Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 9: Is this okay?

(The picture shows Baidi)

Jingyu's face was not too gloomy, because he knew that the unknown woman had been merciless just now. Otherwise, this seven-sea dragon dragon armor will be damaged without being destroyed.

Now, there is only a bad situation where the energy input cannot keep up with the consumption. As long as the energy is continuously injected, it can be restored to its previous dazzling posture.

Bai Yecha jumped in front of him, stared at him carefully, and nodded ‘uh’.

"Sure enough, I feel right. You have less than half of the energy in your body... Isn't it related to the fact that you didn't know where to fight that demon not long ago?"

Jingyu actually lost more energy. The energy in his body was still accumulating for half a year since he continued to increase, and he absorbed the evil energy in the upper elves such as Azshara before accumulating quickly.

Of course, he will not talk to Bai Yecha in the presence of a woman who doesn't know the origin.

Therefore, he responded vaguely and asked, "Who is she?"

Bai Yecha's troubled boy grabbed his hair angrily and turned around. "Hey, let's talk to him."

The woman was silent.

Bai Yecha smiled wickedly, "You suddenly attacked others in other people's bases...I want to be promoted by me, how impolite are you?"

The woman frowned disapprovingly, raised her hand, and gathered a light mass beside her.

This light group stretched and changed into a personal shape.

"Have you not forgotten him yet?" she said to Jingyu who was staring at the figure for a while.

"I haven't forgotten...but, what does it have to do with you?" Jingyu asked her.

The woman lifted her chin, "That's what I gave off after the reincarnation of the spirit of God according to the will of the Heavenly Emperor. The man was already dead, and before I took it back, I read the memory..."

Jingyu was dumbfounded. "You, he..." He looked back and forth between the humanoid and her, especially after looking at the woman's chest for a few more times, almost asking for the truth: "Are you a woman?"

Of course, he is no stranger to this ‘human form’, is it Qin Shihuang’s government?

The woman in front of her has a beautiful face that says that the woman is smaller and the girl is more mature.

The kind of coldness that has always been unsmiling is somewhat similar to the majesty of majesty that radiates from time to time.

It's just that it's similar to a wedding dress, a silver bow on the back of the hair, a swollen chest, a slender skeleton, and half-exposed snowy thighs. It doesn't belong to men.

However, she nodded calmly.

"But how do you..." Jingyu looked at the human figure, the implication was very obvious.

The woman was still unimpressed and asked him, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Uh...this..." Jingyu's lips twitched, not knowing how to answer her.

She seemed to understand what he was thinking, her brows were tight and loose, and she finally decided to explain a little.

"Qin's period is different from my previous one, and women are not allowed to be leaders."

It's really just a sentence.

There is no point at all about what Jingyu wants to hear.

He stroked his forehead. "You still haven't said who you are."

"You can call me Baidi," she replied.

Jingyu stayed for a while, "Little Emperor Bai..."

Bai Yecha interrupted him with a dry cough and solemnly said: "The name is forbidden!"

‘That means she really didn’t lie. Jingyu carefully looked at the woman who claimed to be Baidi, and said: ‘Forget it, all heroes can be women. It’s no surprise that Baidi is a woman.’ ’

After reading the memory of Qin Shihuang, Bai Di knew that Jingyu had a conversation with Yingzheng before Yingzheng died.

However, in his view, Baidi's attitude towards Yingzheng is not like treating herself, but just like looking at an image recording instrument... he can't imagine that this cold Baidi will come to him just because of this.

He looked at Bai Yecha.

Bai Yecha read the meaning of his eyes, "Well, in detail, let's go back and talk about it."

She clapped her hands and the three left the night space and returned to the stage area of ​​the base area.

And here, there are already several women... Gilgamesh, Angel, Monet, Mariana, and Fina and Leia, dressed in a golden armor.

As soon as Gilgamesh saw the three, he shouted, "Baiya, I need to explain!"

Because she brought them, she will entertain them. Unexpectedly, originally, the woman suddenly disappeared before them. Bai Yecha was gone, and when they all came out, they received reports from the guards, saying that another majesty was attacked.

This can make the women both surprised and nervous, for fear that Jingyu seems to have lost a lot of power in Jingye's mouth.

But now, seeing Jingyu's expression is not abnormal, even the stern look of Gilgamesh is secretly relieved.

Bai Yecha smiled bitterly at the expressionless Bai Di, ‘I’m all hurt by you, and when you go back, you have to compensate me. ’

What does it compensate?

But she prepared several sets of clothes suitable for Baidi... Hey, hey... I have to force Baidi to put it up for her.

As for now... Bai Yecha said to Jingyu: ‘Good boy, help me quickly. ’

Jingyu ignored her.

But she threw a bait that Jingyu couldn't ignore.

‘I will introduce you to some beautiful goddesses. ’

She had a very clear mind in her find the goddess who vowed to keep her pure, to let him know, but to make him see but not eat.

Jingyu didn't know this. However, he also maximized the benefits in this matter.

"Mish, I'm a long-time friend of mine. It was just a greeting. I don't know each other."

The Emperor Bai did not deny it, and this justified the saying of "friends".

Bai Yecha secretly praised Jingyu, "It's really cunning enough to see that she has other purposes here. If you deny you here, she will be kicked out and unable to talk to you... she has to." By default. ’

Gilgamesh glanced back and forth at Jingyu's face and Baidi's body, and snorted: "Just whatever you want."

She turned angrily and left.

Jingyu scratched her cheek and gave Fina and Leiya two girls a wink, asking them to appease Gilgamesh first.

As the master, he took Bai Yecha and Bai Di back to the main building later.



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