Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 14: Red eyed baby

Muroto's skepticism was within Jingyu's expectations. Even when he was in the world of Gundam Seed, genetic research exceeded the current situation, and he still did not realize flawless cloning technology.

In fact, Jingyu doesn't know if he can clone an organ in this world. In other words, he has never done this... It is the first time that a woman he is interested in will have disease in his body.

However, he wanted to try it out. And this is not just to solve Mugen's physical problems.

The follow-up cannot tell the woman at all. Even if she is a genius scientist, she can't be an unknown prophet.

"I already know what I want to do, tell me, how do you decide." He asked her eyes directly.

Muroto said quietly for a while, "I don't want to waste my precious research funds in the ridiculous fantasy of children." She walked to a table and lifted the messy things above Aside. Another book was drawn from it, and there was nothing written on it. When finished, tear off a piece of paper and turn to Jingyu, saying: "I need a trial period for you!"

Jingyu's eyesight was amazing, and when he saw it from a distance, there was a sentence written on the paper. The general idea is: Seeing this child's abnormal intelligence makes me think of my younger self. I want to keep it by my side and cultivate it well. Maybe, in the future, I can take over and become an indispensable person in this country.

"It's no problem to try, but I'm not your disciple." Jingyu emphasized.

Muroto is annoyed and unkindly: "Well, if you want to be my disciple, it depends on whether you are qualified."

Although she had no intention of accepting herself. However, in terms of her mind and research ability, even if she is twice her age, there are many people who want to be her disciples. Shouldn't she be picky?

She gave him a deep look.

In the little confrontation between the two so big and staring, the heavy footsteps of running, the thumping sound of the fall, and finally turned into the scream of the man "Wow ah ah--"...Clear from the corridor Came.

Both of them saw the upturned arc in the corner of each other's mouth in an instant.

"You are such a sinful woman."

"The other party is too timid to clearly scare the child."

They satirized each other and walked out together. What he saw was a man in military uniform sitting in awkward leaning against the wall, kicking and kicking the corpse in the aisle. After being attracted by the light here, seeing Muroto Hejin and Jingyu, such a combination of a woman and a child, made his face appear embarrassed.

The soldiers have also seen dead bodies. It was only the dead body that appeared here, which made him too surprised, which caused panic. At this point, after he coughed and coughed twice, he had calmed down.

"Oh, Lieutenant Yamamoto, do you have anything?" Muroto asked lightly.

The soldier stayed for a while, and it seemed that he remembered something, and quickly picked up a picture from the ground.

"Dr. What a big deal."

He approached Muroto, and handed her the photo, "Look at this." After Muroto took the photo, he glanced at Jingyu hesitantly, not knowing whether he should have asked or not.

Muroto looked at the picture and froze it. After that, she walked to the door and confirmed it in the light. When I looked back, I smashed the photo at Lieutenant Yamamoto, and I was sullenly shouted:

"Whose bad taste is this? It's just abnormal! Are they crazy to make humanoid gastrointestinal animals?"

The photo didn't really hit Lieutenant Yamamoto, it was picked up by Jingyu when it fell.

"No, it's not like that." Frightened by her attitude, Lieutenant Yamamoto wanted to explain anxiously. However, he glanced at Jingyu, his eyes vigorously indicating that Muroto would be able to speak in another place.

Muroto He calmed his emotions, "You say, it's okay to be heard by him... I'm responsible for the accident."

"Yes." Since Muroto had already mentioned this, Lieutenant Yamamoto was also a little bit out. "The hospital is a child just delivered by the hospital. I don't know what the reason is, my eyes are red eyes, but the doctors and nurses , And the parents of the children are terrified."

"Born?" Muroto He was amazed. "Are you sure that no one has interfered in the process of conceiving?"

"According to his parents, this is the case. However, the possibility of lying cannot be ruled out." Lieutenant Yamamoto said as if to pass the order: "The army has been dispatched to take over the child and is on the way to here. The upper level hopes that you will check it as soon as possible. She, and make a detailed report."

Yes, in the picture, there is a baby with red eyes. Jingyu knew that the cursed child appeared.

Muroto said a few more questions. After confirming that the second lieutenant had limited knowledge, she agreed with dignity. Together with Jingyu, he came to the laboratory building again. After only a short wait, he saw three military vehicles approaching.

The first and the next ran off dozens of soldiers with live ammunition. The middle car got the signal before opening the rear door. Then, a black metal box was lifted... Needless to say, the baby was inside.

"Do you want to kill her?" Jingyu, who had been standing beside Violet, silently paying attention to the situation, asked angrily.

This caused a brief silence and stagnation on the scene. When people reacted to what he was talking about, he didn't know what method was used and appeared next to the box. With a click, the big lock holding the box was broken.

The four soldiers carrying the box were startled. Let’s just leave the box together, and together with the other soldiers, pull the motive bolt of the motive, and point at the inexplicable Jingyu... If he is not a child, it’s estimated that there are people who shoot. .

But the atmosphere at the scene was undoubtedly very tense.

Then, the soldiers were surprised to find that the metal box weighing 100 kilograms was actually held firmly by his hands... without being hit by gravity on the ground.

They looked at each other.

Jingyu completely ignored the gestures of the guns, causing Muroto Jin to squeeze cold sweat for him.

"What are you doing? Come back quickly." She yelled, showing the relationship between the two, while walking over.

The soldiers finally settled down from this'surprise'. The officer like the captain waved his hand, beckoning the other soldiers not to act lightly. ..


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