Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 4: Energy contention 4

As the black-haired girl in the four-person group said, this sphere, which is almost equivalent to Jingyu's full energy, emits a breath that is too tempting for a life that wants to become stronger... because it is It is enough to make the successful absorber directly become the powerful energy of the four-digit strongman.

The four-digit strong, in the three-digit gods and Buddhas can not easily enter the lower chamber of the box, can walk sideways.

Therefore, even if it is known that the powerful catwoman guarding it is still a lot of luck. They stepped over the corpse, looking for opportunities in all directions, and then became one of the corpses, which was trodden by more recent ones.

Nalsa had been fighting for a whole day without any enemies approaching the energy ball. Moreover, the momentum she exudes has not weakened at all.

It's just that her face is not happy and happy because of the ease of fighting... Through the instinct of animals, she can feel that there have been a lot of strong people in the vicinity, but they have not started. Nalsa was a little scared of them... the more calm they were, the more they could threaten her.

Nalsa does not like this passive. After thinking about it, she made up her mind.

But she needs to verify whether it is feasible.

‘Dair, you said that you can’t send the energy of the master directly back to the replacement hall, or move to another plane. So, can I move it from here to where I want to go? Rest assured, just move within this plane. ’

Daier is very concerned about Jingyu's affairs, so she is paying attention to it. Seeing her asking questions, she said:

"Yes, but I can't help you use teleportation...I think as long as you don't have the mind to absorb it, you can push it, and the master's energy is as real as it is."

Nalsa felt this was in her arms. She jumped beside the energy ball, admiring it with admiration for a few seconds, reaching out to touch its surface. The moment of contact, as if the owner is just like before, it is full of the owner's taste.

This ‘taste’ can give Nalsa a strong attachment to Jingyu and inspire her spirit.

"It's too dirty here. I'll take you to another place." She said softly like a child, and carefully lifted the energy ball...she lifted it up at once, and didn't feel it. To the slightest weight.

At this point, even Daier was not surprised. Because she knows that energy exists in the human body, and indeed cannot increase the weight of the person. However, such a huge amount of energy should have a "heavy weight"... This "heavy weight" does not rely on weight, but can affect the world.

Imagine if the energy of Jingyu was detonated, planet-level stars would be blown up without slag.

Therefore, it should be extremely careful and laborious to move it...Del believes that the surrounding enemies did not immediately attack, the above reasons played a significant role. Narsa possessed the strength of a general rank, and then Dela thought she could move it.

However, it does not include the ‘easy’ point.

Daier was a little worried. She felt that the longer this energy left Jingyu, the more spiritual it would be.

It is a pity that the system has not calculated that the energy will leave the body of Jingyu, nor know how the energy will change alone... Now we can only take a step by step, unless Jingyu can come back quickly to recover it.

Nalsa jumped out of the woodland full of corpses with an energy ball. She jumped to tens of meters, and disappeared after flashing for 0.1 seconds each time. After going back and forth in this way, he quickly moved three kilometers without stopping.

This posture gave many stayers an illusion, as if she had to escape with an energy ball.

The stayers wanted to grab it.

However, they are afraid that they will fight to the point where they will be picked up by others, so why would they have to make up for it?

Everyone held the same thought, and they were always unattended... Nalsa went forward one mile to see that there was still no one to do it, and she was also anxious. With this development, there will be an extreme, that is, at a certain critical point, these people will inadvertently work together.

They may be different from the previous ones. The thing to be protected is her most important master's thing, and she cannot be tolerated. After thinking carefully, she suddenly doubled her speed. As she thinks, the anxious guy will definitely act.

The enemy behind was caught off guard.

"Hugh wants to escape!" "Let's put down energy!"

Several shouts sounded at the same time, and there were several vibrations in the air when several people made moves.

Nalsa judged from the change in the amplitude of the air, these people are still not strong. She did not look back, avoiding the attack at a constant speed.

This also revealed a message to others, she has not yet exerted her speed. Some who wanted to follow along quickly stopped again and continued to follow quietly.

Nalsa successfully exposed some people in this way. She believes that as long as it takes time, they can get rid of these people. For others, you can draw the gourd according to it, and there will definitely be a few who can still follow. Regardless of their strength, they can concentrate on dealing with them.

The facts are also developing as Narsa thought... But, the development is a bit extreme--

From a certain moment, Nalsa could only feel a breath behind him. If you are fast, the other party is also fast; if you are slow, the other party is also... always keeping a certain distance before and after.

Narsa stopped in a wood after spreading her domineering knowledge and making sure there were no other people around.

Instead of actively looking for each other, she took some energy **** to find some food, sat down and began to rest and eat. This forced the other party to show up.

Nalsa was a little surprised by the enemy, because from the appearance, it was a ten-year-old boy younger than her.

White hair, golden eyes, expressionless face, wearing a white robe, standing there there is a little adult feeling. But this is not funny, but his temperament makes him look more mature than his appearance.

Narsa once saw Jingyu turned into a child, and she felt that the young man's eyes were very similar to that.

"Did you solve the other coveters?" Nalsa asked when the teenager stopped a dozen meters away.

"Yes." The teenager nodded. "You are strong. I can't guarantee that after fighting with you, I still have the power to fight other people."

In fact, his companions did it, but for some reason, the teenager thought they did it themselves.

Narsa shivered at the words, then giggled.

"Boy, do you mean, can you beat me?"

The teenager nodded again.

Nalsa's eyes narrowed.

Both of them stopped talking, and a coldness filled the surroundings.

Suddenly, Narsa shouted'shave', disappeared from the place and came to the back of the teenager, grabbed with a paw.

The teenager turned back to resist.

Nalsa pulled the arm and grabbed the young boy's arm with a strong buckle, buzzing, and the ground cracked around the center of the two. However, the young man stood still in place.

‘It really has some skills! 'Nalsa praised in her heart.

Seeing that the teenager kicked, she let go of the teenager's arm and stepped back three meters.

"I have observed your speed many times and I have adapted." said the boy.

"And then?" Nalsa asked indifferently.

The teenager frowned, ‘Unless I was knocked down from the front, because speed is useless to me’, he wanted to say this. But Narsa's expression told him that his judgment might be wrong.

‘That way of movement is the effect achieved by instantly increasing the explosive force with a foot pedal a dozen times. I have never heard of it before, and it can be said to be a great skill. But I don't think she can be faster. It takes time to step on continuously. You can't increase the number of times indefinitely. Or... really like Ling said, she has a must-have technique? ’

The young man's thoughts were extremely short, but he was caught by Narsa with an excellent offensive opportunity. Suddenly she disappeared from the place, silently, obviously not ‘shaved’... the teenager tightened his nerves to deal with it. Since Nalsa still appeared behind him, he kicked back.

Halfway through his kick, he was punched from the front.

The boy flew straight out for more than thirty meters like a cannonball, and broke five trees before stopping.

He got up in disbelief, rubbing his swollen cheeks.

‘So fast... how did she get in front of me from behind? ’

He didn't see it, but he knew that the woman did not move it in an instant.

Nalsa was also surprised, ‘I’ve used this punch more than before, but I haven’t hurt him yet. What constitutes this guy’s body? Or is he going to be similar to the "iron block"? It seems that I need to add the attributes of the fruit. ’

The Eudemons fruit also has the characteristics of the animal department, which can greatly improve the strength and speed of the human body...Narsa's head protrudes from the cat's ear, and the cat's tail grows behind, and the nails become longer and sharper.

"Can you adapt at such a speed?" she asked, using shave again.

The teenager stared closely at her legs. He saw that after the same number of tramples, she disappeared from the spot, but did not see her trajectory in the middle. But he was not afraid of it, but rather disappointed, because there was no chance to observe the previous blow to him again, how she did it.

‘Forget it, this time the purpose is to lead her away from the energy ball so that Ling can be given a chance. ’

I can't ruin the plan arbitrarily... After saying this to himself, he jumped backwards and disappeared at high speed when he stepped the ground out of a pit.

Nalsa appeared next to the pit, sneered and chased.



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