Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 54: Jingyu and Yao

The duel will be decided tomorrow, but Jingyu who proposes that "the lion will go all out even in the face of the black rabbit" strongly demands that Asuka and Yao must exercise their strength from today.

Then, he left the flying birds to Black Rabbit and Leticia, and he himself was called Yao, and left the headquarters together... Considering that it takes a total of one hour from the headquarters building to the gate of the base area, in order to save time, Jingyu has Let Yao Yao borrow'Fly Wings' from Flying Bird.

The two are now flying in the air.

Yao Pin looked at the pair of bat wings behind Jingyu. When she discovered the extra wings like the flying wings that she did not equip, she finally couldn't help but wonder:

"Jingyu, aren't you human?"

"I consider myself a human being."

He looked at her and saw her puzzled by this sentence, and said with a smile: "Well, specifically, no one stipulates my race, so I established myself... The choice is human. ."

Yao regards such an answer as the embodiment of his companion's "Only One" thought. This did not hinder anyone. Yao thought that ‘it’s nothing bad’, and held an indifferent attitude.

"So, what's going on with these wings?"

"It's one of the many powers I have... It's not in the gift game, so I will use it." Jingyu said.

Yao nodded, "Listening to Black Rabbit, you used to be a member of the five-digit common system world double king. Sure enough, you still have a lot of powerful gifts, right."

"So... these powerful gifts are not suitable for use in today's noname... like this?"

Jingyu continued to say the following...I don’t know if this was in her mind, and she said that she was unsatisfied hidden in a few words; or maybe she didn’t want to be misunderstood by him... Yao Yi showed panic.

This is also the first time she has encountered such a situation since she met Jingyu.

"No, it's not..." She waved her hands, trying to ease the atmosphere that seemed to develop in a discordant direction.

However, Jingyu laughed. With both hands pressed down to signal her calmness, she said in a solemn tone:

"Okay, okay, no joke... Actually I just hope that all possible misunderstandings will be lifted. Yao, the gifts I plan to use in noname are not worse than the many gifts I ever had... This is me I believe you will not object to this holder’s view. In addition, I also believe that you and Asuka have the same gift as me."

Yao is a little surprised, ‘that is, is my ability as strong as Jingyu and Asuka? ’

However, why does Jingyu's power seem to be much stronger than those of Asuka and mine now?

If he uses the zombie as his opponent, Yao Zi believes that he will definitely not win.

Her puzzling clearly appeared on her face.

"That's because, your gifts are still in the original stone state." Jingyu told her, "As I said, the game has just begun...playing from a novice is the basic of the player. Ah, yes, you can Think of me as an old player with some experience."

This statement made Yao's face recover. The tension due to being alone with him is gradually being eliminated.

The two continued to fly forward, as if to pass the time, Jingyu continued to tell her: "Out of curiosity about the gift you and Asuka hold, I asked someone for a little time." The so-called'find someone' was asked to Dai Er last night...Del's being restricted by the other half of the system, he couldn't tell him all but simply asked him Science popularizes the knowledge available at this stage.

"Your gift is said to be that in the process of communicating with animals, you can learn that animals have representative racial capabilities... Yao, I am now taking you to see a new Eudemons."

When referring to Eudemons, Yao's eyes glowed instantly.

"What is it?" Even the words he asked were more energetic than before.

‘It’s really straightforward in this regard. 'Jingyu looked at her excited little face and smiled, "The twin kings of the world have two light-winged horses. Although they can't be said to be powerful, I feel that learning their power will control you from other Eudemons in the future. The strength gained is good."

"Light Wing Horse?" Yao Yao imagined what they looked like, and asked: "Jingyu, what kind of Eudemons are there in the Chamber? For example, is there a Griffin?"

"There should be... the Southern District is the area rich in Eudemons, we are now in the Eastern District. Yao, first make yourself strong, but also contribute to the community, let the community develop. The gift game in the Southern District, we I always want to challenge. I believe that this day will come, it will not be too far away!" Jing Yu said with a smile.

Yao Ze nodded heavily... Compared with yesterday, she is now full of energy.

Within a few minutes, they flew out of the base, and the two fell from the sky and walked to the world king.

After another half an hour, he arrived at the front gate of the twin kings.

Here stood a beautiful adult woman with light green wavy hair. When she saw Jingyu, she greeted her with a smile.

As she approached, Yao couldn't help but stare at her chest and said: It's so powerful, it's bigger than the black rabbit's... It's the largest size Yao has seen so far, it seems to be fine.

Moreover, the woman is still very tall.

Wearing high heels, she is about the same height as Jingyu, who is 17 years old.

Yao stood beside them, and her face and body looked like a child... although she was only 14 years old.

"Master Jingyu." Monet greeted Jingyu naturally, and then looked at Yao Yao curiously.

Yao Yao stiffened, "You, hello."

"Hello." Monet smiled at her. "The light wing horse is ready, please follow me."

She walked on the other side of Jingyu and led them to the stage area of ​​the twin kings of the world. Yaocai saw two white and flawless horses with a pair of wings.

There is no doubt that the legendary Tianma, Yao's eyes can't move away.

"I'm going to say hello inside, can you stay here alone?" Jingyu said to her like this, she didn't look back ‘um’.

This caused Jingyu to shake his head and walked to the main building in the base with Monet. Monet only told him at this time that because of Sister Dai's notice, including the Queen, the female members of the main members came from the five-digit base.

"Then, I'll eat lunch here, and go back in the evening." Jingyu immediately decided.



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