Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 176: Inherent enchantment

In the entire underground space, there are more than a thousand female elves at one end, and at the other end there are demons not inferior to this number. Moreover, the demons extended from there to the ground, the number reached a shocking point.

However, all the demons and elves kept absolute silence.

It's not that they want this. The confrontation of the strong makes the air have an unprecedented pressure.

Jingyu backhanded the knife into the ground in front of him, and the blade was ten centimeters deep into the ground. He wasn't trying to be cool, he made a domineering look with a knife in his hand. Instead, through this method, the frozen air is transmitted to the ground through the blade...He uses this to block the assault that the Burning Legion may carry from below the ground.

The entire earth, below ten centimeters, will become frozen ground. The energy consumed to complete this point is not a lot, the recovery speed of the ‘Earth Energy’ thousandths of a second quickly helps Jingyu to replenish it.

The teleportation took place three more times during this time, and the remaining elves at the scene were less than 900.

Archimonde's patience... is finally going to wear out.

Jingyu smiled.

Archimonde, who was about to start, burst out of his mind-at this time, he was no longer as shocked as he was when he was shocked at first. He was able to think about what Jingyu did before and after... This is not for the overall strategy , And just make a measurement to measure whether it can attack.

He concluded that he could fight. However, Jingyu's smile made him hesitate again.

He originally thought that the other party should be bluffing, and should be panic when he was about to attack... What the other party revealed from his obvious attack posture was, ‘you’re attacking! A kind of master's self-confidence and calmness when dealing with challengers.

The teleportation array was just like his hesitation, and after another start, the scene was no longer than 600 elves.

Archimonde felt like he was going to be driven crazy, and his irritability made him look to the left and right... The huge demon army appeared in the corner of his eyes to remind him that he was not alone.

He accused himself of being too stupid.


Shouted and gave orders.

After stunned for a while, the Demon Army responded to his rage and roared to charge.

On Jingyu's side, of course, it's enough to play. He cast a disappointed look on Archimonde, and then looked away at the demons... The murderousness and roaring sounds released by the individual demons were nothing, when these were brought together, underground The space vibrated.

However, in the face of a strong military power, Jingyu was awakened in the overbearing posture that he used to fight in the battlefield.


A word of exit, **** killing gas blooms enough to cause hallucinations. The forward demon will see that the space is expanding, and from behind the man, the black armor and black riding helmet, holding the long Ge, and the cavalry riding on the black horse do not know where they are going, and where they are coming from. .

Azshara was ready to go to war, but suddenly found the space cleared. Including Jingyu, Archimonde and all the demons have disappeared.

"This, this is... what's going on?" She couldn't understand her magical knowledge. She turned back to Jaina, even the high-ranking priestess serving the Moon God.

Both women shook their heads dumbly.

"Probably, what kind of magic did he use?" Jaina said uncertainly.

"In short, we are still faster..." Seeing the teleportation circle open again, Dijana urged the huntresses and rangers to quickly enter the array for a new teleportation.********

This is an unknown space.

There are thick black clouds in the sky, and lightning and thunder in the clouds.

Endless green grass stretched on the ground, the grass was the previous cavalry, neat and solemn.

Jingyu is at the forefront of cavalry. He looked at the army of demons in the far distance and said to himself:

"Inherent enchantment?"

The army behind him is familiar to him. He once led them to expedite Europe, Africa and the Americas, bringing the whole world into the territory of China... They are the strongest dragon cavalry.

Since this unit is here, it is naturally the inherent enchantment launched by him.

This is something he didn't think of.

However, this does not prevent him from feeling high.

The enemy is now, he turns around, turning his back to his enemies.

"King!" His soldiers raised the arm of Chang Ge high, expressing their excitement with a simple voice.

An unmanned black warhorse came out like a cloud, and it was the first BMW black cone at the end of Qin Dynasty.

It trot in front of Jingyu, snorting and urging him to ride himself quickly.

Jingyu laughed, flashing golden light on his body... without using the gift card, or calling Daier to link Qin Shimingyue's world to him, he summoned his Qihaijiao Dragon Armor and Broken Overlord Gun in the form of conceptual armament.

With his gun in his right, he straddled the warhorse, and with his left hand, he pulled the reins lightly. He watched that the charge had stopped in front of him, and gradually shrunk into a dense phalanx of demonic army.

Point the front of the gunpoint of the Breaking Overlord.

Hundreds of thousands of dragon cavalry march forward neatly. They didn't charge, but because of the uniformity of the horseshoes, the ground still shook and thundered and there was no murmur... Coupled with the friction of the armor, it was a pleasant and magnificent march.

They came quietly to Jingyu's back, keeping a distance from the black horse.

Jingyu started riding forward...he didn't look back, nor did the 100,000 troops stop the horse's footsteps. However, the start of the black cone did not have a slight error.

Wuconi started to trot, and a hundred thousand troops also followed. Wu Hua accelerates, so does the 100,000 army.

There is complete synchronization. It's as if it wasn't a 100,000 horse, nor a controller of 100,000...that's a whole.

The murderousness of Jingyu and the murderousness of the soldiers all condensed together. When the black army on the ground is running, just like the black clouds in the sky-

As heavy as Tianwei!

(There is really no time today...get married on August 19th.)



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