Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 53: The duel the girls provoke

Jingyu felt that someone had pushed herself and woke up.

"Master," the stunning beauty lying in his arms was Daier, and she smiled: "Most of them will come to ask you to talk about things in the future, you should make some preparations first."

She sat up and wrapped her body in a cover sheet. No matter how she moved, she had put on a red suspender dress when she took off the sheet. What's more, even the traces of joy left in the bed disappeared.

She wrapped her long golden wavy hair, bent her head and kissed his lips, and returned to replace the main hall.

Jingyu knew that she must have foreseen something through the power of the system, so she found the clothes and put them on one by one.

Almost as soon as he put on his pants, there was a knock on the door.

It was Leticia who opened the door when he allowed it.

Leticia was surprised when she saw him naked, "Master, did you sleep well?"

It's getting better in the day, and she believes that he is not the one who will stay in bed until now.

"Looking at the future development plan of the community last night, I slept relatively late." Jingyu Xinkou whispered and asked, "What happened to you?"

Leticia did not doubt him at all, and replied: "Yes... Actually Asuka, Yao, and Jin En, the three of them were originally going to challenge the gift game of the King of the World, but on the way they became a contract with Fores_Garo. The duel agreement."

"Oh?" Jingyu slapped a yellow T-shirt behind his upper body. He paused while holding a black coat. After a smile, he wore it on his body again. Say, it’s not a matter of looking for something... This Fores_Garo wouldn’t do anything that is so angry that it would make the lady miss it, haha."

He intended to make a joke, but Leticia really smiled bitterly.

"Although it's not anger, but it's really bad and rare."

She will tell the story from Jin En.

It turned out that the three of them left the community shortly before they were stopped by the leader of Fores_Garo. The other party sent an invitation to Asuka and Yao... Of course, there was no lack of bragging about how their community got, and the noname that devalued Jin En.

However, Asuka keenly found some worthy places from these words. With her gifted ability, she forced the leader of Fores_Garo to answer her questions, debunking the shady hidden in the other party's common victory-

To capture the hostages, force the weak communities to put their names and flags on to fight against them, and then put them under control; and, in order to prevent these communities from revolting, the young children of these communities are detained as hostages... nominally, in fact, These young children have already been killed and eaten away by corpses.

"That's right, did Asuka put a duel on this guy named Jard?" Jingyu put on the headphones and walked with Reticia in the direction of the meeting room, "so she can force Jar For Germany, there is a high probability of winning. On this basis, you will come to me. Either there is someone behind this community or there is something wrong with the content of the duel."

Leticia praised with an expression of "It's a master, really quick response", and replied: "It's the latter. Fores_Garo does belong to the upper beast community "Six Six Six Beasts", but this is six six six The beast is now just a crowd, not worth mentioning..."

Her tone is harsh and arrogant. Even if he looks young, he has awe-inspiring power in this performance. With that beautiful face, it is enough to make people feel pleasing. After the harsh side, it was replaced by a short period of confusion, showing the cuteness of the age.

"Master, I think about it now, and I can't say that the content of the duel is wrong... because there is no agreement on the content of the duel, this is the wrong place."

Jingyu stayed for a while, "Are you saying that Asuka will let the other party determine the content of the game?"

Leticia nodded.

Jingyu shook his head for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's a bit nonsense. If the other party feels that they have lost everything else, they agree that they will not be allowed to use compulsory commands in the gift game, or pure luck... It is also possible to lose. Moreover, the game will be quite boring."

"So, Black Rabbit wants to ask Master or Snow White to complete this duel." Leticia said.

"You only talked about the black rabbit, not yourself..." Jingyu smiled, "What do you think?"

"I don't think the master will agree." Leticia said: "If you insist on saying, I feel that there is no loss and victory for the defeat of the duel. It is better to let Miss Asuka and Miss Yao participate in it irrespective of the outcome. It’s good for them to exercise once, and it will be good for their future growth...maybe they can also learn a lesson."

Jingyu thought after listening to it, Leticia experienced many, psychologically very mature people, no naive side...... If the duel wins, it will require Jared to disband the guild and accept the sanctions of the Chamber, this point Not being watched by Leticia.

However, Jingyu doesn't care much about this.

Even if Jard would escape from the box court, Jingyu could send someone to kill him. Or if the birds lost, he could also mobilize the world double kings to squeeze Foreste_Garo to survive... How many ways to rectify Foreste_Garo.

But Jingyu still said with a smile: "Don't say those words to Asuka. In addition, I really will not agree."

The conversation ended for a while. They came to the meeting room together. As soon as they opened the door, they saw Asuka facing him with arms folded and a small face.

"You know the rules," she said.

Jingyu couldn't help laughing, "I know what I should do, but when you ask you to do this kind of thing next time, you have to think clearly. Don't let everyone be worried."

It was like her brother's understanding and tolerance of the mischievous sister, but also contained shallow criticism and caution, which made Asuka extremely uncomfortable...She wished he would fight with her, so that she still knew how to fight back.

"Yes, you're in charge." In the end, he could only turn his head away and resisted this awkwardly.

In the process of speaking in this way, Leticia has come to the black rabbit who intends to ask Jingyu to participate in the war, and whispers the last sentence:

"Give up, Black Rabbit."

The rabbit's ears drooped weakly...



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