Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 127: Take the Holy Son out

Sheng Tianzi took off his skirt for a while, hesitating whether to put on the underwear he chose.

In the end, she looked at the door and comforted herself. Anyway, he couldn't see even if he went in. Why not give it a try.

It was just such a try that made her frustrated in shame, and she fits perfectly.

Where did he learn about her size?

After struggling for a while, thinking that he claimed to be able to command Qingmei, the suspected object of Sheng Tianzi was placed on the female secretary. She thought to herself that Qingmei must be particularly advised, and she must never disclose anything to him.

After a quarter of an hour, Jingyu could not wait for Sheng Tianzi to come out. Even if he knew that it was troublesome for girls to put on and take off their clothes, they still knocked on the door impatiently.

"If I don't come out again, I'll go in." He deliberately scared her and heard the girl's frantic exclaim.

Three minutes later, Sheng Tianzi walked out of the bathroom with a blush.

It is already summer at this time. What Jingyu chose for Sheng Tianzi was the summer dress in time. Transparent women's sandals, with a five-centimeter heel; seven-cent-length jeans, revealing her small white leg. Further up, there is no white slim shirt with any special features.

Seeing this, Jingyu approached her, reaching for the hem of the shirt hanging down her belly, and said:

"This dress should be worn like this."

"You, what are you doing." Sheng Tianzi shoved him shyly, "You stop, I'm going to be angry."

As a result, she was forced to untie the bottom two buttons by Jingyu, exposing a small piece of her belly. Then pull up the two corners of the shirt and record it above the navel.

"I don't want to be like this, I'm ashamed." The girl looked at it and turned away, trying to untie it.

"Don't you always show your shoulders? It's just the navel." Jingyu looked at her round hips, slightly curling her lips.

"Just not there!"

She unexpectedly has stubbornness.

Take the last black cap left in the bag and take it to her little head. Let her adjust the shirt to cover the umbilicus, Jingyu said:

"If we are ready, we are going to go."

Holy Son looked back and saw him open the window. She stayed for a while, "Are you going to look out the window? This is the third floor."

"How about the third floor? If you go down, you can be safe even if you are yourself." Jingyu pointed to the curtains. "Tear them into cloth strips and tie them into strong ropes. Then, of course, I Not like that. The purpose of tonight is to prevent you from being found out."

Sheng Tianzi looked at him fixedly, "Well, it's all yours."

"So," Jingyu made a gentleman's invitation to dance, "My Princess."

"It's not yours, nor the princess." Sheng Tianzi muttered and put his hand on his.

Although unwilling to admit, at this moment, she is feeling a little heartbeat for the adventure tonight. But the next moment, she exclaimed.

"What are you doing?"

Because he even embraced her horizontally.

He just smiled and said nothing. Ignoring her shoving, hugged her to the bed, stepped on the window sill and jumped down.

Sheng Tianzi almost groaned. Close his eyes tightly and shrink into his arms. Then I found that nothing happened. After she opened her eyes, she was indeed outside the window on the first floor.

Realizing that she might have done a wonderful part, she was somewhat sorry.

He scraped her small nose. "The next time I take you out, you can look at your eyes wide."

"Me, I won't be fooling around with you all the time." Sheng Tianzi himself knew that this resistance was too weak.

Behind him, carefully avoided the surveillance camera in the holy courtyard. The two came to a wall with a height of three meters. He turned to God and looked at her with a smile... Sheng Tianzi scolded him cunningly in his heart, unwillingly, turning his head away with blushing.

He hugged her up again, jumped high and jumped out, struck an arc and landed on the ground.

This time, the Son of Heaven was all in his eyes. She realized that when she came back, she might still be hugged twice.

Now, we can only ignore this shameful fact.

Put down by him, Sheng Tianzi stepped on the ground with his feet. It was really like that, that it gave her a kind of untruth. I remember when she was a child, when her mother was still in power, she looked out of the window with longing. Thinking if you are just an ordinary child, are you already playing with your friends?

After all, this dream was not realized. She has grown to the age of 16 now and has no friends.

Sheng Tianzi stood quietly. Jingyu patted her on the shoulder before calling her back to God.

"Tonight, you are not the Holy Son." He smiled and stretched his arms in front of her. "I will give you an identity and be my girlfriend. Well, give you a name,'daisy', how? kind?"

"Why do I have to be your girlfriend?" Sheng Tianzi patted his arm and walked forward. "And, I also have my own name."

"What is it?" Jingyu asked immediately.

"Yes..." Sheng Tianzi almost said, "I won't tell you!"

"...Sure enough it's daisy."



Not far from the Holy Place, I saw Jingyu, the black motorcycle that seemed to have been placed here. However, it was about the owner's absence for a long time, and there were three young men who were dressed up as bad guys, playing around with motorcycles.

Moreover, after Jingyu and Sheng Tianzi walked to the neighborhood, they had no intention of avoiding it. It looked as if it was one of them, whose motorcycle was broken. Friends were helping him repair it.

Probably for this reason, there were also many people passing by, and no one stepped forward to stop.

"Hey, that's my car." Jingyu shouted.

Sheng Tianzi pulled his sleeve, although he didn't say a word, he wanted his sympathetic heart to show no doubt.

"What's yours, can't you see it?" The young people looked at their faces here, and looked at Jingyu's face with some bad intentions. When he saw behind him, he deliberately lowered the brim and covered most of his face.

"This kid not only has a good car, but also a beautiful girlfriend." One of them said sourly.

"Hugh nonsense!" Sheng Tianzi scolded, "I am not his girlfriend."

I do not know whether it is the effect of serious grammar, or her voice contains that kind of majesty, it really shocked the youth for a moment. But her speech lifted her small head.

"Ah, this sound is familiar, and that face is..."

Seeing the little bastards, it seemed that they would recognize the Holy Son, and Jingyu also started. Booming three times, the little **** bowed to the ground.

Sheng Tianzi witnessed Jingyu fighting for the first time. She always felt that the action was full of violence, but it was very beautiful. It's a good idea to give her a little more look.

Jingyu opened the lock of the motorcycle, and after confirming that the car was not damaged by the three, he opened it to Sheng Tianzi who was still standing in the distance. Put the helmet in her hand and instruct:

"Go back, you can."

Sheng Tianzi glanced at the helmet, and looked out from above, and asked, "Where do you want to take me?"

"Eating!" Jingyu patted his stomach. "I haven't eaten since noon."



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