Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 79: High ip ranking

Observing words and words, Yan Zhu remembered this complicated word. After waiting for the car, she carefully looked at Jingyu's face... The obvious and undoubted gesture made Unwoven helplessly stroke her forehead, thinking:

‘Tell her this, it’s a bit early. ’

Jingyu glanced at the unwoven, rubbing Yanzhu's little head funny, "Is there anything on my face?"

"Hmm--" Yan Zhu tapped her chin with her little finger. The long tone represented her thinking. Then, she pointed to Jingyu's face: "Smile... You are not angry with the concubine."

I said, I gave the unwoven one, ‘what’s not difficult. See, I'll do it's complacent look.

Unwoven quickly opened the fan to cover half of her face, pretending to twist the beginning without seeing it.

Mu Gan got out of the car, knowing that she must be the unwoven woman again, and instilled in the simple Yanzhu. So he stared at him, staring at her with such fierceness that he could not wait to see her on the spot.

Feeling this, Unwoven also glared back.

"Cough!" Jingyu coughed, "Unwoven, lead the way."

"Ah... uh." The kimono girl who forgot the subject quickly went out. "Here, I think, they are still in the lounge."

A group of four people, not woven in front, Jingyu put her hand on Yanzhu’s other shoulder at random, walked in the middle with her, and finally took Mugen, who loved the sword and snow shadow... came to the building door, there was The female secretary who had long waited here greeted her.

"Master Unwoven, Mr. Tang has already gone to the training room and said that he wants to warm up before the battle."

She knew Jingyu and nodded to him as a greeting.

"Really." Unwoven responded faintly. In front of these subordinates, she behaved very well. Both the elegance of being a woman and the restraint of being a superior, "I know, tell my father, I will take Jingyu with them now... I am responsible for the scene."

Mu Geng, who had also been a mistress, would not find fault even at this time, even if it was unwoven.

"Yes." The female secretary answered and stepped aside to take out her dedicated mobile phone. While following the unwoven forward, contact upward.

At this time, Mu came to the other side of Jingyu and whispered: "My hall, it should be my headmaster...IP rank 275, the highest in the Tokyo area, he will treat you like It’s normal to feel uncomfortable.”

Although this man often appeared on TV because of his high ranking, she knew that Jingyu didn't pay much attention to it.

Jingyu smiled noncommittally.

Yanzhu immediately reached out his small head, and said to Mu through Jingyu's body: "Concubine will not lose."

It can be seen that she is full of fighting spirit.

Five people entered the elevator and descended to the fifth floor underground. As soon as the door opened, I immediately felt a lot of sight. On both sides of the road leading to the VR special training room, there are many police groups carrying modern weapons and wearing old era Japanese samurai armor.

Judging from the arrangement of them, Jingyu's group seemed to be a general who would be seen through their review.

This is a Mawei!

Both Unwoven and Mugen frowned.

Originally standing back to Jingyu, he whispered a few words of unwoven and wanted to step forward. As the young lady of Sima Heavy Industry, the person in charge of the scene, she is responsible for judging this contest from a fair perspective... She does not allow the other party to treat Jingyu in this way.

In order to fight against the unwoven, with Jingyu as the center, Mu stood on the other side of him at even intervals. She also wanted to step forward. It was Jingyu who made the big talk, and he was the one who wanted to fight. She couldn't help much. However, as the president, she is responsible for not letting her members suffer.

However, Jingyu used a wonderful technique. Obviously, he took a step forward slowly, ahead of their bodies, but they all saw and couldn't react.

After the snack was over, he went to see his back. It was no longer like a teenager, dignified, thick, majestic... Although he was indeed taller than them, at this time, they felt that they must look up to him.

In the underground passage, like the poor ventilation, the air suddenly became stagnant. The most obvious, just an ordinary woman secretary, has become short of breath, swaying as if she is about to fall.

On the opposite side, the twenty or so groups did not know the ranking, but from the beginning, they showed their extraordinary combination of policemen. They were all surprised, and they avoided their sight... Some people even lowered their heads.

Under such a quiet atmosphere, Jingyu took steps forward.

Stepping, stepping, stepping... Every time, it is struck in the soul of the person, it seems to produce an echo, and it will last for a long time.

When a different voice suddenly entered the ear glands, the crowd turned around... It turned out that he was pushing the inward door.

Mu Geng and Wuzhi glanced at each other, and could see the surprise and pride in each other's eyes. After seeing the latter, they snorted displeasurely and tried to walk out in the direction of Jingyu first.

Mu walked out, unwoven a little slower...because she was annoyed to find that as the young lady here, she had to say something.

"The lord is Mr. Long Jingyu." She covered her face with a fan, disguising her displeasure, and said it in a different tone from the usual, lacking change, "The girl here is him The starter partner is Miss Long Yanzhu."

Yanzhu was also surprised by Jingyu's might, and wondered if he was stronger than himself. Upon hearing the introduction, she lifted her chest and walked inward proudly... This thought did not end there.

Jingyu stands in the control room of the VR special training room. Through the screen, you can see a middle-aged man with a bald head, using a heavy weapon composed by combining the handles of two knives together... and building on the data provided by Jingyu for several years. Of simulated gastrointestinal animals fighting.

"Drink!" Hearing the sound, he jumped up, clasped the handles with his hands, and chopped a spider-like gastroenter that was more than three meters long in half.

At this time, behind it, another gastrointestinal animal attacked. He didn't turn around, but instead of attacking him, he was a child with curly black hair and a curse in his hand. Her horizontal cut also cut the three-meter-long gastrointestinal animal in half.

"It's similar to me, with a range of blows." Mu Geng said.

This is mainly to remind Yanzhu that she should not take it lightly because she is far away.

Yan Zhu nodded solemnly, "Probably, she is the strongest starter the concubine has ever seen."



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