Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 51: Ridicule the black rabbit and plant the seeds

The leader of the long table is obviously the position of the leader of the community... Neither Asuka nor Yao are meant to occupy the magpie's nest; Jingyu knows that he will leave this community in the future, and he does not intend to be the leader.

Out of the mentality of the gentleman and the gentleman, he bypassed the first place and walked to the other side away from the door and sat down.

Bai Xueji sat next to him, and Asuka and Yao sat opposite them.

There are four people standing.

"Jin, Black Rabbit, please sit down quickly. Lily, you are in charge here, I'll come over to the master." Leticia, although wearing a maid costume, is the predecessor of Black Rabbit and Jin En...she Such distribution.

Jin En, who wanted to help, scratched his head and finally sat in the first place. But he could see that he was uncomfortable sitting there.

Black Rabbit grabbed the picking spoon and dish that Reticia had just picked up. "Letitia's big talents should sit down and add the work of adding food to the new comrades. Let it be Black Rabbit."

She came to Jingyu and asked, "What does Mr. Jingyu want to eat?"

"Rabbit." Jingyu said casually.

"Ah, rabbit, okay..." The black rabbit smiled and looked at the table of the long table, but it quickly reacted. "That's not good! Why do you have to eat a rabbit, and don't make a rabbit at all."

"Can I order? Then I want to eat a rabbit too." Yao raised his hand.

"No!" cried the black rabbit. "No rabbits!"

"In other words, it's the fox who cooks, why are there no rabbits?" Jingyu looked at Lily and asked.

Lily, who was staring at him fooling around with the black rabbit, was suddenly asked by him seriously, looking a little overwhelmed.

"Then, that..."

How can she be a rabbit, and the sister Black Rabbit is her esteemed object... No one in the community wants to eat a rabbit at all.

However, since the other party is a new comrade, since I want to eat...should I be satisfied?

However, if you catch the rabbit, it will definitely make the black rabbit sister angry... woo, what should I do?

Under Lili's trouble, a pair of fox ears and two fluffy fox tails moved back and forth, and the green eyes had a tendency to develop in circles.

Leticia shook her head, and said to her indifferently: "Lily, the master is just kidding, don't take it seriously."

"Hey?" Lily looked at Jingyu again, thinking: would a serious expression be a joke?

This time she saw Jingyu smile.

He also spread his hand, glaring at him with tears and ignoring the black rabbit, and said:

"This can't blame me. Who made you all so rigid? It's not a kingly community. If everyone is a companion, why should anyone serve? Black Rabbit sit down, Lily sit down, and eat together."

"Huh?" The black rabbit, who didn't expect him to say so, instantly turned from angry to surprised, "Jing, Mr. Jingyu..."

Asuka flicked her hair and looked at Jingyu. "I agree with you this time. Although I don't mind being served, I still feel more fragrant when I eat."

Yao also nodded, and before waiting for Black Rabbit and Lily to respond, he leaned over and pulled a large plate of meat on the table to her own, which meant quite a bit of domination.

This left Asuka for a while, and Snow White protested out loud.

"Ah, that, I want to eat too."

Yao then stuffed his mouth silently... even disregarding the girl's image.

Her cat also ate together.

Such a move obviously made Shirayuki unpleasant, "I said I'm going to eat too." Shirayuki leaned over to pull the plate.

Yao then hurriedly pulled the plate out of Shirayuki's reach and said, "Everyone has one plate."

"One..." Bai Xueji was choked, revealing her teeth: "How can you be like this, not at all!"

"Well, Master Baixue, please calm down." Black Rabbit quickly put down the bowl and spoon and pulled Baixue Ji to prevent her from exerting momentum.

Lily hurriedly said, "There is still a kitchen, I will get it here."

As a result, Lily and the black rabbits began to eat after Jingyu and others started to eat and were divided. But throughout the dining process, they were always trembling to guard against these children's recurrence.

Half an hour later, a full-fledged group came to select the room on the third floor of the main building... Jingyu really chose Black Rabbit's next door and forced Bai Xueji to live next door to him.

Asuka and Yao looked at a few of them, but they were not very satisfied.

"Is there anything missing?" the black rabbit who accompanied them selected and asked curiously: "You're welcome, please say it, the black rabbit will try its best to satisfy."

Asuka said: "Is there no room with bathroom on this floor?"

Yao thought the same way, "I want to take a bath before going to bed every day."

"This..." Black Rabbit's expression froze... The water of the community was either bought or had to be called from several kilometers away.

If Leticia is free, she can go to fetch water, and the reservoir can be filled once. If she goes out to participate in the gift contest, the children of the community can only fetch water.

That became a big project.

Under such circumstances, bathing is a luxury, not to mention washing every day.

However, this is the request of the new comrades... It is also difficult for Black Rabbit to say something that is rejected. She thought left and right, when Asuka and Yao hesitated whether to change this request, she suddenly looked happy again.

"By the way, there are water trees... Master Xue Xue holds the water tree in his hand! Just tell Mr. Jingyu that it should be available."

The three girls walked to Jingyu's room together.

Jingyu is now answering her questions to Leticia. Hearing the knock on the door, Leticia opened the door.

Seeing the three of them, Jingyu smiled and said, "Come and tell me, where is your room?"

‘Then wait for you to go quietly? satyr! ‘Asuka stared at him... When she came here to beg for him, she didn’t have ‘bad words to face’. But she didn't plan to speak, so she met with Yao and urged the black rabbit who was crying and laughing.

Black Rabbit smiled bitterly: "It's not like that...Mr. Jingyu, can you get out of the water tree with Master Baixue? Miss Asuka and Miss Yao want to go to bed...Woo!" Her mouth was covered in time by Asuka. Asuka said: ‘Fool, how can we tell the satyr that we are going to take a bath. ’

But Jingyu smiled badly.

"It turns out so..." he said, "If you are willing to invite me to take a shower, I will ask for it."

‘I knew it would happen! ‘Flying bird stroked his forehead and did the same thing in harmony with Yao... Pushing the black rabbit forward.

"Hey..." Black Rabbit froze.

Yao said: "The black rabbit who told him the details is not good."

"So," Asuka said, "let the black rabbit bath him."

"How could this be!" Black Rabbit yelled in tears.

Jingyu laughed and said half-truth, ‘I’ll take this rabbit without any care’, and walked past them and came out of Bai Xueji’s room and knocked on the door.

After opening the door, Bai Xueji knew Jingyu's request and immediately smirked.

"Although you said so...but people don't want to wear maid clothes."

With that said, he reached out to him.

Jingyu looked sideways at Black Rabbit, Asuka, and Yao, casting a look of'You owe me once', and took out the victory document that could force Shirayuki to put on the maid's uniform... The victory document was returned to Baixue Ji.

In this way, Shirayuki took out the water tree.

Seeing the water tree, the black rabbit immediately rejoiced again, and may even look behind him when he was about to bathe Jingyu.

She immediately jumped to mobilize the older children to clean the water channel together, and planted the water tree on the pedestal beside the reservoir. Then came back to clean up the big bath.

This busy time was an hour and a half. At about midnight, the black rabbits, flying birds, Yao, and Snow White cleaned their bodies and soaked into the particularly pure and forest-like water flowing out of the water tree.

‘Ah’, the black rabbit who exhaled comfortably seemed to take away the extra tiredness accumulated over the day.

"It is indeed a prize provided by Master Baixue! The water tree is enough to provide our daily water, and it can be used in other ways."

The so-called other aspects are naturally the cultivation of fields to develop farm animals... If the latter part succeeds, the community will no longer have to spend money on external purchases, and may even sell them out... It is possible to increase the community's reserves.

Black Rabbit seems to have seen the development of the community in general, and her red eyes are full of longing and hope.

Bai Xueji smiled proudly, "Isn't that taken for granted? How can I say that I am also a **** personality holder."

"Yes..." Black Rabbit nodded with a smile.

As the bird looks through the ceiling with a structure similar to the urban mask, looking up at the stars in the night sky, it is a bit unwilling to say:

"But, he owed the guy a favor. It was obviously a man, but it was stingy, hum."

Yao also nodded.

Black Rabbit smiled bitterly, "Maybe this time it was not like that."

"Isn't...?" Asuka turned her head suspiciously, looking somewhat disbelief.

"Ura," Black Rabbit stretched out a finger seriously, "Mr. Jingyu didn't make any request this time? Give us the bathroom first... It is clear that you can break in hard, but actually Didn't you really do this?"

"If you say so..." Asuka pinched her chin and dropped two strands of hair to the black rabbit to cover the chest, which was the key to her chest, and then looked at Bai Xueji's, "It's so big", unwillingly in his heart. So muttering, said: "He really did not pull the black rabbit to bathe him."

"Yeah." Black Rabbit pointed forward. "So, Black Rabbit thought, maybe Mr. Jingyu was taking into account the feelings of Miss Asuka and Miss Yao."

Both women showed doubts this time, and Black Rabbit further explained: "Isn't Black Rabbit mentioned before, will you arrange the number of seats for meetings and meals according to your contributions to the community? If you don't mention other requirements, and If Mizuki is counted as Mr. Jingyu’s contribution, he will be ranked above you immediately. But now, after he did that, he is still on the same starting line with you."

Asuka and Yao froze and looked at each other.

Bai Xueji laughed ‘ha’, “Black Rabbit, you think too much, how can he be so good.”

Black Rabbit didn't say anything more... However, her explanation did make Feiyao and Yaoyao feel a little more comfortable.

After the four of them came out of the bathroom, the black rabbit took Asuka and Yao to choose their daily clothes... When Shirayuki returned to the room, she knocked on Jingyu's room, which happened to be next door, and told him that the bathroom was empty.

Jingyu went to the bathroom.

Soon after, Leticia also came, "Master, I will wipe your back for you." She said this, wrapped a bath towel, and came to Jingyu.

Jingyu handed her the towel and let her scrub herself.

When Reticia scrubbed his arms, he was inevitably on his side. He glanced at Leticia's flat chest because she was a young girl.

"Now, Leticia, can you untie the ribbon on your head?"

The ribbon on Leticia's head has the function of changing her figure-she is an adult woman.

Leticia stayed for a while, then blushed authentically: "Lord, Master... Do you want to..."

Perhaps it is the effect of her body shape... The childish face has the dual attributes of innocence and purity. After being watched so softly, Jingyu suddenly felt embarrassed.

He scratched his cheek. "Because I lost a bet with a woman, it made me haven't touched a woman in a foreign world for nine years. It was really weird... But, I didn't say it. If you use the status of'Master and Son' to force you, there is no more face that you call Master.'

Leticia fell silent. He gave up, but she hesitated to recommend herself to him.

In the final analysis, it was too sudden for Leticia...he had never shown a similar meaning to her before, even if there was little verbal flirtation.

Otherwise, she thought, she might be more calm.

Looking at her so immobile, Jingyu suddenly smiled and rubbed her little head and said: "Fool, the king of the world is also well-founded in the seven figures, I can solve physiological problems as long as I go there... Not a big deal."

‘Say, so is it. Leticia finally breathed out.

However, this conversation is impossible after all. When she continued scrubbing Jingyu and returning to the room later, she couldn't help but think... she also possessed attractive beauty, and the master and her would also like her.

(Hoo, it has been added.)



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