Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 128: Enjoy life

go to eat?

Unexpectedly, for this reason, he would almost kidnap him out of the holy place... Sheng Tianzi was really dumbfounded. However, after he mentioned that he did not eat lunch, she did not know why and became obedient.

Facing the side with no one on the side, the cap was removed and the helmet was quickly put on again. After looking at the locomotive, as a lady, she did not have the habit of riding on both legs. She chose to sit on the side.

Jingyu's locomotive is a racing type, and the rear seat has an upward tilt. Sheng Tianzi's chest inevitably touched his back forward. The girl bounced off immediately like an electric shock.

"Have you caught it?" Jingyu said to her back: "If I speed up, I will fall you down."

"Then, then drive slowly." Sheng Tianzi said rightfully.

Jingyu snorted, "Why do I buy this type if I ride to drive slowly? Hurry up!"

Sheng Tianzi was helpless, two small hands clasped the clothes on both sides of his waist, "Okay."

Jingyu didn't fault her. However, he immediately turned the **** on the locomotive's head, and the locomotive made a tuk-tuk sound and rushed forward.

Sheng Tianzi's body leaned back by inertia. That scared her. When she sensed it, she already had her hands clasped around his waist, her chest tightly against his back.

She really wanted to let go when he heard his happy and proud laughter. But he kept accelerating, and the wind running down that shoulder tended to push her back... Sheng Tianzi had to hug tightly, curling himself completely under his back.

Wearing a helmet, no one saw her face all red.

Unbelievable, to what extent did he increase the speed. Sheng Tianzi glanced to the side, only to see a car driving in the same direction, and was thrown behind Laoyuan with a swish.

"Come on slower." She yelled through her helmet with a pleading voice, "I, I will catch it."

This seemingly inconsistent before and after statement means that she has given up.

Jingyu really slowed down the speed. Sheng Tianzi got free, unwillingly vacated a hand, thumped his back, ‘you guy, you guy...’ She gritted her teeth and said every time she hit.

Although it is easy to raise the speed of the locomotive to the limit, it will still cause trouble in this city. Soon after Jingyu lowered his speed, a patrol police car caught up.

"The motorcycle in front, stop immediately!" The policewoman's voice came through the loudspeaker.

Jingyu laughed. Because Sheng Tianzi ran out, he could not help but tighten his clothes nervously.

"Why, what should I do?" she whispered, "being guilty."

"It's okay, acquaintances." Jingyu said casually while stopping the motorcycle.

After the patrol police car came up, the female police officer who got off the car, the first sentence was: "It really is you again!"

"Yo, Mami sauce, it's been a long time." Jingyu supported the locomotive on one leg and waved at the policewoman.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I gave you a ticket two days ago." The policewoman with short hair and light makeup glared at him angrily. In his hand, he quickly took out a small book, scribbled down something, and handed it to him, "Remember to pay the fine on time."

When Jingyu went to take the ticket, she took the opportunity to squeeze her little hand, "Now, when will you be free next time, and go out to play together." He blinked at her ambiguously and rubbed his fingers gently. The back of her hand.

Asami blushed and withdrew her hand violently, coughing, "Mocking the policewoman on duty and adding a ticket."

She really issued another ticket.

This time, I was afraid that he would hold his hands without skin and face, and just folded it and threw it to him. Without waiting for his reply, he turned and walked towards the patrol car still flashing warning lights.

"Want to ask me again, I have to wait for you not to run a red light for a month."

Leave such a sentence.

"It's difficult! However, I will work hard." Jingyu smiled and waved the ticket to Mami who was sitting in the patrol car. Mami smiled with her lips curled.

"It depends on your performance," she said.

The patrol car drove away, and Jingyu also planned to start the motorcycle to leave. Sheng Tianzi, who was afraid to draw his attention to himself and kept silent, patted his shoulder gently.

"Your communication range is really wide."

She spoke ironically, apparently seeing that Jingyu had an unusual relationship with the policewoman.

"Don't just look at the surface, Mami hasn't been filthy, didn't I just get two tickets?" Jingyu handed one of them to Sheng Tianzi's eyes, "Well, the numbers above are scary enough. ." Sheng Tianzi's eyes widened indeed, "3...300,000? How could it be so high?"

"Because I'm a policeman, I can't revoke my license. However, every time I run through a red light, the fine will be higher than the last time. By the way, this is this year's share, two days ago it was 25 Million."

"Then why do you have to run a red light." Sheng Tianzi blamed, "just like before, there is no need at all."

Jingyu turned back and looked at her chest.

"Do, what to do." She crossed her hand somewhat, blocking his gaze.

"300,000, it's still worth it." He turned his head with a smile.

Behind, the shy girl who realized the meaning of the words, thumped him, "Dirty!"

In fact, she was a little curious. What was the 250,000 worth of things? But she was embarrassed to ask.

At this time, the locomotive had already driven out of the first district where the holy residence was located. The surrounding buildings are arranged relatively closely. As night fell, the brightly lit streets were full of people who got off work. After free time, people walking around.

After Jingyu parked the locomotive on the parking apron, he pulled the Holy Son who put on the peaked cap and joined the crowd.

"How? I haven't experienced walking on the street like this." He noticed that the girl was looking at the streets of the street from under the brim, and said with a smile: "This is the city under your rule. Street, you are not an ancient king, treat yourself differently from the people, and do not walk on the street yourself."

Sheng Tianzi looked up at him, chewing his words, and nodded in agreement. However, she smiled bitterly again.

"That's what you said, and brought me out like this. Mr. Ju Zhicheng, and everyone, don't think so."

Sheng Tianzi is a symbol of nobility, people generally think so. She herself thinks that she is only elected by the people to do her best for the people. However, it was this recognition that made her unwilling to go against the wishes of the people, which caused her to appear to be in the status quo.

Is there any way to help myself reverse this contradiction?

She looked at Jingyu with the look of expectation.

Jingyu smiled and pointed towards the front, "We are here to eat today, don't think about it so much."

And walked over there first.

Sheng Tianzi looked at the tall three-story Chinese-style ancient building, and the plaque was written with the words "Feilong Pavilion" in three characters.

"Is it Chinese food?" Sheng Tianzi murmured and followed him.

The two approached. It can be seen that under the two red lanterns at the door, there are four tall women wearing cheongsam. When ordinary guests pass by, they at most make gestures with their hands. However, after seeing Jingyu, one of them greeted him.

"Master Jingyu, according to your instructions, the box is prepared between the "lan", and I will serve you."

Jingyu nodded, and the woman walked sideways, leading by half a step ahead. Three people went to the third floor. After arriving here, you can see that there are four rooms with wooden signs with Chinese characters such as'Mei Lan Zhu Ju'.

The woman took off the wooden sign in the room "Lan" and pushed open two closed wooden doors with paper windows.

Jingyu walked in and instructed: "It's time for meals, we are all hungry."

"Yes." The woman didn't ask much, and after pouring the already made tea for each of them, she quit the room.

"You take off your hat, she won't reveal it." Jingyu saw Sheng Tianzi still wearing a cap and smiled.

Sheng Tianzi raised his small head and blinked his big eyes twice, "Could it be that this is your secret stronghold?"

I guess this is because of the dragon characters in the Flying Dragon Pavilion.

"The secret can really think of it." Jingyu shook his head. "I just felt that the "Chinese cuisine" in the Tokyo area was not suitable for me. The Chinese cuisine in the impression has just been promoted."

Jingyu picked up an electronic a la carte tablet on the table. Without him, there is a map on the first side. He showed it to Holy Son, there were dozens of red dots on it, spreading across the thirty districts from the first district.

‘This, is this just a promotion? "The Holy Son thought in amazement." It can be seen from the map that no matter where he goes, he can quickly find a Flying Dragon Pavilion and eat Chinese food that he is satisfied with.

Suddenly, a sentence Jingyu said entered the mind of Sheng Tianzi.

‘No one in this world can enjoy life better than me. ’

He can pay 300,000 fines for an indecent matter; he can build restaurants all over Tokyo for appetite... Sheng Tianzi doesn't know what he has done. But, I'm afraid that sentence is true.



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