Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 3: Energy contention 3

When the light was strongest at noon, the sky was dark. The black clouds rolled down, and there was no wind, and the trees were bent to the south.

Nalsa grew tall and squinted her eyes to the north... because the black cloud moved from the north.

After observing for a while, she thought with great interest, ‘I often listen to the master saying that there are many other powers besides the power model we have in the world... I finally saw it today. I want to see how these guys use their power. ’

The world of One Piece is full of various unknowns and dangers. Even the powerful maid guards need to be very careful when entering certain areas. They have spent ten years after defeating the former world government, and have not yet explored the secrets of the entire world.

It can be said that challenging these dangerous areas is the daily task of the maids.

Nalsa is one of the best among them. She often faces these changes and she has no fear when she sees a new power. But she did not lack caution and did not rashly attack or rush into the black cloud to find out.

At this time, Narsa could only feel thousands of breaths of life in the black cloud, but did not know what it was like. Her perceptive ability is only to see the domineering color, but also can not reach Jingyu's listening level.

Considering that Jingyu's energy body is not far away from her, she releases the hidden sense of being belonging to the strong one bit by bit. When the intensity reached the rank of lieutenant general, the black cloud stopped.

From this you can see the difference in combat experience... Nalsa tried to find a message through this method, the strength of the lieutenant general level is enough to make the other party feel a threat. The strength of the most powerful player in the opponent's camp must not exceed this level.

With a bottom in her heart, she sat leisurely on the branch and dangled her legs.

After a period of tumbling, the black cloud separated a tens of square clouds. Above the cloud stood a flag embroidered with a figure of Jiao head, and a man in black stood below. He opened his mouth and asked:

"Which way is below, please show the banner and name!"

Nalsa saw his mouth full of fangs and looked very fierce, reminding her of the murloc on the murloc island.

She smiled and pointed to her chest. "There are no flags or titles. You can write down this coat of arms and go back and tell everyone under that flag..." She put her thumbs towards the back The energy ball nodded boldly, "That's my master. If you don't leave here, you will be the enemy of the same coat of arms since today."

Nalsa wanted to express that the real owner of the energy ball is hers, and she is here to help the owner to guard. However, the man standing on the black cloud and all the people in the black cloud think that she is overbearingly proclaiming the unowned thing to herself.

The man's face became very ugly, even gloomy, he snorted:

"I dare to be so arrogant even without a banner, I really do not know how high the sky is! I think you are young, give you a chance to leave here quickly, otherwise, I will swallow you alive!"

Nalsa's smile became deeper. She swayed her legs, turned 360 degrees, and stood on a branch, revealing the aura of the rank of general, and looked at the man with a sullen look:

"You said... who do you want to take away?"

The powerful pressure spread to the sky, and the bent trees in the woods straightened the trunk all at once, and even the black clouds seemed to be lifted invisible.

The man standing at the forefront was the most under pressure, and he took a step back and rounded his eyes in surprise.

"you you……"

A phantom was seen by the man when Nalsa released all her spirits. It was a two-tailed demon cat with black hair and golden eyes, and it stared at him with a cold expression staring at his prey.

Nalsa most likes to be surprised to see each other. She smiled coldly, liberated the power of the devil's fruit, and turned into a naughty gesture with cat ears and a pair of cat tails.

Her character seems to have become a cat. Gently licked the back of the lower hand with the tip of the pink tongue, so that the length of the nail protruded from the belly of the fingertips one centimeter and sharp. Then he flicked his paw towards the air.

Five sharp shots, the more they attack the black cloud, the bigger it becomes.

The man on the black cloud at the forefront did not dare to carelessly. In order to protect the flag, he jumped out of the cloud and transformed into a black jiao with a length of 50 meters. Black Jiao made a roar, activating the demon spirit power in the body, and making the body surface emit black light.

After the five sharp edges hit, they collided with the black light. Ping-pong five-tone, black light dimmed but blocked the sharp edge.

However, Nalsa has disappeared from the spot. She crossed the jellyfish and pulled the flag from the cloud.

Black Jiao turned anxiously, opened her mouth to bite at her, and shouted: "Put it down!"

Nalsa inserted the banner from the black jaw's upper jaw. She didn't take the life of Black Jiao all at once, but stepped on the bridge of Black Jiao's nose, staring at it with her eyelids:

"You reptiles of this level, I killed them when I was ten years old, and I don't know how much I killed now! I will leave you with this banner today, and let those who want to covet my master's energy measure Their strength."

She didn't have to wait for Black Jiao to make a dying struggle, so she punched down.

The black dragon slammed on the ground, and Nalsa had pulled out the flagpole. But then she hurried down again, inserted the flagpole into the black dragon's brain, and nailed it alive.

Then, she looked up to the black cloud array that had just revealed her true face, and showed a bloodthirsty smile to the frightened demon soldiers.

"You... don't even have time to pass me time!"

She broke into the black cloud.

Soon after, the forest was no longer the original green, and it was red with blood. The corpses that fell from the sky, smashed a lot of trees, stacked together, making it look like a Shura field.

Above these corpses, there was the black dragon and Nalsa...she looked farther away.

"Can this enemy make me play more?"

She said to herself.

A few tens of miles away, a group of four people gathered together. One is a tall, black dragon-headed humanoid monster with a wooden disc in his chest; one is an adult female wrapped in a magic robe; the other two are a pair of young teenagers.

At this time, the four of them were looking at the crystal ball in front of the female in the magic robe.

"Wow, so many people have been killed in such a short time, which is more powerful than His Royal Highness estimates." The girl exclaimed.

Although the young man with white hair had such an idea in his heart, he refused to admit it: "It's not the case. You forgot, do I still have a weapon to kill?"

"I haven't forgotten... However, Your Highness, we don't know how much power she used, right? In case she has any killing means to keep?" The girl analyzed.

"Woo..." The white-haired boy nodded silently.

"Your Highness, don’t worry, we’ll know soon... That energy ball is too tempting, and then she may need to fight continuously. By then, there must be something that can draw her full strength. Even if not, we You can also wait for her to be tired before robbing." Girl said.

She turned her head and said to the other two, "Master Ge, please guard you first... Your Highness will exchange with you. Aurora, please set your surveillance magic to automatic. I will exchange with you three hours later. ."

The weirdo of the dragon's head nodded without speaking, and Aurora said ‘no problem’.

The white-haired boy and the dark-haired girl walked to the side of the tree and sat down and closed their eyes to keep their eyes closed...the two of them, the former was actually imagining what would happen if he fought Nalsa, and the latter was working out When I really need to meet Nalsa head-on, how should the four of us set up.

Narsa has already dealt with a new wave of enemies.



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