Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 177: The strong enemy is the long-cherished wish of the soldiers

Archmond has had a little panic for the first time since he met Jingyu.

Of course, this is not the emotion of facing the 100,000 black armor, but he suddenly found that he could not cast any magic in this inexplicable space.

This is a kind of imprisonment!

He believes that being able to forcibly pull the powerful like the others into this space, or even prohibit his spellcasting, the ability to create enemies in this space is quite weird... Archimonde was extremely careful and gathered all the demons to himself The surrounding is the instinctive response to this.

His self-preserving nature cannot be said to be wrong.

In the face of the torrent formed by the Tieqi charge, the scattered formation could not form effective resistance at all, and could only be ravaged unilaterally.

However, curbing the attack of the demonic army itself also curbed the morale of the demons.

As the so-called vigour, it is declining again.

Archimonde didn't think about this, it had something to do with all the battles that the Burning Legion had fought... No world has ever formed such an effective resistance as Azeroth. The Burning Legion attacked too smoothly. In this case, what other tactics would the commanders think? Naturally destroy the other party in the most violent form.

Therefore, Archimonde cannot be regarded as a qualified commander, at most he can be regarded as a strong man.

His opponent, Jingyu sees this through.

Jingyu is also a strong man, and it is on the road to growth that he has defeated countless strong men to come to today.

He was proud, but not arrogant. Being able to clearly measure each other's strength and each other's strengths and weaknesses each time they face the enemy. Even at a disadvantage, he never gave up looking for every possibility of victory. And if he is at an advantage, he will never let the other side turn around.

The army rushed forward with Wuxi...Midway, Jingyu lifted the overlord gun and swung left and right, and then two generals led 30,000 people on the left and right, forming three sharp'arrows' with the main force in the center. Aim at three places of the Demon Formation.

Jingyu sits in the middle of the city to face Archimonde-the latter cannot use spells, but his energy has not decreased. He used energy to strengthen the flesh. Therefore, in this inherent enchantment, which is actually caused by murderous murder, Archimonde's flesh is the most powerful.

In order to prevent unexpected resistance when breaking through him, Jingyu separated the soldiers.

Even if he is in a struggle with Archmond, as long as the two wings win first, he can slowly build Archimonde.

This is Jingyu's tactical thinking.

The two armies gradually drew closer to within 500 meters... The demons lowered their center of gravity, preparing to deal with the cavalry's arrogant impact. On the other hand, the cavalry took off the crossbow hung on the saddle at an elevation of 45 degrees and fired arrows uniformly.

The arrows range covered the demon's lineup...not in the front row, nor was it aimed around Archimonde, but in the third row from the front row. Due to the lack of shields, many of the demon soldiers here were shot as hedgehogs and fell in pieces.

The demons in the rear screamed at some low-level commanders and stepped on the corpses of their companions to quickly fill up.

The cavalry rushed to the demons at this moment. You can see each other's faces... The cavalry can see the multiple colors of tension, fear, and excitement on the demon's face, and the demon can see the only exposed eyes on the face of the cavalry soldiers. Silent.

This is an army that the demons have never faced, and it is a true soldier who can only be created after experiencing countless blood.

"Kill!" Jingyu shouted at the same time as the soldiers.

The first of his overlord guns rounded and smashed the tower shield erected at the front row... Converting energy into demon qi, and using the method of the powerful demon vampire to increase the strength, Jingyu shot and smashed the five-sided tower shield.

The soldiers certainly don't have the power like him. They used their horsepower and collective force to break the enemy.

The physical strength of the demons must be unmatched by any army they have ever faced. When the first horse hit the tower shield, the demon holding the shield stepped back tightly to support it.

The soldier on horseback was slightly surprised, and he calmly controlled the horse to squeeze forward.

The subsequent second horse quickly sent them new impulses. This impulse was incorporated into the efforts of the first horse... This was not enough, but the third horse sent strength again.

Two close tower shields were pushed out of the gap.

The war horse burst into the enemy line, and the soldiers held Ge Jian slightly towards the ground in the direction of the forward charge. The forward charge made them pick some demons on the tip of Ge.

The demons also squeezed forward without any signs of weakness, trying to contain the cavalry's impact speed, while slashing the giant tomahawk in their hands to the horses and the soldiers on the human side.

Spilled blood everywhere, red, green...

This is the oldest, bloodiest, and most primitive war that is most difficult to relate to civilization.

However, in such a battlefield, no matter who represents justice and evil on both sides of the enemy, at least, at this moment, they kill each other, they have only the purest emotion in their hearts.

Defeat the enemy and win!

Jingyu also temporarily left Azeroth behind. He often told his soldiers when he was the leader of the Western Chu Overlord, even if they killed your closest comrade-in-arms, don’t hate the enemies fighting you on the battlefield. Because of their existence, our offense makes sense. The more powerful the enemy is, when we win, the joy we reap will be the sweetest.

Today, these listening soldiers are still practicing this.

This army of demons is the most powerful opponent they encounter. Their hearts are both excited and forced to contain this excitement, calmly waving Chang Ge to reap every object that can be killed... They are sprinkling the blood of the devil, waiting for the moment to harvest the fruits of victory, waiting for their Together, Wang, taste the sweetness.

Their king really was the first to rush in front of the enemy general.

The soldiers roared excitedly.

"My king is mighty!"

In order to help the king's prestige, to scare the enemy.

(The marriage has been completed, the network will be installed in the next two days, I will try to update)



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