Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 6: Energy contention 6

Walking across the edge of death, Ling was really taken aback. She turned her head in horror and looked back at the missing bullet, realizing that the other party might have similar spatial capabilities as hers, the enemy she was least willing to face.

On the other hand, Isabella said, "It's a pity!" After she said that, her legs stepped into the void, and she also exhibited a lunar step, chasing her at a speed not inferior to Nalsa's, and tracing with Ling's naked eyes... To be honest, excluding Ling's special ability is not counted in terms of combat effectiveness, she is really a thousand miles away from Isabella.

It was easy for Isabella to kill her, but, for some reason, Isabella changed her mind.

She intends to catch Ling alive.

After noticing Isabella's move, Ling hurriedly showed her ability to draw away from Isabella.

However, the same ability did not play a role here in Isabella... The distance is gradually getting closer. Ling calculated that after three minutes, three of them would be caught up.

How to do?

She looked at the energy ball. It is calm and beautiful, clear and deep, full of fire-like vitality and majestic vitality. I believe that no matter who gets it, it will become a powerful force that most people can't get in a lifetime.

It is so attractive. And it is precisely because of this attractiveness that nearly all living creatures have been poisoned in this day... This is no blame for others, only that they are too greedy, and greed is not their power.

Ling also wants this power very much, but now she is not fighting for the energy ball for herself. She, and her team, got the tasks posted above. They must be completed, otherwise the teenager whom they call His Highness will be questioned. And what they want to achieve through His Highness will also end with no beginning.

This is not what Ling wants to see.

Moreover, Ling feels that she has found a substitute that will not be punished even if she does not win the energy ball-it is intelligence. No one in the organization knows that the other party has hidden two so powerful...No, yes At least two strong players.

The problem now is that even if you give up the energy ball, you may not be able to escape. There are two people on the other side. The former orange-haired girl can receive the energy ball, while the silver-haired woman who can use space ability can still chase them. Being caught up by the silver-haired woman, the three of you will still have no resistance.

This is the conclusion that Lingguang saw Isabella's movement speed.

In addition, Ling felt a devilish breath similar to Narsa and Jingyu on Isabella.

This made her very concerned.

However, things can't always be frozen.

"Aurora, can you contact your highness?" Ling asked the cloak womanly.

The woman in the cloak seems to have analyzed part of her own bad situation. She looked at Ling Ling and said, "My angel is near your Highness...Let me try it."

She closed her eyes and contacted the demon with the magician's unique technique. After about ten seconds, she said:

"His Royal Highness said that he successfully circumnavigated after that and is currently only ten kilometers away from our agreed meeting point."

"That is to say, nearly a hundred kilometers away from us..." Ling poked his chin with his finger and thought, "We are also over there, plus His Highness' speed and my ability, three minutes is enough. Even worse, We can also attack and disturb each other to delay the time. Okay! Aurora, Ge Ye, I plan to take a risk. Later, Ge Ye throws the energy ball, I will control the distance so that it appears extremely far away to attract them One of them is chasing. The four of us join forces to repel the other."

Aurora and Ge Ge really asked how to respond to the organization after giving up the energy ball.

Ling told Her Royal Highness to move closer to her side, and let Lord Ge fly in the direction of His Highness, he told them what they analyzed... The opinions of the four people were quickly unified, anyway, the energy ball finally failed. When they use it, they just need to be alive.

However, their actions caused a reaction between Nalsa and Isabella. I only heard Narsa yelling at Isabella:

"Hey, what are you waiting for? Haven't tried to capture them all?" This surprised Ling and so on, couldn’t help but look back at Isabella, thinking, did she really hide her strength?

Isabella still said briefly: "Please, catch me!"

Nalsa is really maddening... It needs to be explained here that Nalsa is not full because she is a young girl. In the world of One Piece where her chest has exploded E, she only has C. Therefore, she is relatively opposed to Belinda and Isabella. Of course, it is the ranking battles caused by their strength that cause their fundamental bad friends.

The maid guard is recognized as the strongest is Victoria. Below her, Nalsa, Belinda, Isabella, and Angel have similar strengths. Angel is not interested in rankings and rarely participates in qualifying. The three of them fought once in a while, divided by ranking, and often argued with each other overwhelmed.

Similar to the current situation, it is very common.

"Are you brain clear? The master's energy is still in their hands... Isa, I tell you, if the master's energy is lost, I will kill you!" Nalsa cursed.

"Can't escape!" Isabella continued: "Please, catch me!"

Nalsa's fist was squeezed fiercely, thinking in her heart that'must rub her up', and with her teeth on her face said

"Okay, I beg you to catch them... OK!"

Isabella sucked her lips out in dissatisfaction, and looked at Ling again when they were completely serious.

Ling quickly removed three daggers hanging from her waist belt, and Aurora clenched the crystal ball... Both women stared nervously at Isabella, especially alert to the gun in her hand.

Isabella really took the gun.

Before she shot the bullet, Ling threw a short knife. Three short knives immediately reached Isabella.

Isabella hit the side with a gun barrel without expression and without shaking, and opened all three short knives.

"Boom!" She fired a shot.

Ling stared at her with wide eyes. However, with a loud whine, Aurora screamed "Ah!"

Ling looked back and saw that she had been shot on the back shoulder... The bullet that was shot actually hit her from behind.

It was not a fatal wound, it was not that the enemy had been distorted but it was intentional. Ling remembers what Isabella said, she is trying to catch her own three.

Isabella pointed her gun at her at this time. Because Isabella's bullets can attack from both front and back directions, Ling is not sure whether she can move from left to right, up and down, etc., which makes her have no confidence in defense.

She knew she had lost.

After a little hesitation, it was really as short as 0.1 second, and she made a decision.

She and the energy ball were stuck in the air, and the injured Aurora and the flying black dragon suddenly moved away a lot.

Isabella paused unexpectedly.

Ling raised her hand, "I surrender... the energy ball is returned to you, just ask you to let my companion leave."

She is betting that if the other party wants to catch alive, it must be questioned, then she will not be killed immediately. After the companion leaves, he will always find a chance to save her-the opportunity is when these two women defend against the new guy who wants to win the energy ball.



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