Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 175: suppress

When Archimonde rushed to this underground space, he was seeing 100 female elves standing in the center of the teleportation circle, which had already lit up. He roared ‘Asshole! "Thinking at the teleport, he punched him far away without thinking."

This punch did not take into account the demonic forces that were in front of him. Hundreds of demons were turned into mud by the power of the punch.

Azshara, Jaina, and the other elves were taken aback by this power.

Jingyu gave instructions to the stunned women.

"Aisala, build a defensive border... Don't come over, this is not a battle you can participate in."

He chopped off the wind with a knife and successfully smashed the punch.

The reason for Azsharab's defensive enchantment is to be safe. Archimonde is an opponent that he must deal with in his current energy state. He is worried that he will not be able to take care of his left and right, so that the temporarily constructed fragile teleportation array is destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

Azshara immediately waved her hands on both sides, crossing a wall of light.

She thought about it and thought it was unsafe. After she walked out of the light wall, she applied four arcane defense magics and stood at the forefront of all defense magics. This is the huge pressure that Archimonde puts on her. Too.

In addition to Sargeras, she felt for the first time that the energy was slightly stronger than Jingyu and her... even the four half-gods could not reach this level.

Archimonde failed in a punch and has begun to look squarely at Jingyu. Although it was not the first time he and Jingyu met, however, the Jingyu he encountered at that time was just the energy carried by a bat, and could not be compared with the present.

He also glanced at Azshara more, thinking that he could not blame his subordinates for their inability to attack.

If it is as usual, he absolutely does not like to fight unsure. He will definitely dispatch his subordinates to kill the energy of the two powerful enemies, and then he will take his own hands to win a beautiful victory with an overwhelming advantage.

Now, considering that every time there is a delay, the teleportation array on the opposite side will take away a lot of'rare metal', and he can only do it immediately.

The distance from Jingyu was still far away, but he raised his hand and aimed at Jingyu's chest.

The swirling gray-black energy gathered at his sharp fingertips, and showed no signs of spreading out.

However, Jingyu felt the energy fluctuations similar to those of the first move of Archimonde when he first encountered Archimonde. That was a mysterious attack that inspired Jingyu's undead attributes, so Jingyu didn't dare to neglect it.

"Finger of death!" Archimonde poked his fingers forward.

With a snap, Jingyu's chest cracked a basketball-sized hole almost without intervals.

Witnessing this, Jaina almost fainted, and the elves such as Azshara and Maiev also raised their hearts to their throats. Especially for Azshara, she didn't even catch how the other party attacked... This made her think that this move can only be defended in advance and cannot be hoped to avoid.

Jingyu himself looked down at the "empty hole" calmly. A ray of black energy entangles the light blue ice surface that constitutes the ‘hollow’. He used energy to make the temperature of the ice plummet instantly, and finally wiped it off at minus 270 degrees.

The ice surging automatically filled his vacancy, and even his clothes were intact.

Jingyu aims to delay the time so that the elves can teleport away. He refrained from taking the initiative to attack, so as not to make the other party know what he has in the end. This approach caused Archimonde's be precise, the brows were frowned.

Here is what Archimonde looks like-he has a blue-black skin that causes physical aversion. A long, thin head with no hair on the top of the head and a beard hanging from the chin. No eyebrows, or no hair on the body.

He has demon pointed ears, fierce eyes, and a bare tail behind him.

There has never been an enemy who can directly receive a finger of death without dying. Counting the last time, the enemy in front has already calmly survived twice before the death finger. This made Archimonde think that the other party was much more difficult than expected.

Archimonde believes in powerful forces and considers himself powerful.

Therefore, in the face of the existence that can invalidate his power, he tends to be more cautious than ordinary demons.

Thinking about it, he summoned a huge fireball first. This is his spell called Destructive Fire, and the fireball will automatically attack the enemies he has set.

The fireball flew towards Jingyu, and the ground along the way was burned by the fireball into a burnt black color, and a fire wall with a width of two or three meters remained.

The energy in Archimonde's body continued to mobilize, as if something was brewing without any other moves.

This made Jingyu suspicious.

In order to cope with all possible situations, his usually suppressed spirit lattice exploded... The top four-digit spirit lattice in the world of the box court, the power of the peerless strongman overriding the general gods and demons, instantly overshadowed the anger. Archmond.

With dark eyes and no emotion, Jingyu looked at Archimonde like he was looking at the dead. That undoubtedly revealed that "a guy like you, I have killed a lot of people" means that killing Archimonde cast a lingering shadow of death.

Archimonde thought of his master Sargeras, and he forgot the total amount of energy held by Jingyu, and he retreated.

Jingyu did not launch an attack... Archimonde's strength is equivalent to that of One Piece World General, and he can't kill it with one blow. Once attacked, even if it hurts Archimonde, it will also let Archimonde know his current strength.

The elves have not yet teleported away, and Jingyu will also take Azshara from the front to kill later.

He didn't want to waste this precious time... The short-term consternation that would appear when Archimonde took his first blow was the key to his and Azshara's dominance of the entire fierce battle to be fought.

And Jingyu, another reason why he didn't do it right away, came from the side's teleportation array.

What he can't estimate is that Sargeras' power does not know when it will pass from there.

This may be the only variable.

As Jingyu suppressed Archimonde's arrogance and suddenly brought the fierce battle into the confrontation, Azshara swallowed softly as if afraid of disturbing them.

She looked at Jingyu's back, her eyes full of unknowns and surprises for him, because she had never thought of anyone who could dominate the battle to this point... he was not relying on strength.

This man's spirit is unimaginable!



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