Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 174: Who controls ups and downs?

On the ground, the attacks on the west and the north were provoked by the demigod. Rely on their powerful strength and huge body to crush the array of demons. Then, the highly-defended Tauren squeezed up to block the demon's counterattack, and then the elf's bow and arrow troops continued to shoot these rushing demons.

When the demons discovered that almost all the elf troops were dispatched, they hit their minds on the rangers and hunters with special equipment. From this point, it is not difficult to see what kind of strict order Sargeras has imposed on them, how much he wants to get the metal called ‘Star Blessings’ ——

Gold steel, but it is also the hardest among these types of rare metals. And it is not famous because of its hardness... It is a wonderful feature that can easily integrate other gifts while maintaining its hardness.

With gold and steel, he can not only reshape weapons, but even incorporate stronger attributes.

His strength will increase again. Just as he tried to invade this world, in order to absorb the infinite energy contained in the Well of Eternity...He obviously wanted to become stronger in order to achieve his purpose of destroying the order that Titan was trying to establish.

When the Burning Legion resisted the offensives in the north and west, it also quietly dispatched a flying army composed of doom guards from the south. It circled a quarter circle, avoiding the elven army to the north, and went straight to the camp where the elves established on the outskirts of Mount Hyjal.

Avenna, the crow demigod, followed Jingyu's instructions early on this side. After discovering this sneak attacking force, she released the spells from a long distance and attacked them to kill their total strength.

The fighting power of the Doom Guard is extremely powerful. Ai Wenna listened to Jingyu's opinion and relied on her fast speed, never letting them surround herself.

Due to her constant attacks, the Doom Guards sent out a force to chase her down, and the big troops still proceeded to the elf camp. When they arrived at the elf camp, they were faced with the long-arranged defensive magic circle, lined up of arrow towers, and... the troop of the treemen that appeared for the first time in this war-the ancient guardian.

Sargeras did not believe that the elves here were still protected by the Moon God. Therefore, the order he gave to the troops here was: immediately kill and rob the armor.

This was expected by Jingyu. He put the rangers and the hunters at a point where they seem to be able to attack, but they can never hurt... The brutal doom guard is attracted by these targets, only knowing to attack constantly, I did not expect it because of such a fierce attack Before they can be eliminated in turn.

This is such a trap. The active party only seems to dominate the battle.

The Burning Legion did not give up the battlefields on the west and north. The demons apparently think they have such leeway. Two powerful abyss demon kings have blocked the huge boar demigod Agammagan. The brothers Usol and Uzok have also encountered siege from the fear demon kings. The elf's ground troops began to be inferior to the demon guards and **** hounds in number, but only by relying on the advantages that the demons had been caught by surprise at the beginning to maintain the front... The entire battlefield gradually showed a kind of glue, and in the short term, it was completely seen. No one wins or loses.

If Jingyu is here, he will find that there is a big problem in the entire battlefield-the powerful abyss lords and dreadlords who should have been afraid of him have all entered the battlefield, and they are actively fighting at the forefront.

But this big problem was not quickly exposed. Because of this, all the attacking forces were lucky enough to survive the disaster... until the news of the underground attack was passed to the demon's frontline commander.

For half an hour, this time has to be said to be the ingenious arrangement of Jingyu, the most wonderful highlight of the whole battle... Although no one noticed before or after this, even when people in the later generations talked about it again, it would only be Think this is a coincidence.

Archimonde, one of the two commanders of the Burning Legion, second only to Sargeras, is here. This great demon whose strength is far superior to the abyss lords is here. He is waiting for Jingyu to enter the battlefield, wanting to defeat the man who once made him lose face.

When is the most appropriate shot? Archimonde set it at the climax of the battle. He believes that the sudden reversal of the situation when the other party thinks they will win is the most blow to the other party and can save the lost face.

It is a pity that it was this arrogant and arrogant idea that made him invisible by Jingyu's nose.

When news of the attack on the ground came, even if he did not dare to neglect it, he rushed into the ground anxiously. He can’t lose the ‘rare metal’ that Sargeras wants.


Azshara listened to Jingyu's words and converged her magic. She secretly rejoiced in shame in her heart that the upper elves who had been favored by her and later betrayed her were not here. Otherwise, she really didn't know if she could kill them like she did to the demons.

Because she knew that those upper elves were also affected by the negative energy generated by the Well of Eternity. If they can purify their negative energy, they might be able to awaken their conscience.

Azshara, after her conscience was awakened, was a benevolent queen loved and supported by her subjects.

Jaina drew out the large teleportation array. Maiev and Dijana, who rescued the captured ranger and huntress from the prison, also returned with these female elves.

They look very haggard. Although Luna protected them from harm, the demons were reluctant to provide water and food to them. They believe that as long as they die of starvation or thirst, they will no longer receive divine protection.

This takes more time, the important thing is that their owner can get what he wants.

"The teleport started immediately. They couldn't fight, so they had to go first!" Jingyu resisted at the forefront of the demons and said without looking back.

"Aisala, please inject magic power into the teleportation circle and open it." Jaina retreated from the teleportation circle and said.

Azshara nodded, and began to inject magic at the position specified by Jaina... If she followed the original trajectory, it was her huge magic that provided Sargeras with enough energy to enter the world.

Now, this energy is only used for transmission in the world, it is really easy.

She only consumes one-fifth of the magic power to complete the link of the large teleportation array, which is enough to support the teleportation of more than two thousand people.

The girls of the Ranger and the Huntress knew they could not delay. Even though they all wanted to stay and help fight, they all endured this emotion and walked into the teleportation array orderly under the guidance of Dijana and Maiev.

The teleport array can teleport 300 people at a time, and it takes one minute to recover.

A total of 8 times are required, and on the 8th time, someone must stay alone to avoid the destruction of the transmission array-the transmission array is destroyed during the transmission, then those who have been transmitted but have not reached the designated destination will fail due to the transmission And completely lost in the unknown void.

Someone must stay to defend, namely Jingyu and Azshara.

With their strength, it is easy to go in and out in a single kill... even if Archimonde has not appeared before them.

Jingyu has already included such opponents.



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