Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 5: Energy contention 5

The collision erupted violently in the next second!

The white-haired boy reluctantly saw Nalsa by taking a step back and pulling the long-distance buffer, and then actively counterattacked her, striking a strong punch that shook the atmosphere.

Narsa hit head-on. At first, he scored four claws, three punches and two legs. Most of them were blocked by the white-haired boy, but the offensive returned to Nalsa's side, and she tore the white-haired boy's clothes to a corner.

However, this simple battle caused the site to sink, and both of them moved laterally to the new flat ground.

Nalsa glanced at the battlefield just now. The enemies' footsteps and attack lines were all rubble... This made her know the enemy.

"It turns out that the basic qualities are really amazing, but you are far from the combat skills."

The destruction of the ground is mainly caused by the enemy. This shows that her power hit the enemy; and the enemy, when attacking, first dispersed most of the power to the ground, and then could not quickly converge the power when hitting the air.

‘If it’s just this level, it’s just a matter of time before you beat him. ‘Nalsa’s domineering knowledge for monitoring in the distance, did not retract it and placed it on the teenager.

The teenager seemed to have a proud character. After hearing Nalsa’s evaluation, he was unconvinced:

"Poor combat skills do not mean I will lose!"

He rushed over and kicked Nalsa's head with a leg sweep.

The bad character of Nalsa's cat play mouse is here again... If she uses the armed domineering bonus attack damage that has not been used after entering the box court, she can immediately hurt the teenager. But she didn't use it at all. Instead, she confronted the teenager in the previous state. In the counter-attack, looking for the flaws of the teenager, killing the teenager little by little.

After a while, the teenager had bruises on his face, and there were more than ten shallow blood marks on his clothes.

At the same time, the three companions of the white-haired boy were staying together outside the coverage of Narsa's domineering dominance. They faced the direction of the battle, the roar from the air, the vibration of the earth felt the fierce battle.

"Your Highness doesn't know if you can support it?" The head and face were covered in a black cloak. The red lips and the tip of the iceberg of the body curve could show that this was a voluptuous woman. She said to the dark-haired girl standing at the front.

The dark-haired girl was also worried, but she said: "It doesn't matter, since the battle can still be so intense, it means that His Highness has no obvious disadvantages... Moreover, such a battle is not a bad thing for His Highness, he just... In short, Let’s wait again."

Observing the war group, they can know that the battle site has deviated one kilometer from the beginning. However, this distance cannot be called ‘safety’. The woman guarding the energy sphere can return in less than a second. And they need time to determine what means can be used to take the energy ball away.

The woman in the cloak nodded and asked curiously afterwards, "Speaking, what the **** is that woman? I have no impression of the coat of arms on her chest... Ling, Ge Lao, how about you?"

A black humanoid monster with a dragon horn on his head shook his head and looked at the girl.

The dark-haired girl thought, "I haven't seen or heard the coat of arms yet, but I'm sure she must be related to the person who left the energy ball. You have seen that person once, don't you Do they feel a similar devilish breath in their bodies?"

"However, I have never heard of that person have another subordinate. And being able to specify a coat of arms, it can be seen that there must be no one under the coat of arms..." The cape woman shook her head incredulously: "The community he is in It is strong enough to stand on the fourth floor, can it really rush into the third layer?"

The box court is divided into seven floors. One, two, three and four are called upper floors. Among them, there is still a huge gap between the three and four. This gap can make the three tiers called heavens, but the fourth tier cannot.

"From the perspective of their active expansion now, their ambitions are not small, but within the box court, who doesn't want to go further?" The third person called Ge Ye or Ge Lao was somber and ferocious.

It seemed to think that he had also been ticked off with the word ambition, and the cape woman glanced at him.

The dark-haired girl turned back, "Ge Ye, you said a wrong place... They seem to be expanding now, but they are actually only developing in the direction of their original strength. I actually think they are so powerful but It’s strange to stay at the bottom.”

She made an expression of organizing language, which stopped the dissatisfaction that ‘Ge Ye’ wanted to express, and continued:

"You have the strength, don't rush to the top, and fight steadily...this is exactly what you said. You only have this ambition hidden deeper than most people think, and it's bigger."

"Ge Ye" was a little surprised. After thinking about it, he nodded in agreement. "According to what you said, I think it is understandable to let us take the risk to take him away." The cape woman said: "Without this part of energy, he is no longer A strong man will reduce the overall strength of the "Double Kings of the World" to half. Even if he can become a strong man again in the future, it is a very long future... By then, the Hak Ting may have already..."

"Hush!" Ling raised a finger on her lips, instructing her not to say anymore, and reminded: "The battle location hasn't changed in three minutes, let's take that energy."

No matter how she moved, the scenery around the three people changed in an instant. It was originally some rocks, turned into some trees, and a ball of energy like water was not far away.

Nalsa immediately noticed these intruders. She jumped out of the battle circle and looked in the direction of the energy ball. Of course, I couldn't see anything. I saw Se Domineering helping her to confirm, because she still didn't believe anyone could avoid her domineering suddenly appearing there.

But Nalsa quickly accepted this... In the world of One Piece, there are similar "door fruits" that can move in space.

She glanced at the white-haired boy who was not far away, ‘I didn’t expect it to be just a bait, I was so careless. ’Don’t pay any attention to him, expand the maximum speed, move straight towards the energy ball

To her surprise, the white-haired teenager did not catch up and entangle her, but ran quickly in the opposite direction.

Nalsa was a little suspicious and understood it in an instant, ‘not good, the other party wanted to leave with energy **** moving in space. ’

But she can only be in a hurry, because she has no faster means of remote attack than now.

However, the enemies did not act as she thought... they did move by constantly pulling away from her, but they did not disappear in front of her. This gave Nalsa another chance. She pursued in a straight line and finally locked the distance between the two parties within a certain range.

On the other side, "This energy ball has too much influence on me, I can't continue to pull it away, Geye, and start the second set of plans." Ling shouted to the dragon horn monster.

"Got it." The dragon horn monster agreed, and his black dragon horn still released flames to wrap his body. In the flames, the sound of twisting and rubbing of bones and flesh sounded, and the range of the flames gradually expanded. Finally, it was a huge black dragon with limbs that fluttered its wings from the inside. "It's all on my back." Black Dragon said to Ling and the cloak women.

The girl and the cape woman jumped on the back of the black dragon with the energy ball. The black dragon spread its wings and flew into the sky. Ling is still using the special ability at a distance from Narsahara... these two methods will achieve an effect. If the other party cannot fly, they can easily evacuate from the air.

It is a pity that Nalsa also followed the sky using Moonstep. The speed of her running in the air is not inferior to the ground, let Ling and the cloak woman call "She is a monster".

"It seems that we can only try it with the third set of solutions. No matter how, we have to put down the energy ball and go first." Ling said.

The cloak woman nodded to start the operation. After casting a spell in front of the crystal ball, she caused fog around her. The mist gradually thickened and covered it with the black dragon.

After a while, three black dragons burst out of the mist. On the backs of the three-headed black dragons are black-haired girls, cloaked women and energy balls... Nalsa stopped in surprise, glanced back and forth at the three-headed black dragons, and continued to scan after seeing the domineering, just couldn't tell which one was the only one. it is true.

She had to ask Daier for help.

But Daier said to her: "Although I really want to shoot, but the master's order is that the four of you guard his energy... he intends to exercise you."

"Then you watched the master's energy was taken away?" Nalsa asked loudly.

"Of course not!" Daier said: "I have informed Victoria that she asked Isabella to support you. Fortunately, when I used the master's replacement point to transport you into the box court, the coordinates were all set... "

When the words fell, Nalsa saw a teleportation illuminate on the black dragon's back. She was familiar with the teleportation team, and it was her who transported her into the box court.

With her silver hair, Isabella, the tall and slim figure appeared in the center of the teleportation array. When the transmitted light disappeared, she opened her red eyes and looked at the girl and cape who were also surprised to see her.

In the next moment, both sides reacted... Isabella pulled down the long gun behind her, and aimed at Ling, it was a shot; Ling immediately used her ability to change the distance, sending both Isabella and her bullets. Far away.

"...?" Isabella turned her head and spit out two words concisely, "Must be!"

The bullet disappeared!

Ling just had time to tilt her small head, and the bullet flew across her cheek, bringing out a trace of blood.



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