Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 198: Teleportation 1

After the meeting, Jingyu handed the soul of the dragon to Avenna and sent her back to the dragon family.

The elf coalition began to mobilize the whole army.

In the evening, the wizard unit called ‘Moon Guard’ left the camp alone. They have a mission, which is to establish ten teleportation arrays capable of teleporting 300 people at a distance of 20 miles from Isaline.

Under the leadership of Jingyu, the mage successfully avoided the doom guards scattered between the two armies and used to detect the movement of the coalition forces. However, when the troops marched to the center line of the two armies, a problem appeared.

Further ahead, they are all shrouded in green mist. The number of doom guards hidden in the mist tells Jingyu that they are not here to investigate or guard... they are in ambush. The Burning Legion may not know that he will attack tomorrow, but the demons are obviously secretly preparing. In the misty area, there are doom guards in the air, and there will be no shortage of hellhounds and demon guards on the ground.

This reveals that the teleportation array established by the Burning Legion to transport Sargeras has not yet been completed.

However, it is impossible to avoid these troops and successfully bring the moon guards to where they are going.

Jingyu concealed the moon guards in a nearby forest. He dived into the misty area by himself, and scouted back and forth. After returning to the moon guards, he took a map and told them:

"Send a person, go back and tell Kurtaros, let him lead the big army two hours early, and set off from the camp at three o'clock tomorrow morning. The demigods are all left...He will follow the sequence I said, and then Prepare an additional teleportation array... The demigod will arrive at my location through this teleportation array. The rest of you go to this location and set up the ten teleportation arrays previously arranged here. Start together according to the predetermined plan. Do you understand? "

His finger was pointed not far from the edge of the fog.

"Sir, do you... do you want to build a teleportation array in the mist alone?" an old elf mage shocked.

His name is Latusius. After the original commander of the Moon Guard, an upper elf betrayed Azshara and joined the party of the Burning Legion, he was elected as the new commander because of his seniority.

Of course he was shocked, because Jingyu was going to be more difficult than what they had to do... Constructing a teleportation array was nothing to the mage. The difficulty was that the magical fluctuations in portraying the teleportation array would attract demon. The defense of the demons to avoid destroying the teleportation array is the reason for the collective dispatch of the mages.

And Jingyu, it is not only to draw the teleportation array by himself, but also to defend the demons who rushed up.

The old mage hardly imagined that he would succeed.

Jingyu nodded to him and said lightly: "Don't worry, it's easier for me to finish by myself."

The corner of the old mage's lips twitched. Like other moonlight guards, they were imprisoned by their compatriots in the early days of elf rangers, warriors, and hunters fighting against demons. Therefore, they haven't seen Jingyu's battle, they just know that he is very strong, and to what extent he is just listening to what other elves said... Most of them don't believe that he can be stronger than their queen Azshara of.

Although it may be disrespectful to say so, they think that Queen Azshara cannot do what Jingyu said in person.

What's more, the fog has risen and the situation has changed. The demons in the predetermined area do not know how many times it has increased.

The most important thing at this time is to go back to the camp and make long decisions.

The old mage has doubts about whether this man is too face-saving, so the unwilling to take it back is the case. "Sir, let me go with you." Another elf recommended himself: "I have a way to keep myself undetected."

The old mage looked at the other mage present, and found that it was the young elf Illidan who had recently joined them-he was still wearing black clothes, different from the white robe of the moon guards... In fact, the moon guards had refused he. Now he can join because of the recommendation of Jingyu, the highest commander.

Jingyu looked at Illidan... from the latter's golden eyes, he saw a desire to prove his desire.

He thought that even if there were few people, it would not be regarded as a pre-attack sign by the Burning Legion even if it was discovered. He nodded and said:

"Okay, you can go."

Illidan showed a dumb moment, apparently did not expect Jingyu to agree so readily. Then there was ecstasy... After thanking him, he clenched his hands into fists and squeezed them hard to avoid being too excited.

Due to the urgent time, this small combat meeting is here. Jingyu asked the moon guards to leave to prepare, and when they all left, he and Illidan quietly dived into the misty area.

As soon as he entered the mist, Illidan found Jingyu was gone. This surprised him because he didn't feel that Jingyu had used spells... Out of curiosity, he was always concerned about what Jingyu would do.

He exhausted all the detection methods he could use in this situation, and finally, he only had some effect when he used the druid spell he learned in his early years. And this is his last resort.

He knew that Jingyu was by his side, but he still couldn't see Jingyu.

"It turns out so." Jingyu whispered: "The way you said is to use the druid spell to get a hint from the plant to avoid the demons, right?"

Illidan nodded, a self-deprecating look on his face, "You must be ridiculous, Druid is the path I have abandoned. And, I am trying to prove that I am more than the brother who studied Druid. Excellent. But I use this spell like this..."

Am I worse than my brother? He thought about it in an instant, and tried hard to throw it away, his face struggling.

Jingyu looked at it and said afterwards: "It's stupid, no matter what spell it is, you learned it yourself. Since you learned it, that's your own skill. What's so funny about using it?"

He made a little footstep and told Illidan that he was walking forward.

Illidan stood stunned. He raised his hands and looked at him.

"It's my own technique..."

Hands clenched into fists slowly.

"Yeah, how can I always think that it was Malfurion?"

There was a sudden and cheerful feeling in the road in front of him, and he strode forward.



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