Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 181: Lure the enemy deeper

Jingyu didn't seem to care about Archimonde's existence at all, and looked towards the battlefield with a very relaxed attitude. In order to see a more complete picture, several steps were taken from Azshara's side.

The original site here is the royal palace, and it was a pity that Azsala felt ruined. After all, it is the place where she has devoted hundreds of years of emotion.

However, its destruction is also in line with her beginning and determination to move towards a new future.

She shook her head, and in the fluttering of her long silver hair, she shook off her decadence and followed Jingyu.

Looking at this man on the side, she thought, he... deserves all her thoughts in the future.

The lake water that poured into the eternal well of the palace was all frozen into ice, and the anti-expansion made the terrain slightly higher than the surrounding... Jingyu first saw the Agamamagan in the north. Its shape is exactly a wild boar, huge like a hill. Use its long pig nose and sharp, upturned fangs to arch in the army of demons.

Behind it chased two abyss lords that were only slightly smaller than it was. They roared angrily, trying to force Agammagan to return to fight against them. However, Agamamagan, who had been reminded by Jingyu, did not care. For the victory of the overall war, it gave up its personal glory, even if the demons were regarded as cowards to avoid war.

The opponents of the western grizzly brothers are cunning dreadlords. These blood-sucking demons dare not fight head to head with the Grizzlies, but they use hypnotic magic to interfere with the Grizzly Brothers, making them often surrounded, so that they are attacked by demons.

The elf priests healed them with the Holy Light at all times; the experienced chieftain led his tauren warriors to always share the devil's strength with them at the most appropriate time, making them support to the present--

The rescue plan set by Jingyu has been successful. He asked Azshara to send a golden magic signal to the sky. The signal that exploded like fireworks brought a burst of cheers to the battlefield.

"Aisara! Aisara!..."

The elf warriors shouted their queen's name and fought harder.

The high taxi pressure overwhelmed the demon's huge army, causing the demon's front to shrink towards the Well of Eternity.

Archimonde was finally unable to sit back and ignore.

"Dare to take a step back, die!"

This wasn't what he said, and the harsh tone even made him feel a blow.

The calm water of the Well of Eternity began to turn, and the swirling vortex gathered water columns into the air, condensing into the water giant ‘Sagras’. Although it only stagnate for a moment, it is enough to intimidate the entire battlefield. The flinching demons roared again, pushing the front forward desperately.

Jingyu knew that the battle could no longer be fought, otherwise it would only be a waste of troops.

He once again asked Azshara to fire a red warning magic signal flare, demanding that all troops fight and retreat as previously informed.

Archimonde also saw the intention of the flare.

"Don't let them run away! For the sake of our master, kill them all!" He yelled and ordered the demons, and stirred up his mana to try to fight Jingyu.

However, Jingyu suddenly embraced Azshara's waist and spread the bat wings behind to fly west. He also waved Archimonde ‘goodbye’ in the air.

This made Archimond stunned for a moment before he knew that he had been taken by Jingyu. He was clearly the end of a strong crossbow... Archimonde roared with his arms high, striding forward and chasing Jingyu from the ground.

Azsala looked down from the air and saw Archimonde was able to keep up with Jingyu's flight speed, some worried but some puzzled... Jingyu didn't seem to fly at the fastest speed, as if deliberately tempting Ah Kmond.

"Do you have anything else..."


He pressed a finger against her plump lips, preventing her from speaking behind her. With the sound of Teana, she said in her mind:

"If it goes well, the two of us join forces to kill him!"

His energy now has little left after ‘releasing the inherent enchantment and fighting against Sargeras’. However, the recovery of energy is one thousandth of a second, which means that as long as 1,000 seconds, he can be completely restored.

All that needs to be done is to delay the time a little, and to keep Archimonde away from the Well of Eternity and Sargeras.

Jingyu's strategic intention is very clear.

Azsara suddenly thought that maybe he had included Archimonde's killing in the plan from the beginning. When the battle hadn't started, he saw the end first...really, it was amazing.

Azshara was attracted to him more and more, and unconsciously clasped his waist.

Her soft and plump body brought Jingyu a joy in this battle of iron and blood.

Archimonde quickly rushed to the forefront of the demon army. However, in the sky there is Azshara, a super magician who is slightly inferior in energy to him, on the ground are the demigod Ussok Ussol brothers and a large number of elf troops...He believes that Jingyu has no energy and cannot Threatened him...but he still feared the existence of the other three.

Therefore, he just led the demon army to pursue, trying to force the elves to come back and fight against it.

He believed that after entering the decisive battle, if they did not want him to cause great damage to ordinary soldiers, they could only go back and fight him. He will tear them apart with his own hands to let them know that he is never annoying.

Whether it is an elf or a demon, the physical strength is very strong, and the running is extremely fast... The entire battlefield is gradually moving from the capital of Kadore to the Mount Hyjal, and the time is also from night to dawn. The fighters on both sides faced the physical test of a protracted battle.

On the contrary, Jingyu, he had recovered energy long ago but did not rush. One is hoping to stay away from Isaline, and the other is waiting for reinforcements in the direction of Mount Hyjal. According to his design, Avenna and they should have solved the secret attack of the Doom Guard, and they will support the attacking forces here in reverse.

This is the inside story that only Avenna knew, Jingyu only told her.

When the sun emerged from the clouds and the first light was blooming, the enemy and our troops all saw the Junxiu mountain peaks lingering in the clouds... Jingyu continued to perceive the movements in the front with his sound of all things.

Finally, he caught. However, his face turned to the north.



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