Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 16: Sloppy woman

Seeing Muroto's complex eyes, Jingyu took his fingers out of the baby's mouth. While the little guy looked at him puzzled, he smiled slightly and kissed her on the cheek.

Babies like intimacy, and Jingyu's contact makes the little guy laugh.

Taking advantage of this, Jingyu held her and lifted it to the front of Violet. When the panic stiffened the body because of the raid, be careful to use the baby's cheek and the panic rubbing together.

"Is it the same?" Jingyu asked Cory, "Is it the same as the countless gastrointestinal animals you dissected yourself?"

The warmth and moisture at this moment made the eye sockets somewhat moist. She was obviously shaken, but she fled away from the baby. Ignoring the little hands that babbled out, turned and walked towards the door of the laboratory.

"I'll go and see, they are all ready for what they want."

Walked out without looking back.

It wasn't until the door was closed that the **** weakly leaned on the wall. The back rubbed against the wall and slowly sat in the corridor.

What are you doing? Don’t you swear to completely eliminate gastroenterology?

She clutched the pendant on her neck with one hand, and touched the temperature remaining on her cheek with the other hand, but she couldn't hold her heart anymore.

Violet didn't know at all. In the room, he took the baby back to Jingyu in her arms and perceive her movement clearly.

After a few minutes, Violet seemed to recover and returned with a carton of baby supplies. Silently put the carton on another messy table, take out the milk powder jar, and take another beaker, intending to boil some boiling water for the baby and brew the milk.

"Slow down!" Jingyu stopped. "Don't tell me, you used that cup and experimented."

"I have cleaned it all." Violet replied.

"That's not OK!"


It was the beaker after a few minutes. The boiling water poured into the bottle under Jingyu's hatred.

"You must be a bad mother." He concluded to her.

"You're in charge!" She snapped the bottle on the table beside him.

Jingyu picked up the bottle and shook it, accelerating the cooling of the liquid inside. In this time, Muroto He pulled a chair and sat not far away from him...She also took the boiling water just now, and soaked herself casually under his eccentric gaze of'drinking carefully and getting sick'. Cup of coffee.

Of course not his share.

"Let's just talk about it." While stirring with a spoon, he looked at him and urged: "You haven't answered me, what is the difference between you and her."

"Isn't it simple? I don't have gastrointestinal virus on my body." Jingyu pouted.

"I haven't dissected you, how can I know you haven't." Muroto Hei's posture is not forgiving.

"It's really vicious." Jingyu stared at her.

Muroto He smiled happily. Returning to such a fight with him can make her temporarily ignore the baby with a red eye in his arms. Or, she intentionally introduced such an atmosphere.

"Since you are not because of the gastrointestinal animal virus, you have such abnormal physical abilities." She took a sip of coffee, and the familiar bitterness filled her mouth, helping her thoughts become clearer, "So, how did you get this? Powerful? Also, you seem to have an extraordinary amount of knowledge. Who told you this?"

"My secret is unreportable." Jingyu has no desire to lie. When she saw her open mouth, he first decided: "What is for the victory of mankind, for the sake of fewer deaths and the like, don't need to tell me, That's useless."

Ruthlessness bloomed from his eyes, and while Muroto was surprised and frightened, he inevitably thought that it was really beautiful.

She is really puzzled. Why is she interpreting it this way?

Perhaps, your own thinking also contains abnormal elements.

In a slightly dull atmosphere, Jingyu will cool the baby bottle, which has cooled down, into the hands of the little guy. She immediately held it, automatically found the position, and sucked in joy.

"Finally, I would like to ask, "We" you just mentioned, will not count me?" After drinking a cup of coffee, Violet finally seemed to think of it, so asked .

"What do you say?" Jingyu lifted up the little guy who also drank a bottle of milk and made a flying high. When the little guy giggled happily, "My mother, my child and I don't depend on you, who do we rely on?"

"Why don't you go to die?" Violet roared at the six-year-old boy who was completely unscrupulous.

For the rest of the day, Pansy applied for the qualification of assistant. In the process of waiting for approval, the two cooperated to simply check the baby...including blood test, observation of the activity of gastroenteritis virus in the body, and species analysis.

At noon, the two again quarreled over what lunch to eat.

Jingyu is really incredible. Violet actually uses the beaker to cook that kind of weirdness. It seems that weirdness can be as weird as possible, and we can even distinguish the terrible and strange food from the color. Violet felt that he had made a copy even of him. He should be grateful and eat with gratitude.

"I don't eat!" He refused without hesitation.

"Just whatever you want." Violet bite it with a silver spoon. Under the eyes he couldn't bear to see, it seemed to be delicious. After exaggerating praise, he swallowed it.

"Don't you just make a phone call and ask people to bring in some decent food?" He had no choice but to back down. I was still thinking about it, expecting this kind of anatomical body, more women than cutting vegetables will make delicious food, I am really stupid.

The spoon in Violet paused, "It's too much trouble."

Jingyu is a little crazy, "Will people send it, will it be more trouble than you do it yourself?"

Then he quickly found himself wrong.

"If it wasn't for you to be verbose, I didn't have to spend time thinking about food at all."

Seemingly beautiful ~ gorgeous woman said this, he understood. The trouble she just said is not to do it, but to eat itself.

I thought, no wonder she was obviously an elder sister, but she didn't look full enough. He gritted his teeth and said:

"I think it should help you correct the wrong concept of life."

Violet is bored by his desire to interfere in his life.

"If you can, you can try it."

The two were very childish and squinted. ..


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