Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 17: Viola and baby

Such a thing happened again in the afternoon.

"What did you just say?" Violet looked incredulously at the young child who stretched slowly after laying down the record book.

"I said I'm going home," Jingyu thought she was a little inexplicable. "Back to Tiantong's house." He paused and laughed jokingly: "Wouldn't you let me go."

"Sharp mouth." Violet impatiently pointed to the baby who was sleeping comfortably on a table between the two, and said, "This little thing... don't tell me, you plan to stay."

"Don't stay, can't you bring it back?" Jingyu Bai glanced at her. "Although you are lazy and sloppy, at least you are a woman? Is it difficult to take care of a baby overnight?"

"How can I let an unmarried woman take care of the baby?" Violet seemed to be so dizzy that he completely forgot to talk to himself. It was a six-year-old child. When she spoke this sentence and saw his smiling eyes, she recalled it.

Despite the embarrassment on her face, she still quibble: "In short, I have no obligation to take care of her."

The most important thing is that she still can't accept it. The child is an infected person with red eyes. Jingyu is okay here. If Jingyu is not here, let her get along with this child alone, she can't calm down.

However, Jingbian Jingyu didn't mean to stay at all. Not for embarrassing her deliberately, or for not wanting to control that child... He hoped that she could face her existence, not as shown today--

Even during the test, she tried to avoid contact with her children.

"Why is there no obligation?" Jingyu pointed out: "The military asked you to test this child."

"Woo..." When he was stagnant and looked down, he had already figured out the countermeasure. "Even if it is so good. Then, as an assistant, you should handle such trouble for me."

This is really a good excuse, even Jingyu couldn't find a rebuttal.

He had to look at her eyes in silence.

Violet wants to show his pride at this time. It was just that, with a pair of dark pupils on her eyes, she was inexplicably upset... as if she was the one who lost.

As soon as this thought appeared, she occupied her consciousness. Eventually drove her to say what she regretted immediately.

"Okay, okay, you go back. It's just a small thing, I can handle it naturally."

She turned to her side, pretending to continue to immerse herself in research, not to look at his expression.

'deal with? What are you going to do? 'Jingyu's lips twitched, and she spit out her desire~ The desire was super strong. However, in order to avoid stimulating her to change her mind, he thought about it and reminded: "That's a cute little child, no worse than the body."

‘The body is not as scary as her. ‘Violet refuted him in his heart.

Jingyu naturally did not know this. He said "I'm gone" and waited for three seconds. When she didn't respond, he really walked out of the room.

As soon as he closed the door, he felt that the woman stomped her foot angrily after touching her forehead.

He smiled broadly.

In the laboratory, I don't know if it was the sound made by Viola, or the baby's biological instinct is very strong. When Jingyu left, the baby woke up immediately. After a few babbles and no response, he cried warily.

When Violet saw those red eyes, her bad memories made her stiff.

Now, when the baby cried, she was at a loss.

After hesitating for a while, he walked over to the baby. I recalled Xia Jingyu's approach, and then I was distressed to find that there was no room for reference at all...because the child was very good in his arms.

She poked the baby's cheeks in discontent. "Why are you so dear to him?"

The baby naturally couldn't understand it, and didn't listen to it, just crying.

The voice disturbed the pansy. She arranged the laboratory underground, just don't want to contact people. Now it's okay, not only is there a person here, but also a troublesome little person.

"Don't cry!" She began to deter, "Cry again and make you a specimen."

The baby paused. Just when Vio thought there was an effect, wow, the sound was louder.

The muscles on the **** tremble. After pressing his forehead, he wanted to squeeze a smiley face to coax the child. However, the smile she ‘made’ was uglier than crying, and had no effect at all.

Violet was finally annoyed. Decided to leave her alone, and cry as she pleases.

Today, because Jingyu is here, she did not do her own research at all. This didn't work, so she walked out of the room and went to a locked laboratory next door.

After the double door was separated, there was no more crying... Violet was very satisfied with the experiment.

I don't know how long it took, so Violet was interrupted by a phone call. Disgustedly picked up the microphone and heard the voice of the boy on the opposite side, Pansy suddenly became guilty.

"How is that child?" he asked.

"She, she should be fine." Violet never thought that his voice would be so pale and weak.

The phone was silent. Just when he thought that he had seen through her lies and wanted to blame her--

"Well, that's good." He finished talking lightly and hung up.

Violet still held the microphone and stood silently for three minutes.

At the moment, she felt terrible and more uncomfortable than being abused mercilessly.

After putting down the phone, I didn't want to experiment anymore. She walked out of the laboratory and went to the room where the baby was placed. When standing outside, there was nothing. But as soon as the door was opened, the intermittent crying burrowed into the ear of Violet, tormenting her heart.

Violet walked slowly.

The baby spotted her, and when she looked over with her red eyes, Pansy quickly avoided her gaze.

This time, it wasn't afraid, it wasn't difficult to face bad memories... She felt like she had no face.

However, the baby babbled towards her and stretched out her arms.

After hesitating for a while, he passed his hand. A finger was caught in the baby's hand. That little grip force finally made the **** determined to pick up the baby.

The cry of the baby started again. If Jingyu, who has taken care of many children, is here, she must be able to know that she is expressing the grievances she has ignored... Violet does not understand, she just patted the baby's back very helplessly.

"What the **** do you want me to do?"

The baby certainly cannot answer. She sighed, so she took the baby, sat down in front of the computer, and typed "Why does the baby cry" into the search term.



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