Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 183: ak retreat, battle for command

Archimonde's answer at this moment will be the key to the life and death of the elves and the demon army... Jingyu narrowed his eyes and continued fighting within his own plan, but not in this form.

He intended to release the hidden power and frightened Archimonde.

At this moment, he hadn't been retracted, listening to the sound of everything and feeling Avenna. She flew here from the direction of Mount Hyjal in the form of a crow, followed by a huge creature with a sense of existence inferior to the Black Dragon King... Jingyu thought that it must be the Blue Dragon King in the mouth of the Black Dragon King.

He changed his mind.

‘Avena, you asked the Blue Dragon King to send you a tweet...don’t ask, I’m useful! ’

Use the sound of nature to say so.

Ai Wenna stayed, half a second later, spoke to the Blue Dragon King as Jingyu said. In the end, she is also a demigod, and she has a long survival time. Her experience and experience are not comparable to those of ordinary people. She used her own judgment to hide the fact that ‘Jingyu asked her to speak’, but only said:

"Marigos, I'm a little worried about the battle ahead. It's better for us to use a tweet to remind our companions that we are about to arrive and use this to intimidate the demons of the Burning Legion... what do you think?"

"Oh, this is a good idea. I can also use magic to make our voices travel further." The huge blue dragon said.

The five guardian dragon kings have their own duties, the king of time, the bronze dragon Nozdom, the king of life, red dragon Alexstrasza, the earth guardian dragon king Nesario, the king of dreams, the green dragon Ysera, and the dragon king who manages magic.

One of the blue dragon's front claws provoked a dragon finger, and then beckoned to Avenna... the dragon and the crow began to tweet simultaneously.

When the sound wave passed in front of them, it seemed to pass an amplifier, and its speed and volume were expanded tenfold.

I believe that it only takes more than twenty seconds to pass from their location to Jingyu.

However, this is not enough for Jingyu, ten seconds is enough for Archimonde to get the answer. Once the war begins, even if Avena and Marigos come, Archimonde will never retreat.

Therefore, in the fifth second after the Black Dragon King spoke, Jingyu walked forward a few steps when the howling of the Black Dragons was about to stop, and said aloud without giving Archimonde a chance:

"Archimonde, your master Sargeras once asked me who I am, and I will answer it now... you tell him that I am an enemy he doesn’t share, even without the planet Azeroth, I He will also fight him to the end. Unless, he no longer regards the destruction of the world as his meaning of existence, and no longer build a burning legion."

The speed of his speech matched the awe-inspiring posture, and he just made up a dozen seconds.

Archimonde angered his heart, and hadn't had time to attack yet, the calls of the Blue Dragon King and Ai Wenna passed on.

Not to mention Avena, he felt the unfathomable strength of the Blue Dragon King from the roar of the Blue Dragon.

He started playing drums, not because he was afraid of the other Blue Dragon King, but he thought:'Here comes a supporter who is not weak, what is going on with this planet, how many such guys, would it be Are you coming one by one? ’

After he felt the need to go back, he first asked the arrogant elf who had become Sartre to ask.

Having made up my mind, the next step is face-saving work.

He glanced at all the enemies in front of him in awe, and said:

"No one... is the opponent of the Burning Legion, and you... will be no exception! The day of my master's arrival is the time of your death and the destruction of the world! Until then, enjoy your little time left! "

The demons echoed in groups, and various roars roared one after another. They apparently forgot that they were always passive in this battle that lasted almost overnight.

Archimonde lifted his right arm and calmed the howls of the demons easily. He ordered:

"All... retreat!"

The demons feared the supreme commander after Sargeras. Under the leadership of the lower-level commanders, the Dreadlord and the Lord of the Abyss, they returned to the Well of Eternity in an orderly manner. If viewed from above, they are like a group of migrating ants... But the bodies of these ants are burning with green flames.

Where they passed, the ground was burned to black.

Archimonde was the last to turn around. He has been staring at Jingyu as if he wants to completely imprint Jingyu on his heart. The murderous eyes made all the elves and allied soldiers present shudder... Jingyu said to him and the Burning Legion that they were their dead enemies. Now, Archimonde wants to kill him desperately rather than destroying Azeroth's souls.

He has become the main target of the Burning Legion in the following war.

The soldiers of the coalition looked at Jingyu worriedly, but found that the marshal who had come from a different world and was hired did not change his color when he turned around. After a moment's shock, they admired and admired him.

"Maintain the formation for ten minutes and rest in place for half an hour!" Jingyu shouted to the coalition soldiers.

"Yes." The soldiers answered him by pulling their throats.

Jingyu smiled slightly and turned to the black dragon king Nesario... The latter was looking at him with a complicated expression.

"Black Dragon King," Jingyu said: "First of all, on behalf of the coalition forces, I would like to thank you and thank you for leading the Black Dragon Legion to meet us. Then, there is another question that needs to be with you... no, more precisely, yes Communicate with all the guardian dragon kings...I hope that before both of us formally discuss this matter, you can reach an agreement."

"It's a matter of command." The Black Dragon King pointed out that Jingyu didn't say the full content, and responded sharply: "I can tell you first... our dragon has its own command system, and there is no reason to accept you. Such a mortal, or the command of the elves who attracted demons to this world."

"Don't say that," Usor interjected: "Nesario, you may not know it. It is precisely because of his command that we can fight the demons with this force and have achieved considerable results. ...Any creature who has seen his command has to admit that he is a genius, not a mortal in your mouth."

"The queen of elves has also recognized her mistakes and placed the authority of the command in his hands." Usok added: "As demigods, we, Avenna, and Agammagan support him. I think, Cenarius is the same."

"I'm glad that the demigod can't represent our dragon!" Nesario insisted on his point of view. He shrugged his shoulders with a slightly taunting regret, and walked a few tens of meters in the direction of the Black Dragon Legion before reverting to a dragon flying into the sky.

The giant bear brothers looked at this dragon king in Feiyuan, and were all a little worried.

"He...maybe not aware of the terror of the Burning Legion."

"I hope the other dragon kings don't think like him."

After listening to all the words, Azshara whispered to Jingyu when the giant bear brothers lay prone and rested:

"What do you think of Black Dragon's answer?"

Jingyu touched his chin and recalled all that the Black Dragon Legion has been up to now... In memory, the Black Dragon King finally betrayed the Dragon Allied Army known as the Dragon Sleep Legion. However, he did not know exactly when the Black Dragon King was bewitched.

Today, he has two questions about the Black Dragon King-

One of them is that he feels that the Black Dragon King is too much against him.

However, this has not been confirmed because he himself does not understand what kind of character the Black Dragon King is.

He didn't want Azshara to worry about him.

"It's okay... I can wait for the time for formal negotiations. I think, if I'm lucky, I will get some strong men; at least, the coalition can also get a weak ally. Now, let's not think that these can't be temporarily controlled Thing. If Her Majesty the Queen is willing, her Field Marshal hopes to accompany her to console the soldiers who fought bravely."

This reminder of Azshara could not help looking at the coalition soldiers. I saw that most of them were looking at this side...she nodded her head, lifted her chest, and walked towards them with a smile.



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