals and then fight back. If you can’t do it, use the second principle. You have to be sharper than the attack of gastrointestinal animals...however you hit it, you can just hit it... usually, the child of the curse can’t do the latter.

Questions about Yanzhu are unsolved. She just made a solid shield that could reach the tank shell without breaking according to Jingyu's request. This directly resulted in the total weight of the sword shield reaching 60 kg. Even if it is a child of curse, it is a burden to use it for a long time.

Moreover, it is simply impossible for ordinary humans to use it. In other words, this shield was unsuccessful as a commodity.

Unwoven, Yanzhu and Tina looked at Jingyu puzzledly. Only Wakaba, after hearing what he just said, thoughtfully.

Jingyu smiled and lifted the shield with one hand under the surprised gaze of the four girls. Behind it, there are two lock rings that are sufficient to help the user grasp firmly. Jingyu's arm penetrated one, and then grasped the other, and held it firmly in front of him with his left hand.

"Wow..." Unwoven hands covered the red and hot cheeks, "Xiaojing, you are great."

She looked like she was in heat. I'm afraid Jingyu said that if she was to be taken to bed, she would answer it on the spot.

However, this is not the time to do that kind of thing.

"Yanzhu and Tina, let's test the effect of the next shield battle. I also show how to use the sword shield for Wakaba."

"Ah, did Mr. Jingyu find us because of this?" Tina reacted.

"Yes, Tina, you can take my gun position instead of my usual position and support Yanzhu." Jingyu instructed.

"I know." Tina shot at Jingyu with a Gatling heavy machine gun, so he could be fine, and now ordinary machine guns are naturally okay... Tina has no doubt about the test.

But Yan Zhu's expression was a bit unnatural. Her partner is in front of her, and his strength also makes her happy. But isn't it that you are now lagging behind and become yourself? She looked slightly depressed.

Such emotions are fleeting. In the end, she is strong, adjusts her mood, and encourages herself, ‘someday someone will awaken the field and become his real help. ’

The two girls stood 10 meters across from Jingyu, and the unwoven and Ruoye hid in the bulletproof glass room of the training room.

The battle is about to begin, Jingyu draws a black sword from above the shield. It looks very sharp and is 100 cm long.

Jingyu lifted the shield in front of him. He lunged and hid behind the shield. Tina, who was aiming with a machine gun, was troubled. Now, all she can see is Jingyu's upper eyebrows and footsteps... Tina's height and the lower edge of the shield create a diagonal line. Unless she lowered her body, she could not see half of his lower leg, which should not have been covered.

Jingyu tapped the shield with the blade of the sword, making a crisp metal crash.

This is the signal of the start of the battle.



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