Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 52: The beginning is always unexpected

As a famous lady, Asuka's life is actually not as free and fertile as civilians imagine.

She had to get up at dawn, get dressed, and then regularly eat a specific nutritious breakfast, and then study in the morning... The next morning when she came to the noname of the box house, she would wake up when the sun hadn’t come out. No wonder.

Thinking about the circadian clock is really annoying. As I have no drowsiness, even if I know that there will be no annoying housekeeper yelling and urging myself, Asuka still sits up.

Instinctively reach out to the side of the bed and want to get the clothes I wear today. However, after grabbing twice, he caught nothing.

Asuka glanced doubtfully, and saw the sky above the bedside table, froze for a moment before thinking of it... The suit that I wore yesterday had fallen into the lake and had been cleaned; the clothes picked by the black rabbit, because of a certain This position is not very suitable, Black Rabbit said he would help to change it.

As for what is inappropriate, don't ask where you should!

So, she has no clothes to wear out of the room here... Although there is a nightgown that is still well covered, the current weather is not cold, but for the conservative young lady, it is always not a dress that can go out to meet people .

Asuka sighed and lay back on the bed again. I thought, should I simply take advantage of the rare opportunity to challenge the extremes of laziness and snooze, that is, the legendary behavior of "sleeping back to sleep"?

The door **** was slightly opened, and there was a sound.

Hearing that it was obviously a deliberate suppression of the volume, Asuka's heart tightened, and the first thought was that it wouldn't be the pervert who sneaked in secretly.

She was nervous, angry, and thought that she must not be taken lightly. Otherwise, he would be considered bully...If he was beaten, would he still be safe?

She made up her mind, pretended to fall asleep and closed her eyes, wanting to wait for the other person to approach herself before giving a'fatal blow'.

The visitor crept to her bed. Asuka heard a wave of rustling clothes, and she thought she was **** for a moment, and she blushed with shame at the thought of what would happen next.

She couldn't stand it anymore. While opening her eyelids, she launched herself against the other party.

"Turn it into a bug, you... uh, black... black rabbit?"

What froze because of his words was the rabbit-eared girl who summoned herself from the original world yesterday. Of course, she did not froze because of the power of boarding in the words, just because she suddenly woke up.

Asuka looked at her holding a dress in her hands-the bright red was very familiar, clearly the one that Asuka selected in the black rabbit's room last night.

Asuka also froze.

The two girls squinted for a while in the room that was not too bright-"Fly, Miss Asuka, are you having a nightmare." Black Rabbit asked.

"Ah... um." Asuka responded vaguely, "Black Rabbit, what are you doing?"

Although it may be possible to guess the intention of the black rabbit, Asuka's inquiries still blame... If this rabbit came in secretly, how could she be so mentally tortured that she thought so many things.

Black Rabbit seemed to realize that it was not too good to steal into the room, and quickly explained: "Please don't get me wrong... Black Rabbit thought she would bring it to you because she thought that Miss Asuka would need it after she got up. But, I don't know When will you start, and the black rabbit cannot wait outside the door at any time, so... in short, sorry."

She bowed sincerely to Asuka and apologized.

At this time, Asuka can no longer pursue her. However, I thought in my heart that one or two more sets of clothes should be prepared to prevent this from happening again.

But Asuka did not immediately ask for it, but wanted to wait until after making contributions to the community.

When I got up and changed the suit instead of the one-piece dress, it was more suitable as an evening dress and a beautiful and gorgeous red dress. Asuka asked the black rabbit waiting on the side:

"Black Rabbit, do you know where there are more challenging gift games in the vicinity?"

"Hey?" Black Rabbit froze for a while. "Miss Asuka didn't want to adapt to the environment first, and then began to be familiar with the specific process of the gift game from a simpler game?" "No more." Asuka said: "If you want to know, just tell me, and I will check it out after breakfast."

She thought to herself, if there is room to start with a simple game, to catch up with that guy, you cannot lower the starting point.

"I also want to know." Another girl's voice came from the door, Kasugabe Yao, she said'disturb', and pushed the door of the room that was not tightly closed, "I didn't deliberately eavesdrop, and It is because of hearing the shouting of Asuka, I wonder if Asuka met someone..."

"Forget it, stop mentioning it!" Asuka interrupted her with blushing.

By the way, the two lived next door, and Yao's ears were very sensitive.

Seeing that the two girls were indeed full of energy, Black Rabbit thought about it and said, "If you want to say the gift game held at the outside gate of 2105380, it is still the long-term opening of the "Advance to the Sky City" organized by the Double King Sex games are the most challenging. Even six-figure numbers, or even the most powerful communities in the Southern and Northern Districts, occasionally send people to participate."

"Shuangwang, is it a famous community?" Yao asked sideways.

"Did you remember when you entered the outer door, the pattern of the scepter and the sword crossed on it? That's the banner of the twin kings... The twin kings are now a five-digit community, and this is also the same The regional governor of the outer door." Black Rabbit led the girls on the way to the restaurant, with instructions.

It also includes content that explains ‘what is a regional governor’, and which girls are interested in.

When I started to eat the delicious bread baked by Lily, Asuka asked: "You just said that the game has been held for nearly two years. Is it really difficult to the point that it has not yet passed?"

"That's not true," Black Rabbit said: "Every few months someone will get through the final level. Once someone gets through, the game content will be updated... but the venue and theme remain the same, and the reward for each final level is different. . And the most important thing is that after the final level is cleared, the name and flag of the community can be engraved at the beginning of the game."

Even the flying birds and Yao who have just arrived in the box court for a day, they all know the importance of the name and the banner to the community... engraving them at the beginning of the game, but all the communities that come to challenge in the future can be seen, yes A very glorious thing.

Since Black Rabbit praised this gift game so well, Asuka and Yao immediately decided to challenge.

Since going to participate in this gift game, you need to pay a certain challenge fee. It happened that Jin En who came to the restaurant to eat, proposed to save:

"It's better to wait for Mr. Jingyu and Master Bai Xue to come with them."

Such a suggestion.

The gift game does have a standard of'not according to the number of people, but according to whether it is the same community'... Although many people go, it is not impossible, but if the strategy is successfully engraved on the engraving monument, write the number of strategy at the same time, but It will shame the community.

Therefore, no community has ever sent more than ten people at a time.

The four people proposed by Jin En are not indispensable.

It's just that Asuka and Yao showed hesitant or complicated expressions... Although they didn't say it, they didn't really want to wait for Jingyu to go together. Speaking out is tantamount to acknowledging that they are worse than him, but they will not do so if they have strong self-esteem.

They dispelled their unhappiness, and even prevented them from trying to lead the unhappiness to Jingyu-simply go and call him who is asleep... It was Black Rabbit who said with a smile.

"Mr. Jingyu is not going to participate in the gift game held by the twin kings, because the community where Mr. Jingyu originally belonged is the twin kings."

After saying so, she looked at Jin En... seeing Jin En showing a momentary confused look, and then agreed.

She smiled bitterly, knowing that Jin En must not have really understood her words.

‘Mr. Jingyu’s gift effect is really strong. ’

Asuka and Yao departed shortly afterwards... along with Jin En, who was also responsible for leading the way and also participating in this gift game.

However, two people in this line returned after two hours.



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