Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 200: Teleportation 2

"I took a look around, there are many other undead... The Burning Legion seems to resurrect all the elves, tauren, and pandaren who died in the battle of the previous days."

Jingyu said to Illidan. He murmured, no wonder they did not find their ground troops.

Illidan didn't pay attention to this, ‘Undead...’ He pondered in his heart... Jingyu’s name for those who were active made Illidan aware of one thing.

"Adult, do you know... how did they come about?"

"I don't fully know that I am not interested in undead magic, so I don't pay much attention to it." Jingyu said: "Let's go, the movement here attracts two doom guards... they will come over soon."

He didn't hide anymore, and took Illidan back to the original direction of travel.

Illidan thought in silence. After a while, even when his druid technique also told him that there was no demon nearby, he said to Jingyu:

"Adult, can you tell me more about undead magic?"

"What do you ask about this?" Jingyu glanced back at him.

Illidan hesitated and said: "I was thinking that if we can also use undead magic, we can resurrect the dead on the battlefield from both sides to deal with the Burning Legion... In this way, we can not win with minimal sacrifice. ?"

Jingyu shook his head, "Undead magic is only effective for the dead who summoned our soldiers to death. Once the demons of the Burning Legion die, the soul will return to the twisted void, and the undead magic cannot summon it."

"Even so, we can get an undead army like just now. We can't watch the enemy use our dead to create undead, and then use such undead to deal with us." Illidan see Jingyu don't want to Enabling undead magic, he persuaded a little anxiously.

Jingyu stopped and turned around. He looked directly at Illidan:

"What you think is good, if this is my own territory, the people I am taught, I will use undead magic to fight. However, this is not my own land, and there are no people I am taught. I can be sure Let me tell you, if you want to master the magic of the undead to summon the undead to become the hero of the victory and defeat of the war... Then I advise you to give up as soon as possible, everyone here will not accept this method. Even if you succeed, welcome There will only be spurs."

Illidan was scared by the severity of what he said, and for a moment he really wanted to give up. However, in the end he was still a little unwilling, unwilling to block the glorious road that seemed to be within his reach.

"Who do you mean by "everyone", and even your influence cannot convince them?"

"You think of everything except me. Among them, the priestess, priests, dragons, and demigods of Elune are the most...I think, you don't want to be treated by them. ?"

Illidan's shoulders slumped. What Jingyu said is almost the backbone of the entire coalition. Without their support, the rest of the army has no possibility of supporting the first battle until the army of undead is ready.

"So, how do you plan to deal with the undead army of the Burning Legion?" Illidan asked.

He thought that the elves would be as frightened as he saw the undead for the first time... this was obviously a blow to his own morale. The undead nature of the undead must also find a way to deal with it. The vast majority of the coalition forces cannot do as lightly as Jingyu to kill the dead.

In addition, if you see the relatives and friends of the past in the undead, it will affect the performance of the combat power even more.

Illidan couldn't help thinking of the old mage's suggestion. He thought that the old mage was too cowardly, but now he agrees with that judgment.

But Jingyu simply smiled and motioned him forward, saying, "I plan to let the Red Dragon Army deal with them... The power of Titan that Alexstrasza gets is the most effective for destroying the undead."

Illidan froze. Even he knows that the power of the Titan that the Red Dragon Queen gets is about life.

According to what Jingyu said, is life (actually the healing power) a nemesis for the undead?

Illidan's longing for undead magic decreased... At first he thought it was invincible for war.

However, he still wanted to know what the enemy mages would do. For magic, he never lacks curiosity.

Jingyu hardly spoke with Illidan at a later time. By knowing how many undead in a certain range, he calculated the total number of undead to be faced when the coalition arrived.

Two hours later, they reached the area where the teleportation array was to be set. After waiting for several hours, at 8:50 in the morning, Jingyu began to engrave a magic circle on a flat land.

The fluctuation of the magic power attracted the attention of the Doom Guards, and dozens of them nearby flew towards this side.

Illidan quickly prepared to attack magic. Now that the vision is not good enough, the means to detect the enemy can only be left to the judgment of the druid spell. When he felt that the enemy was approaching, even if he couldn't see it, he fired fireballs or ice cones in the direction of the enemy... there were really doomsday guards who were caught off guard.

However, there are too many guards at the end, and they still appear within Illidan's sight.

When the doom guards saw Jingyu drawing magic, they made him the primary target of attack.

Three Doomguards haunted Illidan, and the others flew towards Jingyu.

Jingyu pulled the finger of the empty hand without lifting his head, and an ice edge spread from the finger. The moisture in the air forms a shield pattern net under the effect of this ice edge, which is stretched above the transmission array.

The net is really thin. In some places, the links are as thick as hair, but they are full of toughness. The speed and impact of the dozens of Doom Guards' raids can hardly break the net. And once they touch the net, even if there is a strange green flame protection around them, the doom guards are frozen into ice without exception.

The three Doom Guards who had just exchanged a move with Illidan saw it, fled Illidan and fled towards the distance.

Jingyu waved his hand and threw three spear-like ice cones at them.

All the flying Doom Guards were solved by him alone... Illidan stared at the body of the Doom Guards falling on the ground, and there was still some reaction.

When Jingyu finished drawing the teleportation array and stood up, the first time he saw the tip of the iceberg of Jingyu's strength, he was finally fully convinced that this man was the most powerful presence in the coalition.



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