Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 182: Black Dragon King

The closer to Mount Hyjal, the more Archimonde realized one thing. That is, he was sent here earlier to attack elven rangers and hunters, and the doom guards who looted their ‘armor’ did not return...they are probably overwhelmed by the whole army. This idea made him feel drummed.

However, as soon as he saw the huge demonic legion around him, he was emboldened again; when he thought that Sargeras had personally ordered not to retreat, he could not return with nothing.

He chose to continue to pursue, but he became more careful. The powerful demons such as the dreadlord and the abyss lord are called to his left to support him at any time. And his most trusted peers, Eredar Wizards, the latter is brewing to re-call hellfire.

Archimonde even sent other doom guards back to the Well of Eternity, intending to call in more demonic troops.

All of these showed his caution towards the enemy and his determination to fight.

However, when Jingyu looked north, he was also attracted by some powerful force from there.

It didn’t take long for the body of power to be clearly visible—

The hordes of dragons, led by a giant black dragon king, seemed to bring back the morning light to the darkness.

Archimonde felt the power of the dragon, and then looked at Azshara, who was held in the air by Jingyu, and the two half-god giant bears that were also stopped under the ground... he stopped the demon army Footsteps.

But he did not lead the army to retreat, because he thought he had not lost the chance.

If it is one-to-one, there is only one person who can really threaten him here, that is Jingyu. Once Jingyu liberated the spirit, it could fully exert the power of emergence. When the energy is used up, Archimonde can be seriously injured.

At that time, Azshara, who was strong enough to crush the other demons of the Burning Legion, had a chance to kill Archimonde.

Of course, for this to be true, Archimonde must step forward alone.

The sudden appearance of the Black Dragon Legion made this impossible...because the Elf Alliance and the Black Dragon Legion are almost similar in strength to the Devil Legion here. No one can take advantage of the battle front against the battle front.

Jingyu has been hiding the recovery of energy, still showing a weak posture, just to lure Archimonde to Azshara.

Now, he can only sigh that people are not as good as the sky.

"Nesario, one of the guardian dragons, it seems that Cenarius successfully persuaded one of them, and he brought his clan." Usol looked up to Jingyu and Azshara . He may have thought that they did not know what the Black Dragon Legion was, so he made this explanation.

Jingyu nodded to him.

With his eyes, he signaled Azshara not to do anything, and he ordered the elf coalition to stop and pull back. Then he took Azshara from the sky to the ground and stood at the forefront of all the troops.

Next to them left and right are the giant bear brothers... The elf priests used the Holy Light to heal their injuries while the battle did not start.

The Black Dragon Army flew a kilometer away and stopped. It is similar to the cavalry warfare. I hope to increase the distance to maintain the speed and formation of the charge.

Black Dragon King Nesario flew over alone.

His body is very huge, and the wings have a width of 50 meters after being unfolded. However, compared to his size, Jingyu is more concerned about his sense of existence that is far above the general black dragon.

‘It’s really a dragon species that Titan has empowered. 'Jingyu said in his heart.

He glanced at Archimonde and thought, the one here also accepted the power given by Titan.

The Black Dragon had already flown to the front, transformed into a man with a powerful body and a fifteen-year-old man. He wears black armor and holds an odd-shaped weapon in his hand-it has a long handle, and the front end is like an axe instead of an axe, like a hammer is not a hammer.

As he walked towards Jingyu and Azshara, he glanced at Archimonde and the dense army of demons behind him.

"Is that demon the leader of the Burning Legion?" He frowned. "He doesn't look like a Titan."

Since his tone did not seem to put others in his eyes, neither Jingyu nor Azshara responded.

The Usor brother knew his character, and one of them said: "He is not...but he is very strong! Nasario, you should be able to see it. Also, the elf queen in front of us is just as good as this human Strong."

Nesario looked at Jingyu, "Strong? I didn't feel it."

"You should learn to respect him!" Azshara took a step in his direction and proudly raised his chin: "He and the one who created your Titan have two counter-attacks, and successfully suppressed this recent one. The other, can you do it?"

Jingyu stroked her forehead, ‘I said I won’t let you do anything, really...’

In his heart, he was satisfied with her safeguarding herself, so she did not blame her for anything.

Nesario was taken aback. He has seen Jingyu's weakness after using power, and not to mention how strong he was originally, he can also imagine how much he can stand in the same position as those who are as powerful as Azshara.

He said that intentionally.

Azshara's answer also shocked Archimonde. He even knew the strength of his master Sargeras. If the other party really did what the appeal said, then he would never be able to match him. He once felt Jingyu's momentum, and he really realized this from it. However, Jingyu's energy made him unable to believe what Azshara said.

However, Azshara's words gave him an excuse not to be punished by Sargeras even if he left here.

Azshara was waiting for Nesario's answer, and mobilized the huge magic in the body.

Nesario was exasperated, thinking to himself, wouldn't his dazzling dragon king be afraid of you a little elf queen?

He also mobilized energy relatively.

There is a strong enemy of the Burning Legion in front of the battle array. How can they be fooled here? If they fight, wouldn't the army they lead also fight? The Burning Legion was all over as soon as it rushed over.

The Ursoc brothers quickly interrupted their confrontation by interrupting: "Nesario, why are you only here? What about the other dragon kings? They are also guarding the dragons, and they have their responsibility to guard Azeroth. ."

Nesario hesitated for a moment, but still hoped to reply to them: "You also know that the Red Dragon Queen has been sleeping for a long time, the Bronze Dragon King has no trace, and the Green Dragon Queen only lives in the emerald fantasy... Only Cenarius found only the blue The Dragon King and me. The Blue Dragon King led the Blue Dragon Army to Mount Hyjal, and I was asked to lead the Black Dragon Army to meet..."

He paused and looked at Azshara again, "It seems that we seem unpopular."

"We welcome polite guests." Azshara said humblely, but she returned to Jingyu's side.

This means that the previous section has been revealed.

Nesario snorted and turned to Archimonde.

"Demon!" He seemed to be spreading his anger on this side, "Now, are you going to fight us?"

The Black Dragon Gate responded to his shouts, roaring together, and Longwei shook the clouds in the sky.



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