Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 171: Targeted Ranger and Huntress

Jingyu and his entourage reached the outskirts of Mount Hyjal to the west, and it was already night when they came into contact with the defensive camp built by the elves.

He finally understood why the elves would retreat here-Mount Hyjal is certainly a holy place for the elves. The wood-throated bear monster believes in Uzok and Usol. This is also a reason for the giant bear brothers... bear monster We became help because of the brothers.

Jingyu didn't think about these bear monsters at the beginning, also because they didn't know their existence. In his impression, it seems that the bear monsters are a kind of wild monsters different from the "Tauren who established the tribe".

Wild means that there is no organization, and naturally it cannot be recruited.

He now thinks he might think something is wrong. Since these species have their gods, then relying on this belief can naturally use them.

Following this line of thought, he was delighted by this surge of troops.

‘This will definitely relieve the pressure of the elves. ’

When they met Tyrande and Azshara, the joy disappeared... they told him the bad news-using the information covering him away, Kurtalos and Maiev successfully found Another part of the traitor. Unfortunately, in the battle of arrest, the Burning Legion suddenly appeared.

At that time, the 2000 Ranger Troops sent by Tyrande to help the battle were pulled into the ground by the Burning Legion. Its life and death can be imagined. Tyrande and other elves felt very guilty about this, and told Jingyu that there was silence at the scene.

War is always accompanied by calculations between the enemy and the enemy. Even like Jingyu, the battle he personally commanded is unlikely to win 100%. But he still frowned... The loss of 2,000 troops at a time was nothing, but the fact that these 2000 elves were all beautiful women made him feel pity.

However, his expression is not entirely because of this.

"You mean... did the ground of the Burning Legion cover the entire ranger army?"

He was very concerned about it.

Obviously, Tyrande and Azshara were not sure why he asked so.

"Yes," Tyrande said. "If not, we will never leave our sisters alone, and we will try our best to rescue them."

"When I arrived at the scene, they were completely gone, and there was no sound of fighting underground...I should have gone together at the time." Azshara blamed herself.

Because she did not want to face the upper elves she had hand-pulled, she handed over to Kurtalos and Maiev.

Jingyu touched his chin and thought for a while, “Let’s go back to the Maiev, Kurtalos, and even the commanders on the direct battlefield to me. I have something to ask!”

He walked through between them, walking a few steps sullenly without hearing the voice behind him.

When he thought he wanted to turn around a little strangely, Avena shouted at him.

" have something you haven't done yet."

‘Things not done? 'He turned around and saw that Azshara and Tyrande were all uneasy, and suddenly smiled: "I was thinking that the Burning Legion may be aiming at the capture of the Ranger, I call these The chief of the army just wanted to make sure...I didn’t blame you, nor did I think to blame them, just relax. If you can’t make up for what you lost, then prevent it from being lost again.

Azshara and Tyrande looked at his firm face in astonishment, and their hearts were all surging, nodding hard at him.

Ai Wenna followed Jingyu to the direction of the headquarters. On the way, she asked him:

"What do you mean by "targeting"?"

She was the first person on the scene to see that he might be thinking about something else.

"Think about the difference between a ranger unit and other units...they have received armor that I modified personally." Jingyu gritted his teeth.

The gold and steel used in it is the only item that he brought here from another world (the box court).

If this is the scourge for the Rangers, he has an inescapable responsibility.

Jingyu's face was gloomy again.

Ten minutes later, in the temporary headquarters, Jingyu listened to the report of the officer who arrived first. The officers of the ordinary elf troops apparently did not see their men arrested. However, the corresponding news has been heard successively from the ranks of officers of the hunter's unit and the captain-level officer of the ranger unit.

Maiev also arrived. After she had listened to it, her lips appeared a little tentative.

This was caught by Jingyu, and he said to her, hoping not to hide it.

After hesitating for a while, Maiev said, "I think that every time I appear on the battlefield, there are more doom guards besieging me than against other generals... At first I just thought these demons were betrayed by those Encouraged by the people, they want to kill me who will kill them in the future, but they never thought it would be..."

She squeezed the weapon she had been holding in her hand, and looked down at the blade attached to the end of the dark black cloak... These were all modified by Jingyu using gold and steel. It is also because of this that she has the ability to always get out of the encirclement.

Maiev also felt a little guilty, because she thought it was her oversight that made the demons succeed many times.

Jingyu came to her and patted her shoulder gently.

"You have to be careful yourself, the battlefield is not my duty to you."

He saw that there were many damages to the great cloak she cherished, and the blades had a strong **** smell... This was felt by the ability of his true ancestor. He knew that these blades must have been infected with countless demonic blood.

Maiev must be desperate.

But she said nothing about it, and she has always been so reticent.

Jingyu's hand touched the big cloak, and repaired her with her fantasy ability. Then he addressed the other commanders:

"The matter is already clear. The Burning Legion is targeting female warriors equipped with special metals I have attached... I have no responsibility for the impact of my actions, and I have the greatest responsibility in this matter."

He paused, lowered his eyes for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said, "No matter what the evil demons want to do with the metal, I will let them pay for it!"

In the last half of the sentence, he clenched his fists and allowed his passion to pass.

This immediately infected the commanders and got their response. They screamed out counterattacks and revenge, and even cursed the Burning Legion directly.

Jingyu looked at them silently. After they vented their sullen emotions for a few days, they calmed down.

He explained the results of his several days out, what kind of platoon formation should be made for this new camp... The command of the elf army returned to his hands, and each clear command made the elves regain victory over the burning The heart of the legion.

At the end of the meeting, two generals put forward opposite opinions. One general believes that since the Burning Legion always targets the rangers and female hunters who have been armored by Jingyu, why not use this to reverse the situation and set up to destroy the attacking demons; another general believes that these should be The Ranger and the Huntress are completely protected.

Jingyu did not directly express his meaning, he first asked the rangers and hunters what they thought.

The commander of these rangers and hunters is Tyrande, and there are many adjutants and captains appointed by her... She exchanged opinions with them and said to him:

"Although we don't like being used as bait, we will never hide. Sisters' hatred, we would like to report it ourselves. In addition, there is one more point, we want to report to the Supreme Commander Marshal Long Jingyu Description."

She, the lords of the ranger, and the captains of the female hunters, all looked at Jingyu with respectful eyes.

"Thank you for the armor given by the Marshal! By relying on it, we had almost no casualties before that, which is impossible for any army. We will still trust these armor in the future, just like we trust the Marshal as well... we Willing to accept any dispatch from Marshal!"

This is the best comfort Jingyu got today.

And late at night, Elune entered his dream and brought him another piece of good news.



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