Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 129: Convince the Holy Son

In the room "Lan", there was a screen behind the door that blocked the central table. After the cheongsam woman explained to the kitchen downstairs, she kept waiting outside the door. After five minutes, the man with the tray delivering food came outside the room.

The cheongsam woman lightly knocked on the door, and after opening, began to put in trays one by one. Soon, ten hot dishes, including a pot of thick soup, were placed on the Eight Immortals table.

The cheongsam woman served rice for Jingyu, her hands folded on her abdomen, standing gracefully behind his back. Although she was also a little surprised when she took off her hat, she did not show any extra attention... This finally relieved Sheng Tianzi.

However, there is another embarrassment before the Holy Son.

The opposite Jingyu is already enjoying herself without any scruples. The aroma of the dish also increased her saliva secretion. However, the long-standing concept imprisoned her, making her unable to reach the dishes with chopsticks.

Especially those dishes, I don’t know if he deliberately, they all look greasy. For example, she can also call her braised pork, plum dumplings, and twice-cooked pork... Sheng Tianzi can fully predict that the nutritional balance she has always maintained after eating it is definitely going to collapse.

But without eating...coo, her stomach suddenly cried. Sheng Tianzi quickly hugged his abdomen and bent down.

Liu Hai blocked her face. But those exquisite little ears with temples, red drops, are lovely.

Jingyu laughed, holding a piece of boiled beef and putting it on her rice.

"Hurry up. Otherwise, I will laugh next time."

Sheng Tianzi raised his head, as if being bullied, and glared at him with tears, "You are so annoying." She slammed the beef slices into her mouth with some self-confidence and sucked her nose, her eyes lit up. ,"Delicious."

"Right, these are the home-cooked dishes that I specially choose." Jingyu said proudly: "The more common this kind of food, the more it feels like living... well, ordinary people also eat this What."

The last sentence seems to work. That is implying that the Holy Son, what the people eat, what you do if you choose not to eat. Sheng Tianzi's eyes swept on the table, and he extended his chopsticks towards the boiled beef.

Jingyu gestured to the cheongsam woman, and she sandwiched different dishes into the small bowl beside Sheng Tianzi and introduced Sheng Tianzi. Among them, the average order rate of these dishes is also included. Sheng Tianzi gradually eaten with relish.

On the way, she asked the cheongsam woman curiously: "Why, you won't be surprised that I'm here."

"It's strange." The cheongsam woman replied with a big sister-like smile and a mature tone: "However, you are brought by Master Jingyu, I always feel understandable."

Finally, she blinked her eyes ambiguously.

That made Sheng Tianzi nervous again, and hurriedly argued: "I, I was just brought by his toughness, not that kind of relationship."

"Yes... yes, I know." The cheongsam woman still answered with a smile.

Jingyu also laughed, feeling that Sheng Tianzi was suffering some kind of shame, stretched his feet under the table, and stepped on him. However, she quickly whispered, and did not know what was going on...

I ate this meal for half an hour. The two of them finished ten dishes. Of course, most of them were eaten by Jingyu.

After the meal, Sheng Tianzi worried that he would not be noticed by the people in the holy dwelling, but wanted to go back. In other words, she thought Jingyu would take her back immediately. However, after the cheongsam woman cleaned up the table, she served new tea for the two.

"Now, talk about what I want to say when I go to you at noon today." Jingyu said lightly after taking a sip of tea.

Since there is a right thing, Sheng Tianzi suppressed the anxiety in his heart, "Please say."

She cares a little bit, the cheongsam woman did not leave the room. Jingyu cannot fail to notice. His master trusted the woman, and her guest did not ask extra.

"I met the killer." Jingyu said.

"You mean, the extent of the talk?" Sheng Tianzi said carefully.

Jingyu nodded, "That child is hired. However, she cannot easily give up this task herself. For her safety considerations, I plan to cooperate with her to create an incident..." He paused, his eyes flashed. A ray of light made the heart of Sheng Tianzi jump.

Can't listen, the next thing must be crazy. However, she was attracted by the eye and forgot to speak.

"It’s not the information I got from her, but I judge that the client is Qi Wuxuanzong. Of course, considering your way of doing things, I won’t kill him. However, give appropriate warning, or let him Don’t be too arrogant...I think it should be done."

After thinking for a while, Sheng Tianzi asked, "Do you want me to do anything?"

She knew she couldn't stop him. Now that he has said that he will not involve the Tokyo area in danger like war, then she will let him go.

"Smart!" Jingyu praised her with her inorganic texture. "I want you to think about how to use my secretly planned events before the next meeting to make Qi Wu Xuanzong attach importance to you and the Tokyo area. ."

"You mean, let him think that I ordered it." Sheng Tianzi changed his face, "Well, is this..."

She feels that this is somewhat paradoxical to her pursuing the idea of ​​peaceful reunification of the five regions.

"Politically, you can't show your weakness to your opponent. Even if you think so in your heart, you usually do that, but you can't let the opponent know that it is your idea."

Jingyu clicked on the table a few times. "Take the restaurant "Feilong Pavilion", for example, outsiders just know that they have solved many people's work problems, and even used funds to support half of the orphanages in Tokyo. People praise me as a Kindhearted, but, I don’t say today, who knows that I was founded to eat for myself?"

Sheng Tianzi opened his mouth and wanted to refute it. He was hypocritical and did not deserve to be called "good man".

"The important thing is the result, not the process." Jingyu did not give her the opportunity to speak. "Just because it is not worthy of possession, I don't do it... Just like the Flying Dragon Pavilion. If I don't build it, half of the orphanages in Tokyo will In case of operational problems, the direct unemployed population will increase by 10,000. You said, am I wrong to establish the Flying Dragon Pavilion?"

The Holy Son did not answer this evening. In other words, she could not answer.

Early the next morning, Jingyu received her call, "Mr. Jingyu, you tell me what kind of results I will bring if I do what you say."

"Qi Wu Xuanzong would not dare to act lightly on you again. The other three areas will also receive this news directly or indirectly. They may think that the little girl is starting to mature." Jingyu Han said with a smile: "The five areas are unified And there must be only one person who can stand at the apex. Who is it? Can you rest assured that they are in their hands? If not, it will show the spirit of the Holy Son."

Sheng Tianzi took a deep breath on the phone.

"Then please, what do you want to do, please be successful and have a good balance."



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