Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 98: Laying the foundation for the future

After eating all the Kanto, Jingyu also explained to Yanzhu what Phase 5 is. And it comes with the harm that brought it to the world, and the IP ranking that defeated it ranked first and second.

Yanzhu asked the question very cleverly, "Which of the two rankings must be the arrival of the field, what kind of ability is it?"

"Not only the ability, but even who I am, I can’t know. However, Yanzhu, when your strength has improved to a sufficient level, you just don’t want to know them, that’s impossible. They don’t know if there is no need to worry. Suddenly broke into our realm of life."

"The realm of life?" Yan Zhu laughed, "This is really powerful, and the first and second can't break in."

Jingyu knocked on her little head.

There is action tonight. After dinner, two people went to the equipment room. Here is like a small weapon arsenal. There are no windows, and the room is also plated with steel, which looks very strong... Two silver desert eagle colors are displayed, dozens of shock bombs, smoke bombs, flash bombs, grenades, and a heavy sword on a shelf , And a Barrett anti-tank sniper rifle.

Jingyu picked up the heavy sword and put a thick belt on the sword body.

"Does your opponent need it tonight?" Yan Zhu asked curiously as he watched beside him.

For two years, the two have been performing tasks together, but Jingyu has never used a sword once against enemy gastrointestinal animals. He used the desert eagle to interfere with the gastrointestinal animals, and Yanzhu quickly approached by virtue of high-speed movement, giving the gastrointestinal animal a fatal blow... This is a battle that can be ended in a magazine.

"No." Jingyu paused and looked at Kendo: "Maybe...but you can't use a gun."

Yanzhu remembered that the enemy tonight-it was human. In the case of guns, the power of bullets fired is always fixed. But the sword is different. Jingyu's sword can be controlled like hands and feet.

She just wanted to ask, would he consider the enemy to be not a bad guy if he took into consideration the ‘sentiment under his hand’?

Jingyu took out his phone from his trouser pocket. On the caller ID, there was an unknown number, and he answered it.

"What you called was just in time." This is the first sentence.

"Ho **** ho..." Hiroki Yingyin laughed out of his throat, and Yanzhu, who faintly heard, frowned uncomfortably, thinking, "He was it." Hiroki Yinyin said: "Maybe I will be watching your flaws not far from you."

"The flaws are only useful if they are based on equal strength." Jingyu satirizes him sarcastically. "Moreover, when the strength gap is too large, the low strength thinks it is the flaw, but it is not."

Yanzhu felt that he could knock down the leech shadow in ten seconds. Jingyu is a little weaker than her, and it should be better than Leizi Yingyin's strength... She agrees to place her small head on Jingyu's words.

"..." Hiroko Yingyin snorted, and did not respond. "I can expect that I will call, then can you know that I will give you two options later?" He paused deliberately. Are you chasing the girl carrying the box or destroying the girl’s source?"

Jingyu's eyebrow twitched, and when his eyes narrowed, a cold light flashed by. Even Yan Yan, who was familiar with him, couldn't help being held in breath by the cold light while keeping his small head watching him.

"Are you saying that someone like a dead man has trained some cursed children?"

"Positive solution!" Zhizi Yingyin seems to be unaware of the coldness in his voice, "This news is not bad. You have been working to protect the cursed children, and all countries have formulated prohibitions on the use of cursed children. Military regulations. But what about laws, can we stop humans from committing crimes?""...You still want to say that you should change the model of this world and let powerful people rule, while those without power only need to obey powerful people... right?"

Jingyu sneered, "One thing you think is wrong. I am committed to protecting the cursed children because they are vulnerable. It can be said that my responsibility for them was ten years ago, as the laws and regulations of various countries entered formal, It's over."

When Lizhi Yingyin was stunned and just wanted to say something more, he heard Jingyu's teeth clenching his teeth. It made him feel cold on his back, and he laughed excitedly from the heart.

"But, sure enough, after hearing it, I still feel very uncomfortable. Yingyin, tell me where the girl is, you and Xiao Binai go to destroy the training site... I will send someone to contain the cursed child there... …The combat power that is rarely trained cannot be wasted.”

Yanzhu was beside him, Jingyu didn't say, "Kill them all", he believed that Yingyin knew how to do it.

After the conversation with Yingyin ended, Jingyu dialed Phyllis's phone again. The children of the curse should stay there.

Soon, on his mobile phone, he received the coordinates transmitted by Zhizi Yingyin, and also marked the direction of movement, and reminded the mobile tool to be a black off-road vehicle.

After Jingyu remembered the route, she put away her mobile phone.

Yanzhu seemed to have thought about it for a long time, and asked, "You said you were unwilling to protect the cursed son, but why did you establish the "yard"? Because of it, the concubine had a very happy life."

In addition to the compound, Yanzhu also followed Jingyu to many other maintenance facilities in the Tokyo area this year. There are also many children of curses who benefit from him to live a good life.

Yanzhu didn't understand.

"The United States on the other side of the ocean, China, Russia, and other countries on another continent, I actually quietly established some orphanages...just, I have never been there."

Jingyu touched the top of her head, "What I need is not to protect you from growing, but to hope that you will become my strength after growing up. Even (after I leave), instead of me, in this world, continue to be ."

He paused for a moment, and when he was puzzled, he explained: "You also heard that someone was holding the cursed child. This time it was caused by the cursed children... No, it was hoped that the "cursed child caused the incident"... ...Uh, don’t understand the difference between the two? Then I say another way, some people want to use this incident to make all of your cursed children bear the crime of harming humanity."

"However, it was only done by one person." Yan Zhu didn't understand. "What has to do with the concubine."

"Ten years ago, when I defined you as a "curse child", it already represented you as a whole. Yanzhu, you can't avoid this problem-some people still don't treat you as a human in their hearts. .Hate and hate, it is useless no matter how you educate or reason."

Jingyu squatted down and hugged Yanzhu. "But even so, I still hope that you and everyone will be strong and unyielding to live a wonderful life in this ugly world and live a life you are satisfied with. "

Yan Zhu was shocked by his heavy tone, showing a confused expression. But soon, she hugged Jingyu's neck. With a mature expression that does not match her age and tender face, Wen said:

"You said, the concubine will do its best, please rest assured."

Like an oath, he kissed his lips shyly. The thin and moist softness, for some reason, became particularly seduced by him at this moment and made him active.



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