Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 15: gap

Jingyu lifted the lid of the box and saw the very weak baby girl with her eyes closed, lying on her back on the white lining. In addition to this, there should be no buffer in this metal box that should not have been used for shipping babies.

The baby's white and tender forehead clearly has several bruises. Presumably it was a collision caused by bumpy cars on the way.

Moreover, it is already late autumn and the weather is cold. This kind of metal box, without keeping warm, not to mention, the clothes worn by the baby should also be indoor supplies prepared by parents before opening their eyes.

All these signs fully show that they didn't care about the child's life or death... just because she had a pair of red eyes similar to gastrointestinal animals, she would rather treat her as a gastrointestinal animal... A metal box made of metal that can weaken and kill gastrointestinal animals is used.

Jingyu is so angry that it is not everything in the box, but they use this metal... Because of its suppression of gastroenteritis virus, as long as the baby is still in this box, it is no different from ordinary human babies.

There is no strong recovery ability and vitality.

That is to say, the cold and collision are enough for her to be fatal.

Fortunately, the baby still has weak breathing. Jingyu quickly took off her coat, wrapped her carefully, and carried her out. At the same time, the energy in his body entered her little body to help her survive.

The guns in the soldiers' hands were slowly let down at this time. For a moment, they all wondered whether the gastrointestinal animal would suddenly come out after the box was opened.

However, as long as the six-year-old baby is held in his hands, as long as he doesn’t open his eyes, how can he be regarded as a human child? Such a picture impacts their hearts and makes them nervous and prepared for their own journey. Ashamed.

"You..." Jingyu, after confirming that the baby's breathing has eased, glared at the captain of this team and said, "I know, you are only acting according to orders, and I am not embarrassed. But tell me Your upper class, treat these children like this..."

He flew a kick and kicked on a 100-kilogram box. With a muffled noise, the box flew a dozen meters high, and smashed into the middle of the road dozens of meters away.

At this scene, the soldiers present and even Muroto were stunned.

"I will kill them!" Jingyu said one word after another.

This sentence has become very effective in such an impactful picture. No one doubted its authenticity, and no one dared to blame him... even if he was in front of so many people, saying something that threatened the government and the military.

" wow wow..." The baby's cry made Jingyu put her body up a little higher. He gently rocked his curved arms up and down, trying to appease the baby.

He has already raised more than 2,000 daughters by hand, but he has cultivated them, similar to the "good father's position", and is dubbed as a super aura...The little girls see him, they can unconsciously develop a sense of intimacy .

This little baby is no exception. I couldn't find my mother, but after staring at his red eyes, he stopped crying.

"Bah...ah..." She stretched out two fleshy little hands to turn Jingyu's chest, and her mouth also moved towards there.

Muroto Saori's face, which had always been expressionless, revealed Waner.

"Uh..." Jingyu quickly put a finger into the baby's mouth and let her **** first. Then he looked up awkwardly and said to Muroto: "Give her some milk powder, she is hungry."

Holding the child, the boy with terrible power suddenly became harmless at this moment. The soldiers can understand this point, but after relaxing, they are embarrassed whether to convey Jingyu's words.

After Jingyu walked into the laboratory building with the baby first, the remaining Muroto looked at them hesitantly and said: "Do what he says, and find some baby products like milk powder and diapers by the way."

She paused and added: "Even if you let me check...babies, they live better than they die."

Putting her hands in the pockets of the white coat, she sighed somehow and walked silently towards the laboratory building.

Going down to the underground laboratory, he saw that he was sitting on a chair with a baby in his posture, and he could not help but walked all the way. Some doubts that came to mind were thrown out without reservation:

"What is this child? What do you know about this child? Does her existence have anything to do with your abnormal physical ability? Are we, or other newborns, able to achieve this? power?"

Compared to studying the baby, Violet felt that he would come faster if he asked him directly. This is just a feeling, but the smart **** is willing to believe his judgment.

Still placing the index finger in the baby's small ~ mouth, Jingyu raised his head, "I said, are you willing to believe?"

"It depends on what you say."

Violet can see the sincerity in his eyes. However, the hatred of the gastrointestinal animals did not let her choose to respond.

Jingyu can think of the damage of the box to the baby, and Pansy can also predict it. However, Viola just did nothing.

This is the current gap between the two. Jingyu is objective, and Violet stands on the subjective side...not a question of who is right or who is wrong.

Jingyu can understand the idea of ​​Violet. If anyone hurt his loved ones, he would also wish to kill them.

"Okay." Jingyu brewed a vocabulary, "This child is still human. However, she is an infectious person. There is no doubt that she coexists and grows with the virus in the mother's body, making her resistant to the virus. Better than the average person."

"You say "strong", be more specific." Violet asked: "Is it January, one day, or shorter?"

If it is shorter, then the baby is dangerous. However, the baby was still held in Jingyu's arms, and he didn't mean to let go at all, and even asked for milk powder, intending to feed her... Violet was willing to believe the time he said.

"If the erosion rate exceeds 50%, humans will become gastrointestinal animals, which you also know." Jingyu felt the strange feeling of the baby's gums biting his fingers, thinking, this child is really powerful. If it weren’t for him, he might be bitten by the little baby who was struggling for food.

Seeing the little baby's annoyance, Jingyu smiled slightly. Because this thought was interrupted and continued, "If we can develop inhibitors, it will help them to greatly delay the erosion of the virus. Ah, yes, these children are indeed physically stronger than ordinary humans. But , I am different from them."

"Where is the difference?" Knowing that it was a human child, Violet's attitude was slightly better. Seeing the interaction between Jingyu and the baby, her maternal side was finally uncontrollable... The idea of ​​wanting to touch the baby appeared in her heart.

During the tangle, she suddenly reacted, and no one stipulated that she should not touch it? Moreover, she originally wanted to study, so naturally she should touch it.

That's right, that's it.

While asking, Violet went to Jingyu and the baby. But when she reached out to touch the baby's pink face, she still stopped... The bruise on the baby's forehead was gone, and the skin was smooth and delicate, as if nothing had happened before.

This once again reminded her of gastrointestinal animals, and she was slightly uncomfortable.



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