Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 78: Suitable

The conversation between the two stopped after Yanzhu walked out of the bedroom. At this time, Xunzi had prepared breakfast for two, and served Jingyu and Unwoven to the table.

She saw that Mu Geng was not in the living room, but Yanzhu had just entered the bathroom. When she returned to the kitchen, she went to her bedroom with Mu Geng. Knocked on the door lightly, and there was a panic sound inside... When Xunzi pushed the door inward, he saw a blushing daughter sitting on the bed, covering her lower body with a quilt.

"What are you doing? Change your clothes quickly and come out to have breakfast." She smiled, eyes glanced at the pajamas falling on the ground.

"Oh." Mu Dan dare not look at her face, nodded and urged: "Mom, hurry... close the door."

Xun Zi shook his head and took the door, Mu Geng was relieved. Bending his legs up and burying his face on his thigh, his frustrated self-talking sounds dull: "Can't do it..."

I don't know, what she said can't be done.

After that, when eating at the dining table, Mu even dare not look at Jingyu. And whenever his eyes inevitably slipped across Jingyu's lower abdomen, his face was flushed.

Her performance caused Unwoven to use the open black fan many times to cover the lips that opened silently.

Half an hour later, Xun Zi sent Jingyu and the four men downstairs.

A Mercedes waiting nearby drove over. After stopping beside them, the driver who ran down first opened the rear door.

All four of them went up and counted as the co-pilot position. However, Mu is more reluctant to ride an unwoven car. Unwoven, she did not deliberately prepare a longer version when she came.

Now, these two beautiful girls of the same age are looking at Jingyu. Obviously let him decide the seat.

"I took Mugen to ride over. Yanzhu, you and the unwoven car," Jingyu instructed.

"The concubine wanted to ride with you." Yan Zhu said with a mouthful: "You can make Mu even make an unwoven bike."

"I don't want it." Carrying the murder knife Xueying in his hand, Mu groaned and walked to Jingyu's motorcycle. As for Jingyu's arrangement, she can be said to be the happiest one on the scene... but it didn't appear on her face.

"Can you seduce Jingyu alone?" Yan Zhu pointed at Mu Geng with her waist crossed. "The concubine's body does not allow this to happen." She said that she also wanted to run to Jingyu's motorcycle Pressed his shoulders.

When she turned back and showed an unhappy expression, Jingyu said to her, "Go sit with Unwoven."

Although his tone was bland, there was no doubt in his words.

Both Weizhi and Xunzi stayed for a while. However, as a child, Yanzhu felt quite wronged about Jingyu's arrangement. She is a straight-talking type, and immediately wanted to oppose... Unweaving took her a step earlier.

"Yanzhu sauce, come with us. Let them walk in front, and we can watch it, and Mu even can't play tricks." She took Yanzhu's hand and walked back to the car seat. "Also, we have some I want to ask you something, and I want to talk to you in private."

She winked at Yan Zhu again and again, and nodded Yan Zhu sullenly.

After they got in the car, Jingyu said to Xunzi: "If there is no accident, Yanzhu and I will still go to the compound for the rest of the time... come back in the evening and don't have to prepare our meals."

"I know." The trainer with her hands folded on the belly of the lady, nodded gently.

Jingyu walked to the side of the motorcycle, Mu Gan moved the hair, disguising himself and his panic. He rode on a motorcycle, Mu Geng sat on the side, his hands pulled the waist of his waist.

If according to what Jingyu said before, she should have to hug his waist and stick her chest on his back... The existence of Yanzhu and Unwoven will undoubtedly make her unable to do so. Moreover, the thing that I care about is also a reason.

Inside the car, two strange elves, one big and one small, were talking in a whisper.

"Unwoven, why did you stop the concubine just now?" Yan Zhu complained.

"You mean, can you sit there without our intervention?" Unwoven shook his head. "Yanzhu sauce, you don't understand at all." She paused and reminded, "Compared to To chase Mugen, you need to pay more attention to Jingyu. Think about it, even if you win Mugen, but you lose the love of Jingyu, what's the use?"

Yanzhu understood the meaning of unwoven, so he had a strong reaction, shouting: "Jingyu loves concubines."

This even scared the driver who had just started the car. As he looked through the rear-view mirror, Unwoven glared at him, and put him into a state of "not listening to things outside the window".

Yan Zhu's long-term affection for her because of being unwoven is somewhat reduced. Thinking carefully, I will never be with her again to discuss how to fight Mugen's'chest'.

The unwoven old age was not irritated by her attitude of “twisting her face to the other side and obviously not wanting to say anything”. Instead, he smiled and said, "That's right now. However, if you rely on this and willfulness, we're not sure."

There was silence in the rear seat. Waiting for a while, weaving still didn't see Yan Zhu's response, and he was disappointed.

"What do you think, why did we stop you when it might cause you to be unhappy? And, it would be cheaper to do so.... How fierce have we always been to fight against Mu, do you have any idea? It’s not good to leave you alone, letting you interfere with Mugen."

Unwoven spoke very sincerely, even exposing his feelings for Jingyu to Yanzhu.

At this point, although Yanzhu felt vaguely, she hadn't paid attention to it before.

At this time, her angry expression gradually relaxed. After turning his head, "What do you say about concubines?"

Unwoven took her hand, "You are still young, and your ability to see and see is worse. If you don't react in time, Jingyu will not blame you. But when he repeated the same thing twice, thousands Don’t go against it... just like that."

Yanzhu lowered his head, "Does he maintain the wood more like that, does he prefer wood more than his concubine? Unwoven, you don't know, he kissed wood more..."

What she still hasn't finished is that Jingyu kissed her in the same way. It might be that after the comparison, he feels that Qinmu is more comfortable, so is it true for her?

The reason she was afraid was this.

Unwoven was the first to know this. Naturally, he was a little surprised, but shook his head with a smile.

"Probably not for this reason."

While Yanzhu turned her head in surprise, waiting for her more detailed explanation, she thought for a while: "Did you notice that Mu Geng's performance this morning is a bit abnormal? I think he wants to be alone with Mu Geng. Together, ask what happened to her."

Is it because the object is Mugen, or that every girl he cares about will be treated like this by him... There are no counts in the unwoven heart. In order not to fight Yanzhu, she did not say it.

Perhaps, deep down in her heart, she has her own hope.

On the motorcycle before the car, Jingyu did inquire about Mu Geng. However, Mu Ge was so embarrassed to tell him... she leaned her red face on his back. "It's, don't ask anyone else." Shamefully said.

"Okay." Jingyu thought, even the most intimate couple also needs to have his own privacy. He didn't need to know it all, so he said: "I won't ask. But remember, let you do My woman is because you are suitable... Be more confident and be brave enough to be kind."

He took her hand and took it forward.

Mu Geng pressed it to his back again, and that sense of security wrapped her whole body.

'Does it fit? ’

She gradually calmed down, ‘Yeah, it must be appropriate. ’



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