Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 97: Triggered by a box

Jingyu put the black helmet on the coffee table. "Wooden, the box was stolen."

"Hey..." Unexpectedly, he jumped the topic to such a serious matter, and Mu was more dumbfounded. Then he silently repeated a sentence in his heart, only to reflect the importance of what he said, and asked seriously: "Is the news true?"

"The call from Sheng Tianzi, first-hand news."

"Ah..." Jingyu's words seemed to remind Yanzhu. She sat up on the sofa and said with conspicuous tone: "The concubine told you, Jingyu, he just scolded Sheng Tianzi."

Mu Geng, who was already sitting back in his chair, stared at the trainer who was pouring tea for Jingyu. They didn't know what Yan Zhu said, it was a bit true. But with his character, he did.

The mother and daughter smiled bitterly.

"That's not something that should be said outside." Xunzi put down the cup and persuaded Yan Zhu: "If you don't want to cause trouble to him, stop telling others."

"Yeah." Yan Zhu nodded. "The concubine knew, at most, to tell Violet, Sixteen Nights, and Unwoven."

‘You remember the women who are related to him. ’Xunzi smiled, ‘Will she be jealous, is only my daughter Mugen? ’

Mu even didn't participate in the dialogue between Xun Zi and Yan Zhu, but asked Jingyu: "Since Lord Sheng Tianzi called, should the new commission come down? Strange, why didn't I contact you here."

She stared at Jingyu suspiciously, "What the **** are you scolding her, is she angry?"

"There should be anger." Jingyu showed a thoughtful expression, but quickly put this down, "Don't say this... Mugen, I have already said to her, I will be responsible for finding the box. However, the box I won’t give it to her again. You don’t have to worry about this. What I want you to do is to investigate who has stolen the box.”

"Since you said you want to be'responsible', you should be sure." Mu Gansi thought, "But will she agree to not give the box to Lord Sheng Tianzi?"

"She disagrees and has to agree." Jingyu snorted, "I will tell her, how do I find the box?"

"You..." Knowing his temper, Mu shook his head helplessly, "Well, you said, I will do it."

The Tokyo area is divided into 43 districts. The most central first district is the seat of the holy residence. After the meeting, the senior officials saw that the noble and beautiful girl walked out slowly, and could not help but be sad.

The Defense Minister looked directly at Kikuno Cheng. Not only did he mean to ask him to persuade the Holy Son, but also to ask him what he would do next... Kikuno Sei said nothing, but gave the Minister of Defense a look of'contact later'.

He stood up, and was the first to walk out of the conference room after Sheng Tianzi, and really went to Sheng Tianzi's residence.

The Holy Son was unwell and did not meet him. After returning to his office, he contacted the Minister of Defense.

On the safe line, the beep sound was connected after only one click.

"Your Excellency Kikunojo," the defense minister can't wait to ask what's going on in his heart, "Sovereign Son blocked the images, and even didn't allow it to be made public. What do we do next? Do people really take the "that" out? , Stage five of the summoning? In that case, wouldn’t Lord Sheng Tianzi..."

The Minister of Defense knew that Ju Zhicheng had great respect for the Holy Son, and he himself. I really don't want the girl because of their secret actions, and bear the blame.

"At this point, go back again... Would you not die if you have sacrificed your comrades for planning?" Ju Zhicheng's old face was as hard as a rock and unshakable, "Scatter the pieces. There must be a way to summon the stage five Solved."

When he said this, he could not help laughing at his face, ‘in the end, did I also think of the police? ’

This emotion was quickly converged by him, "As for Lord Sheng Tianzi, it doesn't matter. I will bear the responsibility at that time, and I will definitely convince her."

The defense minister stayed for a while, and the hesitation flashed on his face finally turned into a decay.

"No, Lord Sheng Tianzi needs you more than us, please continue to assist her... Be sure to expel those monsters!" He shouted loudly, and then said calmly after a few seconds: "Later, I I won't contact you again, because I am the sinner."

The call was cut off, and Ju Zhicheng looked at the microphone heavily. After putting it down, he leaned back wearily on the chair... only those gleaming eyes filled with hatred and sorrow.

Tiantong Private Security Club, next door to the office, four people are eating Kanto cooking at the dining table. Yanzhu asked Jingyu curiously after he fished a fish ball into the dish: "Did you mean that you want to find the box? Why didn't you see your concubine?" Act...Can we not hurry up?"

"The thing about the box was indeed taken from Sheng Tianzi. However," Jingyu paused, and the three women, big and small, were waiting for him, and he looked at them with different expressions before saying: "I am not the only one who cares about it... I will wait until the contact comes in."

"Who else can expect the box to be stolen?" Mu Gan thought, and blamed him blankly. "If you want to know that it will be stolen, you should remind Lord Shengtianzi."

She still doesn't know what the box is. However, it can make Sheng Tianzi not hesitate to spend high commission costs, and even mobilized almost all the powerful civilian police in the Tokyo area to participate, which shows its importance.

"If I need to be reminded, she is so stupid that there is no cure."

Jingyu already knew what effect the contents of the box had. That's the top level of the Tokyo area, protecting the secret for ten years. There has been no leakage for ten years, and now it can only be an internal incident.

Mu Geng actually wanted to ask, what is that box? But she knew the weight, and she endured curiosity.

As a result, "What's in that box?" Yan Zhu asked easily.

‘How could he reveal to you this little kid who doesn’t know the truth. ’

As soon as Mugen thought of this, Jingyu said at random: "It is a medium that can summon stage five."

Mu Geng and Xun Zi were stunned and dumbfounded. Mu Geng even stood up and shouted frantically at the table: "How could that kind of thing exist? And, even if it exists, how can you eat it leisurely?"

Her lilac eyes stared at Jingyu's mouth, as if every time he opened his mouth, he would eat human life.

"So, I will get it back." Jingyu said indifferently.

Mu more caressed his forehead and thought,'Why wouldn't I be stunned by him?' and muttered: "It's really difficult for Lord Sheng Tianzi to hear that you want to take that kind of thing for yourself, nor Knowing where she will be embarrassed."

For a time, she felt empathy, sympathy overflowed.

After letting go, "No, I can't eat here anymore." She seemed to remind someone intentionally, emphasizing this sentence, staring at his face closely, and walked to the door, "I'm going to be busy "" added another sentence.

Xun Zi also left his seat, "I'll go with you." She thought, if driving for her daughter, she can always improve efficiency.

As a weak woman, hearing stage five may be summoned, and it makes her stomach tumbling for a while, and can no longer eat.

However, people with big nerves, or that they think they have big nerves, are not without them.

"Be careful on the road." Jingyu is still sitting on the spot.

Yan Zhu also waved to them, and also snickered: "Hee hee, the concubine will eat your share, too."

Mu Geng walked out of the door with a blind mind, and finally stomped with anger.

"Mom, look at them..." she complained coquettishly to the trainer who followed.

"Okay." Xun Zi has calmed down a little bit. "He, don't you understand? Don't worry, he's decent."

"I hope so." Mu even lowered his lips and left the club with Xunzi.

In that room, Jingyu was impressed by Yanzhu. It was so calm after saying level five.

"Jingyu, what the concubine just wanted to ask, what is stage five?" Yan Zhu blinked his pure eyes.




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