Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 77: Battle

When Xunzi heard her daughter shouting "Go down from him", she was really shocked. She thought to herself that it wouldn't take so little time for that bold Miss Sima to do that kind of thing with him?

While wiping the water on her apron, she walked out of the kitchen and saw the daughter who pulled the knife. That fierce look, she had never seen this woman, really stayed on the spot for a while.

It was Jingyu's voice that brought her back. It seemed as if she was infused with a coolness in her confusion... She miraculously found that she had calmed down.

Is this because of her trust in him or something else... Xun Zi is unwilling to think further.

Mu hesitated even more, and recovered the bright half of his bright blade. But she put down the cruel words without confessing: "Unwoven, let me go of you today... I will sacrifice your blood sooner or later."

"Hum hum..." Unwoven made a nice nasal voice and smiled a few times. "Do you know what we are here to find Jingyu? In fact, someone is fighting him, just in the training room of the Sima Would you like to go together? At that time, I don't know who let go of who."

Mugen's purple eyes narrowed and stared at the unwoven with murderous air. The latter kept the smile on his face without showing any weakness.

In this time, Jingyu, who picked up black trousers, took off her pajamas. The next second, Mu suddenly became pink and evaded to the wall outside the door.

"Un...unwoven, quickly get out." she shouted, apparently not wanting the man to be seen by the demon girl.

Without looking back weirdly, I saw Jingyu wearing underwear. She covered her lips and smiled, "Your level is really low." She walked out of the door and satirized Mugen.

When I got to the door, I saw Xunzi also, and her eyes turned, and she seemed to lower the volume in the ear of Mugen who snorted: "We just felt it, his one is so big... ...You can't."

She was more than a foot away from Mu, and her eyes were staring at Xunzi, wanting to see the undead's reaction.

Xunzi is better than wood, and he needs to know what unwoven is talking about more quickly. As a result, her eyes widened a lot, as if she heard something amazing. It wasn't until I felt the weird unwoven eyes that I noticed my gaffe.

But at the beginning, it did not reach a level that made her feel ashamed. Instead, she wonders why Unwoven focuses on herself so frequently. Looked at the door behind Unwoven, ‘Isn’t it what he said to her...’

The idea of ​​being forced to stop by her halfway made her feel a little ashamed. After suppressing this emotion—

"Miss Sima, since he is awake, please sit down in the living room."

She re-invited Unwoven. I don't want to be seen by the unwoven again.

"Okay." Unwoven nodded and walked in front of the stupefied Mu Geng, spitting out his little tongue playfully.

Seeing in Xun Zi's eyes, it only attracted her bitter smile. She is the kind of privacy that involves men, and she is embarrassed to talk to her daughter.

At this time, Jingyu came out of the house. When Xunzi saw him, he couldn't help avoiding his gaze and hurried into the kitchen.

Jingyu Jianmu also stood by the door. Especially those little hands, because the handle and sheath were too tight, and the back of the finger was a little white. And her face was a certain blow... He smiled and patted Shimodaki's shoulder. Mu Geng glanced back at him and looked at his face. Then, glance down from the face to the lower abdomen, take a moment, don't start with a flushed face. Tears accumulated in the big eyes because of excessive shame.

Without telling Jingyu, he quickly walked past him and returned to her and Xunzi's bedroom. After closing the door, she locked it again, and she was relieved.

'How to do? Is it really that big? Impossible? ’

She blinked her eyes and looked at her lower body with some hesitation... In her mind, there was an idea that she wanted to lift the skirt to judge whether it was really "not good". Ideas are violently conflicting.

After finishing washing, Jingyu went to Yanzhu's bedroom to wake her up. Then he sat in the living room, opposite the unwoven.

"What was the battle you just said?" he asked.

Unwoven didn't answer this first, but covered his lips with a black fan: "Doesn't your family have the habit of serving guests with tea? I have left me alone here for a while."

After she mentioned this, Jingyu noticed that... indeed, she should take the initiative to serve the tea trainer, but she didn't do it today. Is it because of the busy breakfast? He wondered about this, but it was nothing. On the contrary, why did Unwoven ask him so, and make him care more.

To be sure, she never wanted him to pour tea for herself.

So, "What do you want to say?" he asked directly.

Looking at Jingyu unwoven. His reaction was judged as ‘qualified’ in her mind.

"Nothing." She wouldn't take the initiative to remind him that there was a good game around her, "You just asked about'competition', right? Actually, we heard about it from my father last night. A Sima family Guests, want to deal with you today... By the way, have you made any remarkable speeches recently? It seems to be related to that."

There was also some curiosity on the unwoven face, and what she heard was not complete. However, after knowing the identity of the other party, she did not take it too seriously, thinking that Jingyu would definitely win.

For a moment, Jingyu was thinking, is it Yinzhi Yinyin? The timing is consistent, but as an object wanted by the Tokyo area, it should not be so obvious.

"The day before Tianmu asked me to attend the meeting, remember? I said on that, no matter who it is, you can find 20 groups of policemen in this Tokyo area to challenge me."

Jingyu said something that made Unwoven stay a while, and then asked, "So, who is it?"

Unwoven hands were pressed against the coffee table. "You are a mess!" She looked at the channel behind Jingjingyu and lowered her voice. "We don't know how strong you are now. The record set before , It’s about to be broken... the one you are looking for is the combination. If they are really put together by 20 groups, you are very dangerous."

She sighed when she saw Jingyu's face, and added: "Don't you say that you have to take care of Yanzhu's feelings? She is now, but you are far from being a record. You are powerful. If you fight, you can't hide your strength at all. of."

"You can be wrong." Jingyu shook his head at Unwoven, an old-fashioned look. "With the strength of Yanzhu, our combination is enough to become the strongest in the entire Tokyo area. And, since it is so' The powerful combination is about to fight us, and they will not be able to challenge 20 people with their own arrogance...because that way, they won’t be honorable."

Unwoven Zhang opened his mouth a few times, his eyes moved towards Jingyu's side, and nodded thoughtfully.



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