Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 147: Holy Prince's Courtyard

On the steps in front of the teaching building, surrounded by children, Sheng Tianzi saw Jingyu coming. She stood up from the seat, folded her hands on her abdomen, and greeted him.

"Mr. Jingyu, this is such a great place." She praised him. "I saw your protection from the pure smiles of the children."

Recently, the news that the cursed son is going to become a defender has been informed by some senior officials. Suddenly, people who had such an influence on Sheng Tianzi were also investigated in secret. Then, some people began to suggest some conjectures to Sheng Tianzi:

‘That person can train the cursed child as a guard for you. Maybe he violated international law and secretly trained more cursed children for military use. He might take away your power. ’

Now, Sheng Tianzi can fight back clearly: that is nonsense.

Phyllis clapped her hands, "Spread, children, let Master Jingyu talk to Lord Sheng Tianzi, we should go back to the classroom."

"Yes--" The children dragged the children's voice neatly, "Mother Dean."

Then walk towards each class in an orderly manner.

In the process, Jingyu, Sheng Tianzi and Mu Geng all watched them quietly with a smile. After the scene was completely quiet, Jingyu said to Sheng Tianzi:

"This is a piece of pure land, but this world is not clean. They will also grow up. When they walk out of this place one day, they will see whether it is still a dirty world, or a world that has been purified... depends on You have worked hard."

Sheng Tianzi smiled bitterly, "If you say that, I'm so stressed."

Her long-cherished wishes so far have only unified the five regions and restored the country name of Japan.

"There is pressure to be motivated." Jingyu gestured, and generally walked with Sheng Tianzi to the side of the teaching building. "This one next to me is Tian Tongmu, and you have seen the last mission briefing. Face."

"Hello, hello." Unexpectedly Jingyu mentioned himself suddenly, Mu more greeted Sheng Tianzi more restrainedly.

"Miss Mugen is also a part-time teacher here?" Sheng Tianzi asked curiously.

The two young girls accompanied by Jingyu from left to right have a miserable appearance. One wore a white dress like a wedding dress; the other changed back to the sailor suit he often wore, but it was black.

"I teach Kendo." Mu straightened his chest.

Sheng Tianzi blinked his ice-blue eyes twice, "So, what does Mr. Jingyu think it is my words, what can he teach?"

I don't know why, she felt a little confrontation from Mu Geng, so she couldn't help asking.

"...You teach children the etiquette of ladies, I think it should be good." Jingyu said with a smile.

"Anyway, people are just not ladies anymore." Mu Keng next to him slapped him with his elbow and muttered in a low voice. Before Sheng Tianzi answered, she said: "Jingyu, you can't make Sheng Tianzi embarrassed. She is so busy that she doesn't have time to go to school, how can she come here to teach."

When she mentioned this, Jingyu also remembered that Sheng Tianzi looked like Mu Geng, who was also a student of Meihe Women's College. However, he really could not imagine what it would look like if Sheng Tianzi put on a black sailor suit.

In fact, Sheng Tianzi has never been to that school once.

"Miss Mugen, please don't say that. I can't take the time to go to class, it's just my personal affair. But coming here to be a teacher is good for the children. I will try to take the time as I can," said Sheng Tianzi. Jingyu, "Please also ask Mr. Jingyu to help arrange."

"Sir Son of Heaven means, do you think of teaching as a political activity?" Mu was even more concerned about the language of Saint Child. "I didn't say that." Sheng Tianzi argued sternly: "Miss Mugen can use this as a charity event. I think Mr. Jingyu does not ask for return It is also a kind of public welfare to develop such facilities as the "yard"."

Mu even felt a little uncomfortable with this answer. It is as if Sheng Tianzi is about to penetrate his hand into Jingyu's sphere of influence... She herself, who had never been to this compound before, or to other charity facilities, had this layer of concerns.

They were built by Jingyu in one hand, and he deserves the highest respect of the children.

When Mu Geng planned to say so, Jingyu turned her head and looked at her. Those black eyes are so clear that even Mu's fighting spirit is diluted.

Well, this is him, her future man's decision. As a woman, she respects him.

Sheng Tianzi didn't understand why Mugen suddenly stopped talking. She didn't even notice what she meant to Mu just now. Even if she actually did not want to admit defeat in front of Mu Geng.

"The black building with smooth walls in front is the training ground for the cursed children. I trained ten children, but in the battle to regain the box not long ago, several other cursed children joined the compound...they One of them also came back here for training."

Jingyu was introduced brightly and he also attracted the spirit of Sheng Tianzi. The atmosphere of the three returned to normal. Under the guidance of Jingyu, including Mu Geng, the two girls set foot in the space for the first time.

Eleven girls in T-shirts and leggings lined up nervously when they saw them walking in. Six of them stared at Sheng Tianzi and Mu Geng with blinking eyes... apparently I heard the other four girls talk about them.

As for the last one, which was just mentioned by Jingyu, the child who entered the compound during the battle for recapture of the box, Wakaba-she proudly raised her chin and stared at Jingyu with a provocative eye. It seems to be saying to him:

"I'm ready, you come here."

Jingyu smiled secretly.

"Hello everyone." Sheng Tianzi smiled and greeted the children generously.

In comparison, Mu Geng still behaved a bit cautiously. And annoyed that he slowed down the Holy Son.

"Mr. Jingyu, can you please bring those four children over?" Sheng Tianzi asked Jingyu: "I want to ask them one thing."

Jingyu nodded to Shuangzi and Jingya. The four girls looked at each other and walked in front of Sheng Tianzi.

"I was really sorry last time." Sheng Tianzi said to them warmly: "If you are not disappointed with me, I hope you can be a guest in the Holy Place for a few days."

After stunned for a while, the four children showed surprise expressions. However, before answering, they still looked at Jingyu.

Obviously, they did not really understand the intention of the Holy Son. However, Jingyu will do.

He nodded in encouragement.

"Please, please advise." The children bowed to the Holy Son.

The purpose of Sheng Tianzi's trip was achieved. Soon after, he brought four children to the gate. There were a few black cars waiting. One of them is the extended Lincoln she often uses.

To greet the children to sit in first, she mentioned one thing to Jingyu who stood by the car door and delivered her casually.

"Yesterday, Mr. Ju Zhicheng asked me for leave. He seemed to be careless, sprained his arm and was receiving treatment."



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