Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 199: Undead in the mist

The weirdness of the misty zone quickly wiped out Illidan's high emotions. He found that even if he was no stranger to the terrain near the capital, walking in a place with extreme visibility, he would have difficulty grasping the right direction.

This made his companion, the big man who was present around him but could not see at all, had to always make a little bit of footsteps to attract his attention.

Illidan felt ashamed. I obviously came to help myself by recommending myself, but it seemed to have dragged my legs... that person, as he said, a person can definitely come in and go out freely.

Sometimes he was very envious, wondering that Tyrande would choose this person instead of Malfurion or him. This man is too strong! That kind of strength is something that Malfurion and he can never match now.

More often than not, he is cheering himself up, thinking he will definitely become stronger. First, it surpassed Malfurion, and even longer, it surpassed this person.

Whenever he thought of this, he would accidentally touch the ring worn on his left wrist.

And this eagerness for more strength helped him overcome most of the fear of being "alone" in a dangerous zone.

However, with the passage of time, he still felt that his mental energy was exhausted, and he had begun to gasp violently.

In this case, he suddenly got a strange message from the plant through the druid spells-there are a few elves at a distance of 100 meters from him.

Illidan's first reaction was that the elves were the upper elves who betrayed the queen. Only those who have relied on the Burning Legion will be able to be in the control area of ​​the Burning Legion.

He hesitated in his heart... The reason why he followed Jingyu into here was that he wanted to establish merit. He thinks he has a better strength than the ordinary elf mage, but he is not recognized because he is too young.

This is very unreasonable, isn't it?

But he now has the opportunity to show himself-the highest commander allows him to accompany him, and if he can bring those elves who betray the queen to the queen, he will get the queen's award.

However, to do so would also mean that he could not honour the content he recommended to the highest commander.

Queen, or supreme commander?

Illidan weighed the gains and losses of this.

Suddenly, "Want to go and see?" A voice said near him.

Illidan was shocked, knowing that it was his stay, which attracted the man's attention.

His golden eyes shook slightly, "This...I found several upper elves not far from here, don't you want to capture these traitors for the queen?"

He knew that he would not arrest, and His Excellency the Supreme Commander knew exactly what to do at such a moment. And there is a high possibility that this lord will send him Illidan to do it. In this way, he will get the most benefit.

"Arrest?" After the invisible man repeated the word, he laughed inexplicably.

It was not only through the playfulness Illidan thought, but also the funny and joking about something Illidan could not understand.

He did not explain to Illidan, only the slight footsteps on the grass told Illidan that he was walking over there.

Illidan followed with perplexity and anxiety.

When approaching, the man's footsteps completely disappeared. Illidan carefully suppressed the sound he would make to the minimum, hiding behind a tree enough to cover his body, and peeping into the'upper elves'.

He saw a total of four of them, squatting together around what.

Quiet and strange situation helped him not to be better than other elves' ears and heard some more strange sounds.

It was chewing, it seemed they were eating.

Illidan began to be disappointed than caring about this...because he didn't feel the mana from those elves. It was originally the only thing that the upper elves could show off.

But they did not, which means that they are not upper elves.

Illidan came out from behind the tree, because he had not heard that other elves had betrayed the queen, or felt that there were demons nearby.

"Hey, why are you here?" He said with a voice that was not loud, but was able to be heard by the elves on the opposite side.

The crouching elves froze collectively. Then they all turned to Illidan.

Hiss... Illidan took a breath, chilling from the top of his head, rushing to the bottom of his feet and pushing his head. He felt his throat blocked, unable to breathe, and his body was cold.

The four crouching elves had **** faces from their noses down, and pieces of meat in the corners of their mouths could tell Illidan what caused this horrible look.

However, it is not this that really scared Illidan, but the elves...No, it should be said that these monsters are the true body-

Although they have elven pointy ears, they have red eyes; although their skin is dark purple, they are not shiny, and there are rancid odors on their bodies; it is more of a sign that they should already be corpses... A blood hole was bitten by the hellhound in the front throat, and the other face was completely skinless. The remaining two faces and neck are intact, but there are gaps in the arm.

Illidan has no doubt that there will be more wounds on their bodies.

They are dead bodies, but they are now alive and swallowing something alive...oh my goodness! They all stood up and came over to him.

Illidan stepped back because he saw that their red eyes were full of desire for fresh flesh and blood...they wanted to eat him, just like what they had eaten before.

Illidan glanced left and right in panic... At this time he was particularly looking forward to seeing Jingyu's figure. Not only in order to be able to ask this lord who should be more knowledgeable than him, what the **** is that; but also want to know that he is not a monster facing those who are alone.

But Jingyu did not show up, nor did he give instructions.

Illidan did not know for a moment whether he should run away, or whether he should use magic to destroy these monsters.

He didn't even know if magic could work on these monsters.

Then, when these monsters shook their bodies and finally reached the distance he had to do, he decided to fight them... because he didn't want Jingyu to underestimate him.

He first used the druid spells, which caused vines to entangle them all. Before they struggled to open these vines, he summoned up the courage and rushed to them, piercing their hearts one by one with the dagger he carried.

When he was all finished, he had stood behind the monsters.

Turning around, he found that the first elf who was stabbed in the heart by a dagger could still move... but the opponent did not respond at all during his attack, giving him the courage to continue fighting.

After using more vines to wrap around again, he stood carefully in front of an elf. Regardless of the other party's fierce state with his neck open and trying to bite him, he continued to pierce and pull out the elf's body with a dagger.

Illidan had distorted the elf's body. His head was stabbed five times, and his brain was flowing out; his heart was rotten by him, and his two hands were cut off... The elf was still able to move.

He finally stepped back a few steps, opened the distance to the elves, and hesitated whether to use the fire spell.

He thought that burning them to ashes would definitely kill them, but the burning fire was too eye-catching.

Just when he decided to retreat as well, the dead elves were all frozen.

Jingyu came out and tapped their bodies lightly, turning them into ice chips and dissipating.

Illidan's lips twitched, and he thought, since you can eliminate them so simple, is it necessary for me to toss like this in front of you?

If it wasn't Jingyu's face with no ridicule, he would have wondered whether Jingyu had deliberately.



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