Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 2: Energy contention 2

According to Nalsa's worse character than other maids, if the other party is capable, she will play with the other party until her will collapses and then kills the other party; if the other party has no strength, she has no interest in playing.

She is going to start. To be sure, due to the difference in strength between her and the other party, the other party will become her soul under the claw without even a chance to speak. And out of the infinite love for the owner, and the hatred for the enemy who wants to encroach on the interests of the owner above this love, once she kills the killer, she will be extremely extreme... she will kill everything she thinks is a gang Enemy.

Taking the elves in front of her, she will not only kill what she sees here, but also wipe out all the elves in the settlements that are not far from the forest.

This is Nalsa.

Jingyu is not a cold-blooded person. However, sometimes he will be provoked by the bottom line. Often at this time, if he does not do it himself, he will send a maid suitable for cold-blooded missions to appear...Nalsa is his first choice.

But this time, he obviously did not think of annihilating the elves.

Delier, who was very clear about his considerations, contacted Nalsa in due course.

"Leave the female elf, she is on the side of the owner."

As a result, Nalsa's actions gave the elf patriarch the time to examine her identity and the opportunity for the elders to speak.

"Where did the little human girl dare to break into our holy land!" A clan said.

"I think she came here to **** this energy ball. 80% of the clan said."

Other clan elders are very much in favor of this point, and quickly blocked between the energy ball and Nalsa.

Nalsa laughed angrily, "Are you deaf? Can't understand me, is that my master's energy ball? It's a bastard, dare to treat my master's energy as his own thing... …"

She said that sooner or later, a longitudinal jump had strangled the old man's neck. Poor this person who enjoys high prestige authority in the elf tribe, because he did not understand Narsa's words, he was broken his neck on the spot.

Here it needs to be explained that this is outside the city of Ha Ting. Each tribe has its own language and rarely uses the common language of Ha Ting. When Narsa entered the world of the Sand Chamber, she only got lingua franca...she speaks lingua franca, so few people in this remote area can understand it.

Of course, there are ten exceptions for some knowledgeable patriarchs.

Although Gerard Lier, who rarely goes out, did not understand what Narsa said, she felt that Narsa was not a bad person because she felt a similar breath to Jingyu from Narsa.

However, Nalsa's quick stature and the spicy wrists of killing and killing in one sentence still scared them.

In particular, Nalsa's appearance is just a young girl less than 160 cm tall, which is in sharp contrast with this terrifying scene... The shocking effect is stronger.

Nalsa threw away the dead clan elders and looked at the other clan elders.

These elves, all of whom are old in appearance, quickly stepped back.

Nalsa grabbed one of them and grabbed the other person's neck and asked, "Hey, old man, you said, whose energy is that?"

The clan elder was first pinched so that he could not speak. When Nalsa relaxed and he could speak, he spoke elven language... He was also clicked by Nalsa.

I always understood what Nalsa did. There was only one patriarch at the scene, but he did not stand up at this time.

Gerald Lier stood out, she was in front of the next clan elder Nalsa was looking at and opened her arms.

"You can't kill my clan anymore!"

She also speaks in elven language, and is justified. Narsa didn’t understand, but she understood what she meant. She gazed at Galadriel with an appreciative eye and nodded, ‘Not bad yet’, which means ‘if she is fancy by the owner, this character is viable’. Then she gazed at Galladriel's chest again.

There is only the standard of ordinary women in Galadriel, not the explosive and good figure of the One Piece women such as Belinda and Isabella...Nalsa is more satisfied with this, because she is also a little small.

"Dair, I understand a little bit... why don't you help me make them understand what they say?" Nalsa complained.

"Then it will consume the host's replacement point... Take some time, you can learn the language here," said Daier.

"Then there is no way." Nalsa stunned Galadriel with a leap forward, and then killed the other clan elders.

Nalsa did not kill the patriarch at this time, because the patriarch suddenly spoke to her in the common language of the box world when she was about to start. Nalsa moved quickly, leaving him behind and letting him teach her elven language.

When Galadriel woke up again, he saw such a situation-in the holy place of the elf family, there were only the patriarch and Nalsa, and the other clan elders were not there.

Galadriel is an elf, and is closer to nature than other elves, and more loved by various animals and plants in this forest. She learned the truth from her priestess' natural intuition.

She looked at Nalsa with hostile eyes...Nalsa did not blame her, and pointed to the energy ball and said to her in elven language:

"That thing was left by my master. They wanted to rob my master. I killed them. You didn't want to rob. I don't embarrass you. There are your people in the forest. I don't embarrass them. OK?"

Gaillardriel stayed for a while, and finally sighed slightly. She walked alone to the only open space in the middle of the woodland where the moon could be seen, knelt down as usual and prayed to Luna:

"Elune, the great goddess of the moon, I want to ask you to sin, because there is clearly my priest, and there are people who have gone into the wrong path. Great goddess, please blame me. Clan People’s fault is my fault, but please pity them and guide them towards a bright future."

Narsa read her prayer with her arms folded and chuckled.

"You did nothing wrong."

Galladriel didn't look back at her and shook her head. "No, I'm wrong. I'm looking forward to being here without being with the people. I don't know they have a problem."

Nalsa still did not go with her, but kicked the elf patriarch.

"What's wrong is this guy...he conceals that he understands my language, I think, it is usually he who excludes you, you rarely enter the village? Ah, yes, if you are wrong, you didn't go with He competes."

Galadriel shook his head. She thought that it would be wrong not to fight for verification, but the fight must be wrong. For a moment, she did not understand what she should do in that situation. She had to maintain a posture of praying to the moon and looked up to the moon in hope of getting the guidance of the moon god.

Nalsa spoke to her later, and she never responded. Nersa, who was bored, continued to learn the language of the elves.

On the second day, when the moon disappeared and the sun rose, Galadriel stood up.

She said to Nalsa: "I already know that you are very powerful and stronger than our family. I also know that it will be reduced to a battlefield for the energy ball, and the forest will be stained with blood... I don't like this kind of environment, please allow me to lead my master out of this place."

Narsa looked straight at her, and she looked back. After a while, ‘whatever you want’, Narsa muttered.

Galadriel thanked her and turned and walked out of the forest.

From beginning to end, she didn't go to see the patriarch who frequently cast her eyes for help...

One day after the elf left, Nalsa had already killed the patriarch and was taking a nap on a tree trunk that could be exposed to the sun like a lazy cat.

The woods calmed down strangely.



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