Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 96: Determination to keep working

The secretary standing behind the Son of Heaven, even though he was accustomed to various big scenes, also left some inexplicable cold sweat at this time.

"Sir Emperor Son, does it depend on those so-called police?" The first seat on the right side of Saint Emperor, with white hair and white hair. The old man in kimono and hakama, chief assistant officer Tian Tong Juzhi Cheng's eyebrows contained anger.

Sheng Tianzi turned his face, looked at him directly, and said softly: "Mr. Ju Zhicheng, please look at the role of the police... It is the'so-called police' in your mouth that helped us retrieve the box."

‘But the box was lost inside us’, she didn’t say that. As the supreme ruler of the Tokyo area, she should not be suspicious of her people. In other words, this attitude cannot be revealed at least until there is no conclusive evidence. So as not to make the subordinates chill, and even suspicion with each other, lay the root cause.

"Do you trust them that way?" The Defense Minister, who was wearing military uniforms and had gray hair, asked a little unwillingly: "It is still time to notify the Self-Defense Forces and be prepared to respond to very serious events. . And that system is also time to use..."

Sheng Tianzi interrupted him, "That action will make the people in the area aware of it. By that time, how do you intend to explain to the people?"

"Of course it's outspoken." The defense minister's bridle costume pretended: "People have the right to know who is the thief who endangers their lives."

"What if, in fact, it did not endanger their lives?" Sheng Tianzi asked again.

"That's impossible. Once that thing is used, the entire Tokyo area is facing a crisis of mass extinction. They steal it, and it's impossible not to use it." Yutian asserted fiercely.

"Yeah, once used, the Tokyo area is facing a crisis of extinction..." Sheng Tianzi still looked at him, and he repeated this sentence with a slow expression.

Li Tian seemed to be a little hot, sweating on his forehead... He avoided the sight of Sheng Tianzi.

"I have entrusted a trustworthy person to retrieve the box. So, what the Minister Hirida said just now is not necessary. The video you see will be destroyed later. Who robbed the box, and the box Things you don’t have to disclose to the outside world."

Sheng Tianzi said with a majestic attitude and a heavy tone: "If you feel that my behavior is improper, then I will use my identity as the Holy Tianzi as a bet. The terrible consequences of Minister Kenda appear, I will accept sanctions as a sinner!"


"Me, I didn't mention that kind of share."

"Sir Son, please think twice."


The voice of shock and persuasion continued to be spoken from the mouth of ten senior officials. Sheng Tianzi sat quietly, as if those sounds could not penetrate her ears at all. She was indeed distracted.

‘I can still work harder, and please look at me well. If you are satisfied, please help me. ’

The dilapidated building of HappyBuilding has a total of four floors. First floor **** guys, second floor nightclubs, fourth floor usury... third floor, there are Tiantong private security clubs.

Jingyu came here with Yanzhu.

The rugged faces of the **** guys, the powdered shemales, stared at him lovingly from the window. After being stunned a few times by his hand mercilessly, no one dared to get closer.

After getting off the locomotive, the nightclub girls who were just about to come to work stopped and glared at him, and invited him to sit in the store, suggesting that he would provide him with various services for free... which caused Yanzhu to glare. After entering the building, a few rogues who smoked in the corridor and faced with flesh and blood quickly dropped the smoke on the ground and stamped it out, politely retreated aside.

Finally entered the third floor. After closing the door of the safe passage, Yanzhu began to pout with a small mouth to complain.

"Those women are really annoying. They wear so little, and they always want to seduce you." She walked into the office in a huff. As soon as he looked up, he saw the other side, Mu Geng on the president's seat, "There is also a big breast here... How to get to where is the enemy."

Jingyu behind her, rubbed her little head, "What nonsense, am I so tempted so easily?"

Mu Geng had raised her head and stared at this side. When Jingyu spoke, she didn't refute Yanzhu.

"Then you are not allowed to watch them!" Yan Zhu stood back to back, leaning her head back to look at Jingyu.

Jingyu glanced at Xunzi sitting on the side of his eyes, and bent down to Yanzhu and whispered, "Xunzi is not worse than them. Why don't you tell me not to watch Xunzi?"

"Aunt Xunzi will not seduce you, and she will not be exposed."

Yan Zhu didn't know how to suppress the volume, and immediately attracted Xun Zi's eyes. She didn't know what the two were talking about, so it was difficult to intervene. However, the word "seduce" still had to let her care.

In particular, her daughter Mu looked at this side, she had to smile bitterly and pretended not to notice.

"Then maybe I'm tempted?" Jingyu skillfully increased the volume a little bit, which happened to let Xun Zi hear.

The woman who had been widowed for ten years was tight and her cheeks were pink.

"Hey..." Yanzhu froze.

Jingyu continued to rub her head. Before Xunzi had planned to interrupt them, he said lightly: "So, I can't just look at the other party. The important thing is that I can hold on to the'defense line.'"

‘Is it reasoning? ‘Xunzi secretly whispered his ‘unjustness’, and he was relieved.

"Then you said, did your defense line collapse on Mugen's chest?" Yan Zhu asked in his words.

Mu can't listen anymore. Looking at Jingyu, she looked at her chest, and she was almost ashamed to faint. In a hurry, he made a cover-up action and blushed and scolded:

"No viewing! Don't drag me into your nasty conversations."

"Mu don't bother to interrupt, now is an important time." Yan Zhu didn't reflect, and even taught her in reverse. No matter how angry Mu Geng was, he stared at Jingyu again, "You haven't said it, have you collapsed there?"

"No answer!" Mugen stood up with his hands on the table.

Jingyu's lips came close to Yan Zhu's small ears, and she murmured something quietly, making Yan Zhu's cheeks red. She was both shy and joyful, hummed more demonstratively at the wood, and happily ran to the sofa to roll.

At this moment, Mu Gan wanted to know what he said. Even Xunzi was a little curious... Although the mother and daughter were sure, he must have said nothing good.



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