Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 18: Violet's complex mood

The appearance of a baby with red eyes similar to gastroenterids, as the second lieutenant Yamamoto said, is a big deal. Once spread, it will only make people who have just relaxed from the fear of gastrointestinal animals produce unimaginable madness.

Yes, I am not afraid of continuing to fear, but the fear again after this slack, the consequences are unimaginable.

Therefore, after receiving the report, the nearest police station immediately blocked the scene and reported it layer by layer. In the end, it was even sent to the hands of Sheng Tianzi, who gave orders directly and handed over the children to Muroto.

In fact, if Jingyu was not present at the time, even if Pansy took over, the baby would not be treated well. Because no one can guarantee her safety.

When will we get rid of the appearance of human beings and become gastrized? If it is in the inspection process, the **** will be in danger.

Therefore, the most likely situation is that there will be several soldiers with live ammunition, guarding the **** beside to complete the inspection. Once the baby has abnormalities, it will be shot on the spot.

This, I must say, is the first case of sorrow.

Perhaps more than that, in order to clarify some doubts, such as how long do these babies take, or under what circumstances will the gastroenteritis suddenly occur? Inhumane experiments may also be conducted in secret.

However, Jingyu was there after all, and he also threatened the military and senior government officials.

The squad responsible for escorting babies is dedicated to completing confidential tasks. It was also during this extraordinary period that the order was sent directly to them, an organization that could receive that kind of confidential information—almost equal to the direct staff of the Holy Son.

The person in charge of this department, after receiving the feedback report from the team leader, immediately checked the information about Jingyu. After all, the kind of six-year-old child will appear beside Muroto Hei, which is too unusual... At that time, Muroto Hee was known as the four sages because he hosted the "New Human Creation Project" in Japan. of.

What surprised this person in charge was Jingyu's information density. In addition to indicating that he is the adopted child of Tiantong's family, there is still a part of it that has been identified as the top secret... Only a limited number of people in this country can access it.

The person in charge did not dare to neglect, and because this matter involved Sheng Tianzi, he directly reported to Sheng Tianzi himself.

At that time, the Holy Son who was reviewing the documents in a large office in the Holy Place raised his head and smiled happily.

"It's the second time it's been calculated. This little guy is really not close to me."

The first time, ignoring her invitation, she ran away halfway. Although she was still curious, she investigated it and knew that he should have returned to Tiantong’s house and rescued the girl from Tiantong Mugen... It was only inferred that she was still delighted to learn about Jingyu’s higher combat effectiveness . And finally, some of Jingyu's information was set as the top secret.

This time, Jingyu even indirectly threatened her.

She just gave the order at that time, and the specific operation naturally did not need to be arranged by her personally. But it is conceivable that the child, whom she judges to be "Little Adult", will be angry, and what kind of picture will appear.

Although Sheng Tianzi is a woman, she does have an extremely broad-minded and heroic spirit. She didn't mean to blame Jingyu. Rather, Jingyu would be angry because of a child being abused. She was also showing her the precious place Jingyu had.

After thinking about it, she signed a new letter of appointment and gave it to the person in charge—when she saw it, she couldn't help but be surprised. Looking up and looking at the Holy Son who continued to bury his head in government affairs, the person in charge bowed seriously while feeling that he was a Mingjun.

On the same day, the application submitted by Muroto Hejin, who approved Jingyun as an assistant, was successfully approved.

The next day, Jingyu heard a faint voice as he walked into the basement. Without rushing out of the turning point, he stood at the wall and looked quietly into the corridor.

Today, unlike yesterday, the lights for lighting are turned on. Four or five embalmed bodies were straightened and leaned against the wall. Like the mother and daughter, Muroto Hei holds the baby in her arms and squats in front of one of them.

After seeing this scene, Jingyu praised her heart after the accident: ‘Well, is she doing well? ’

Just now, he regretted what he saw next.

"This is Robert." Violet seemed to introduce the baby to the body. "Come and say hello to him." She hugged the baby closer to the body and touched the cold cheek with the baby's small hand.

"The police officer who sent him told me that he killed three people and dismembered one of them. While resisting the arrest, he shot at the police for a while and was finally killed."

She has a kind smile on her face, like touching her lover, sliding her fingers through the two bullet holes in the corpse's chest.

"Well, here it is," she continued. "A bullet was stuck between the ribs. When I took it out, I took a little effort. I must first cut the skin and muscles like this...the whole piece Meat. It wasn't until the entire sternum was revealed that I took the surgical forceps, carefully without destroying the original appearance of the sternum..."

What interrupted her was Jingyu's knock on her head.

"What the **** are you instilling in a pure child in the end." His forehead was beating with blue muscles. As if letting this woman continue, it would create a terrifying murderer.

Violet pouted indifferently, "It doesn't matter what, she can't understand anyway."

After holding the child up, she put it in Jingyu's arms. Seeing the baby immediately show a happy expression, she gritted her teeth angrily. While whispering in jealousy, ‘don’t look at who took care of you last night, you little traitor’, strode into the laboratory.

"It's not a question of intelligibility," Jingyu really wanted to know, is this woman's nerve actually made of hemp rope? He chased behind her and walked in together, and was immediately shocked by the messy level in the room again. "Did you fight another war in this ruin last night?"

As you can see, it was wet, or some diapers stained with a certain color were thrown away. She may have sent them to the soldiers a few times, but why would she refuse to be cleaned? ?

There were many broken glassware slags on the ground, almost nowhere to go. Some of the gastrointestinal animal organs that were originally immersed in the solution, after being exposed to the air, released an unpleasant odor over time.

It is such an environment. The woman in a white coat and long dark purple wavy hair is still boiling water in a beaker... A milk bottle next to her announces her purpose and leads Jingyu's lips straight. twitch.

He glanced down at the innocent baby with big red eyes blinking and thought: ‘This child’s exceptionally tough vitality is really useful here. ’

Hearing Jingyu's irony, he turned back and gave him a whining look of'who's wrong'. Then, scrupulously, the milk powder was scooped into the bottle and poured into boiling water. After shaking slightly, put the bottle on the table. From another mess, a document was drawn, which was also placed beside the bottle.

"Yesterday's preliminary test, I put it here. You will organize this into a report later and report it. I think, seeing your report, they should be more polite to these children."

There is one red eyed newborn, there may be a second. Not only did she think so, everyone who knew the baby existed thought so. It is based on this consideration that the military will quickly dispatch and send the baby over for inspection.

However, Violet's words did not use an overly certain tone. She tried to think of a good place as much as possible, and she understood that it is difficult, difficult, and difficult for humans suffering from gastrointestinal animals to deeply recognize the existence of these children...

At least she couldn't tell herself how she felt about the child who took care of the whole night.

The only thing Violet knows is that the report written by Jingyu must be more helpful to those children than hers.



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