Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 8: Strange woman

(This volume is the end volume, while updating here, wait for the animation update of Qin Shimingyue)

The base of the twin kings of the world, the front part closest to the gate is a flat zone belonging to the ‘stage area’.

It has the function of buffering, if you need to hold a larger gift game, you can also build a temporary stage here.

Jingyu walked through the gate and was walking here... After entering the base, there was a feeling of returning home after a long absence. He was very relaxed. However, a few dozen meters away in front of him suddenly appeared some power fluctuations that stopped him.

The original thought of the community who found him back, rushed over from a distance using power.

However, with the increase of power fluctuations, he discovered that this power is very strange.

By the way, it needs to be explained that this force has been used until he feels strange, and it actually takes a very short time, but it is the time lapse of three digits below the decimal the extent that Jingyu has not yet converted his relaxed mind to alertness .

Just wondering.

Even when the power holder really showed up, he was thinking, ‘Is this the newly recruited cadre of the community? ’

If nothing actually happened, he would never have thought of it-there would be people who came out of the base and dared to attack his existence as the founder of the community... Gilgamesh and he are both noble kings, who dare to be in their Wild in the site!

Even if he smiled generously on the face of the other woman, Gilgamesh would be violent.

But this did happen.

The newly emerged person didn't say hello and raised his arm. A sharp corner that was originally hidden behind her would make people's sharp armor that "thought to be the armor decorated with clothes"... suddenly unfolded.

Like a Dapeng bird spreading its wings, it's just that the wings are all composed of huge silver blades.

As the wings of the blade spread, under her power, a larger blade halo spread out.

She waved her hand forward, and the contrast between the blade and Jingyu's height was the one-to-one light wing rotating and chopping.

Seeing the range is enough to cover all his evasion routes; seeing the speed comes to the eyes in an instant; from the sense of power, Jingyu, who lacks energy, feels tricky.

"I didn't tell you, don't you want to do this?" The familiar voice of Bai Yecha passed into Jingyu's ear with a helpless brain-wracking helplessness.

He saw Bai Yecha suddenly and silently appeared behind the woman. He reached out and took out a card with the double-goddess of calling eyes... The card shone, and the world in front of Jingyu changed. .

From the stage area of ​​the base area, he was drawn into the white night world he had seen once.

And this did not prevent the woman from attacking the blade in front of her.

He had no time to think about the relationship between the woman and Bai Yecha. Considering his current state, he activated the unused divinity. With another thought, I brought out the strongest seven sea dragon dragon armor in the state of deity.

As soon as the seven sea dragon dragon armor appeared, there was a dragon chant. The body of the golden transparent dragon enveloped Jingyu. The six short spears on the back turned into six small jiaos, and greeted the blade.

It's not Jingyu's character that only defends and doesn't attack. He also summons the Blood Demon Epee.

Hoo Hoo—

The sound of the light-wing blade cutting the scales of the six small dragon dragons resounded throughout the ice field.

The Qijiajiao Dragon Armor had the effect of bouncing off attacks. At this time, it was no exception that many blades that attacked the main body dragon were projected into the ice field that Jingyu stepped on.

The ice sheet was immediately exploded into a large area, and the ice fragments that rose up blocked the sight of the two people in front.

Jingyu felt a tremendous force oppressing the body. That almost forced him to stand up and lean back, which surprised him.

‘Seven Sea Dragon Dragon Armor can’t even remove her attack power. Who is this woman? ’

Even if his energy is reduced, the addition of divine personality and the use of armed forces should make up for a certain disadvantage.

In this case, he was suppressed in one blow. Reminiscent of the woman, there is a small symmetrical sharp angle on the other side of the shoulder... It is clearly a look of not trying.

Treating him as well-known, does she need to do her best?

Jingyu was excited.

Insert the blood demon epee into the ice to fix the body. Then mobilize the energy in the body to transform into the power of freezing, and the ice cubes that rise to absolute zero degrees from all sides will assist the defense. At the same time, between the eyebrows and hearts, a strong ripple spread out and hit the unknown woman directly.

The Blood Demon Epee also emits a fascinating red mist. The mist changed into a chain, which pierced out of Jingyu and threw it into the void...they should directly bind the woman.

Jingyu touched the ice surface with his hand, that is, merged into the ice surface, and the instantaneous movement generally appeared behind the woman.

I saw that the red chain bound the woman's body and the blade wings that protruded halfway.

Jingyu then releases the twelve demons in the bleeding demon epee.

The twelve demons will roar together and jump towards the woman... not yet fully touched, in a vicious gesture of posing or grabbing or biting.

Jingyu's left hand summoned an army knife comparable to the Supreme Great Sword.

The left hand sword gas, right hand sword gas, will advance along with the twelve demons.

‘Oh? "The white night fork watching the battle, covering the lower half of the face with a black fan, and the golden vertical pupil has a very interesting look. "In this way, it is not much different from when he first entered the box court three years ago. but……'

She glanced at the woman.

"Worthless!" The woman made a disdainful cold hum with her back to Jingyu.

There was a loud bang on the ice sheet, the whole ice sheet where the three were located shattered... Bai Yecha also had to temporarily jump into the air. When she fell, she waved her hand and dispelled the mist of ice chips rising like a mushroom cloud.

There was no one good foothold on the ice surface that had reappeared.

The woman had turned around and faced Jingyu.

Looking at Jingyu again, the six small jiaos behind them have been beaten back to their original form. Even the huge dragon shadow that protected his body, Jin Guang was also dim a lot.

‘Is it a win or a loss? "Bai Yecha shook her head in tears and laughed, and stepped on the feet of the clogs, and returned to the ice field, saying, "So far!"

She was really afraid that she would take a step behind and let the woman go too far and force Jingyu to use the power of the devil.

Then it's really out of order.



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