Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 10: Historical transition

The main building of the world double king community, Jingyu's room... Angel is the only one present except Jingyu, Bai Yecha and Baidi. After serving tea and dessert for the guests, she stood behind Jingyu.

Bai Yecha noticed that there was a little power of Fina and Leia in Angel. She guessed that it must be the two girls who were quietly "eavesdropping" on the conversation in this room.

To put it further, they did this not because of naughtiness, but for Gilgamesh, who has a good face.

She did not take it through.

What made her feel cared about was that Bai Di, who should be able to feel the same, did not make any comments... This gave her a signal that what Bai Di was talking about was not something that was too confidential to leak.

Jingyu has been on the road for a month and a half, and has just returned to the base area, so naturally enjoy the leisure time.

He drank the tea without any hassle, and did not rush to ask why Bai Di really meant it.

Baidi didn't say anything. A pair of amber eyes, staring intently at the dessert on the table.

Seems solemn! Bai Yecha is familiar with her personality, knowing that she is thinking about whether to taste the taste of dessert. But taking into account the eyes of the person on the opposite side, this restrained myself.

Bai Yecha secretly felt funny, thinking to herself, she must always save her face before things are discussed.

So, Bai Yecha cleared his throat and said, "Boy, do you know the heavenly court? Hey, why do you put on a boring expression like "Do you still need to talk so quickly?" I am giving you free science knowledge!"

Jingyu blinked his eyes, "Isn't it different from what I know?"

"Do you know if it's the same if you listen?" Bai Yecha glared at him. "Don't you know that the first Heavenly Court was destroyed in the fight against the oldest devil?"

Jingyu was stunned... This was immediately caught by Bai Yecha. She had a small breast and her face was proud.

However, Jingyu thought, ‘she is talking about a witch war? Indeed, the Five Emperors only appeared after this...' After a little consideration, it was decided that'it would be better to pretend not to know and ask for more information.'

He gestured to Bai Yecha.

Bai Yecha snorted softly: "The current Heavenly Court was established after the first Heavenly Court, with Haotian as the Emperor, Yaochi as the Queen Mother, and three emperors under the Qing Dynasty and four emperors. The Baidi belongs to one of the five emperors, Only after the four emperors... The five emperors were all accomplished by the merits of the ancient sage king, so..."

She paused. "With you, the Five Emperors should become the Six Emperors."

This means that even without the goddess given by the Nine Heavens Xuannv, Jingyu can become a **** with the merits of a unified universe. Moreover, the gods of achievement are at the same level as the Five Emperors, and may even be above it. Even at the same level, looking at the entire heaven, few people can compare with him.

The same level mentioned here refers to strength, not just status.

It's just, "Have you never thought about it? Letting you join can obviously increase the overall strength of Heavenly Court, however, the party of Heavenly Court has never sent someone to invite you..." Bai Yecha glanced at Bai Di with a smile. Why is this?"

Jingyu originally thought that Heavenly Emperor knew he was unwilling to live under Heavenly Emperor, so he did not send someone to invite him. At this moment, it sounds as if there is something in it.

He also looked at Bai Yecha.

Emperor Bai finally withdrew his gaze fixed on the desktop and looked at Jingyu, "You don't know what you did, what a huge shock to the entire Hatchin'en?"

"Ah?" Jingyu heard her reproach, but it was really strange.

However, Bai Yecha's bitter smile seemed to prove on the other hand, and regardless of Bai Di's tone, what she said was true.

"Bai Yecha, you still tell me from the beginning. Don't make me like a fool, let me jump for a while," Jingyu couldn't help but urge.

"This is something to say, it has something to do with the "historical transition period". Take you as an example. Originally, the West Chu Overlord was going to be defeated by Liu Bang, but you did not lose, which caused a huge change in history. , Affecting the historical development of later generations.

However, not only did you not lose, but you also led soldiers to fight around, so that the history of the entire world will inevitably change after you... you think about it, what a huge period of historical transformation do you have to cause? One of your decisions can even lead to many **** groups that will only appear after that, will disappear directly. "

Bai Yecha and Bai Di both sighed... Angel opened his eyes wide, Jingyu frowned.

"Just looking at it now, I was accepted by the box court to prove that I did not cause any confusion, did I?" he said.

Before it came, it almost triggered the battle of the gods, not chaos, what is it called?

Bai Yecha and Bai Di whispered in the bottom of their hearts, but none of them said this.

Bai Yecha said: "This can indeed be called a blessing... It turns out that the historical system of the world you are in has not yet been established, and it does not belong to a three-dimensional parallel world. Therefore, any change in the history there will not cause Historical transition period. Even if you don’t directly become a god, you don’t have to worry about the group of gods in the box court, there will be many new **** groups there.”

"So, I'll understand." Jingyu nodded and thought:'It should be related to the replacement system... The box court and its attached three-dimensional parallel parallel world, no matter how, it just replaces the system. Just a plane...a super huge plane. ’

He said to Bai Di: "Now can you tell me why you came to me?"

"We didn't know before that the world is not a three-dimensional parallel world. In order to prevent history from changing, because you are strong, we tried to make Liu Bang and his subjects strong, giving them a lot of gifts. Now, since they have Dead, we want to recover these gifts." Bai Di replied.

Bai Yecha added to her, "The gift that is put in is not recycled, it is very likely that one person or one force will be concentrated in future think about it, what will happen?"

"Is it possible that he or they have unified the world with those gifts?"

Jingyu said this on the surface, but had already contacted Daier in his mind. He didn't know what effect ‘Let the other party recover the gifts’ would have on the world that was already under his management.

Daier can use the system's playback function to clearly understand what is happening around Jingyu; use the time adjustment function to have more free time for thinking.

She thought about it and said, "Master, you can let them recycle... Anyway, you are leading your men to win those gift holders, and you are not afraid. But you have to ask them, The original holder of the gift is not allowed to be summoned into the box court together, so as not to fight the enemy again."



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