Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 150: Noble bait, the beginning of another war

Muroto Saori also followed the principles of sleeping and waking up naturally. After she got up, she drank a cup of refreshing coffee with the characteristics of sixteen nights and sat on the sofa in the living room to watch the news.

"...For the reason why Sheng Tianzi has appeared in many public places recently, Xiang Zi will discuss with three guests..."

Violet was not interested in this and changed the TV station.

However, on the new TV station, such news. The female field reporter looked at her wrist, "We noticed that it is ten o'clock in the morning, and it is not lunch time. However, there is already a long queue outside the Flying Dragon Pavilion behind me. Now, Let me ask about the reasons why everyone is here to eat."

The female reporter went to the queue, preparing to interview passers-by, and he changed the TV station.

"Sir Emperor Sheng Tianzi's unusual behavior, there are rumors that it has to do with the assistant assistant of Kikunojo recently on sick leave. This may mark..."

The corner of the **** twitched, turning off the TV.

Just then, a slight and familiar motorcycle sound came into the ear. Vio frowned displeasurely, but she felt that there was no need to go down to the basement in order to avoid the man... because even if he did that, if he came to her, he would certainly follow. Moreover, in that private space, it can even arouse his criminal desire.

Still good here.

The motorcycle stopped outside the house. Sixteen nights opened the door for the man, and three people came in.

"Dr. Hello," Tina greeted politely.

"Violet, the fairy field you made for Tina, is it done?" Jingyu seemed very casual.

"Don't look at who you are talking to? The guy Ann can do, I have no reason to do it... Of course it is done. Sixteen nights, you can help Tina take it out." Later, instructions were issued.

In the 16th night, he got out of the basement and took out four balls, including the fairy fairy that Jingyu destroyed at the time.

Tina's face showed a happy look.

"Doctor, can I try?" she said to Pansy carefully.

In the future, the maintenance of Sianfeld will depend on this woman, and she does not want to offend her.

Violet nodded.

Tina started Sinfield skillfully. Relying on the manipulation of the mind, they quickly hovered and danced over her head. She closed her eyes and felt the message from Sinfeld into her brain. After opening my eyes, I made a comparison and finally let go of my heart completely.

"Thank you, doctor, they are exactly the same as before."

Tina put away all four balls. I don't know where she was hiding, she couldn't see at all.

After this matter is completed, Jingyu intends to leave. I even asked if I would go out shopping together for the next sixteen nights.

Sixteen nights glanced at Tina and shook her head slightly. Tina gave a grateful look at Sixteen Nights. "Wait." Violet stopped Jingyu.

Jingyu looked back and looked at her strangely. "Aren't you going together?"

The strong sense of humiliation that was misunderstood made him have an urge to take the slippers under his feet and throw them at him. But that's a little coquettish like a little woman, she won't do that. After reluctantly enduring, instead of looking at his annoying face, he only said:

"I want to ask, what did you instill in the little princess?"

"Do you think it's good?" Jingyu didn't answer the question.

"She often goes out like this, and can create an image of being close to the people. However, the inviolable effect of that beauty before will probably disappear soon. Some people who are attracted to her looks alone will wake up. Maybe they will From supporting her to turning against her."

Violet analyzed it with nothing to do with himself. The conclusion is that I don't care.

After listening to her, Jingyu laughed.

"Actually, you also ignored the details. The important thing is not where and how many times the Son of Son went, but who she took with him. When people pay attention to the gorgeous princess, they ignore the others. . Then, that'other' will unconsciously become a matter of course."

Violet expresses her consternation, and shows that she can almost be regarded as an unforgettable brain, recalling the news recently seen, "You didn't want to change her political line, but for the four little girls... It’s really hard for the princess to agree to your exaggerated bait plan."

"Yeah, she paid a lot for this matter. Shuangzi they are also very satisfied with her."

Jingyu smiled and sighed, and took Tina out.

‘No, it’s not the four children she really paid for, but you. Compared to those four children, who won your heart, she will be able to sit firmly in the position of the Son of Heaven and ensure the prosperity of the Tokyo area. ’

He looked at Jingyu's back and thought so: If the Holy Son had planned to do this, it was really scary.

Jingyu couldn't miss the little communication between Tsina Ye and Tina. Directly drive the motorcycle to the bustling area of ​​Tokyo area. After parking the car, walk with Tina to walk. He successively bought dresses, headdresses, and cashmere toys like little pigs for Tina.

Carrying several shopping bags, Jingyu and Tina stood at a crossroad again, waiting for the green light to pass. Directly opposite, there is an advertising screen that is now broadcasting news. A female location reporter stood in an obvious crime scene and said in a heavy tone:

"The Tokyo Regional Branch Minister of the Curse of Doctrine Abolition Movement was attacked and killed last night. According to eyewitnesses, the prisoner is a cursed child with red eyes, and the police are now stepping up their investigations."

The news was transferred from the location to the broadcasting room, and the chairman of the organization that described the abolition of the household registration campaign expressed strong condemnation of such brutal atrocities.

Jingyu snorted. Taking away the household registration of the cursed children will mean that the cursed children are not protected by the law. Even if it was killed or treated, it would not violate the law. Is this behavior more civilized than murder?

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a coldness began to appear on his body. Tina, who stood beside him and also heard the news, clasped her arms nervously.

"Mr. Jingyu." She whispered to him.

Jingyu recovered, "I'm fine." He stroked Tina's hair and took her to the opposite side.



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