Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 170: Kill out

They quickly cleared the few remaining demon guards next to them, and looked into the sky... Avenna's familiar and large black crow form came into their eyes, making their eyes ecstatic and roaring.

When creatures like Usok and Usor roared, it was like a violent voice. The nearby atmosphere was disturbed, and the vortex of the airflow caused Avina to fly higher.

"You two, do you still look very energetic?" Ai Wenna complained, looking sharply at Jingyu's figure.

"Woo ha ha... Avenna, it really made us happy to see it. To be honest, we have planned to die here." Uzok, lying on his stomach, responded with a bold laugh from the mouth of the bear.

Usol asked: "I heard that you followed the new elven marshal to find reinforcements, and come back so soon...Is it successful or...?"

"Of course it succeeded, you idiot, can you not presume this kind of secret in the face of the enemy?" Ai Wenna was dissatisfied with the fact that his question clearly exposed Jingyu's whereabouts and purpose, and he scolded angrily. .

Immediately, she saw Jingyu spread a pair of bat wings and stood in the air, and waved to her to signal her not to care, and she was relieved. Then she suddenly remembered that he seemed to be able to fly...and forgot this was the priestess Dijana who was reminded by her. The latter patted his heart and began to release the healing technique to the bear monsters according to her instructions.

Dijana prayed prayerfully to the moon **** Elune, and the divine light descended on the huge bear body of the bear monster brothers.

As soon as the treatment began, Dijana felt different from the treatment elves. She felt that the Holy Light she could manipulate was decreasing at a rate that was absolutely unexpected. She had to pray again to inspire more light, so as not to cause the treatment to fail due to interruption.

But she knew that such a process could not last too long. Especially when the enemy attack restarts, her treatment may not keep up with the trauma of the bear monsters.

Usol is standing upright. He scratched his head with his thick bear claws, playing haha ​​to cover up the bad influence of such interrogation. Usoke defended the brothers:

"The Burning Legion already knew that the human was not there, so it launched the attack."

"Even so, they must not know that I was with him!" Avenna stared at Usok with a stern gaze.

Even if she knew that Jingyu appeared, he said that he had returned home, and the enemy always had to speculate, and she couldn't help being angry... Even she didn't understand why she was angry.

Jingyu did not participate in such a dialogue, he is using his amazing eyesight to examine the entire battlefield.

He found that the state of the royal capital, Isaline, was very bad. There are no elves here, or no living elven army. The demons are everywhere, at their feet, there is a thick layer of corpses... There are demons and a large number of elves, entangled in a crisscross pattern, which can make Jingyu imagine the fierce fighting at that time. .

The two sides must have repelled each other many times, and the demon continued to attack, delaying the entire battle for a very long time. The elves continued to fight with no time to clean up the battlefield, and they should eventually evacuate in order not to waste their troops.

The Brother Monsters didn’t know whether it was a good time to be surrounded, or to stay on purpose to contain the Burning Legion... Both situations would allow the elves more time to regroup and integrate the army.

Jingyu believes that he has grasped the truth of what happened here during his absence.

He glanced at the half-collapsed palace, where the demon guard was constantly coming out. In the periphery of the palace is a doomsday guard waiting to be formed. They had their eyes fixed on him, and some of them anxiously spread their wings, and waited for the order to take off.

If it is really surrounded by these guys who are more difficult than the demon guard, it will be difficult to leave with the bear monster brothers, Avenna, and Dijana. Jingyu informed the brothers of the bear monster by means of phonology:

"Two, let's go out together, the target direction is Mount Hyjal."

Finding the direction of the elves' retreat is simple, just look in which direction the elves' bodies on the ground extend.

The bear monster brothers glanced at each other, and they seemed hesitant. This let Jingyu know that they stayed on their own initiative.

He persuaded them with a voice message: "I have come back, and I have a better understanding of the demons here. I know how to win this war. If the two are willing to continue to fight, please believe me as the highest marshal. Judgment."

He also used a voice to tell Avenna about the retreat and asked Avenna to help convince the monsters.

Avenna said something, he didn't know, he just saw the bear monster brothers nodded quickly.

So Jingyu flew alone in the direction of the palace.

This move forced the current regional commander of the Burning Legion to send a doomsday guard against the provocative behavior.

Jingyu faced the Doom Guard this time, and did not use a wide range of killing moves. He relied on super high speed to kill the Doom Guard one knife at a time... No one noticed that after his sword penetrated the Doom Guards' chests to end their lives, a blood of True Ancestor was injected. The blood of the true ancestors reached their brains before the doomsday guards fell to the ground, controlled their bodies, and resurrected them into living dead.

However, Jingyu did not immediately summon these living dead.

He kept killing the end guards and constantly making living dead.

The bear monster brothers realized the purpose of his active offensive and deeply admired his bold approach to attract enemies for retreat opportunities. At the same time, they also admire his strong strength. The two brothers joined forces, with Uzok in the front and Usol in the back, assaulting towards Mount Hyjal.

Dijana is still healing their bodies, and Avenna mobilizes the energy in the body to launch a magic attack on the demon guards below... The main goal of the Doom Guard is Jingyu, who also has enough records to attract enemies to siege him. .

As long as he defeats him, it will become easy to disintegrate the spirit of the elves, and the demons' considerations are not wrong to some extent.

As the battle progressed, the bear monster brothers rushed to the edge of the circle of demon guards. In the air, the doomsday guards surrounding Jingyu have reached thousands of heads. Although the Doom Guards continued to fall from the sky, the general did not see any reduction.

The powerful offensive of that quantity made Dijana numb. Ai Wenna was also distraught, worried that Jingyu would blindly miscalculate the strength of her enemies due to overconfidence, and she would be defeated.

They prayed to the goddess of the moon for his safety and his victory.

Jingyu always perceives the progress of the siege of the bear monsters with mental power...Although Tyrande and Jaina both told him to try not to use it before using it mentally, he feels that the ability can only be used faster. Master...when he'sees' that they are about to break through, he awakens the living dead made directly by him with blood.

Or, it might be more appropriate to call them ghouls. The bodies of the doom guards who lost consciousness completely inherited the strength and brutality of their lifetime. After being repaired by the power existing in Jingyu's blood, they are indistinguishable from other doom guards except that their eyes become shiny blood red.

In this way, hundreds of ghouls flew from the ground and rushed into the Doom Guard Legion.

The Doom Guard was caught flat-footed and didn't quite understand what was going on. While avoiding the attack of the'companion', they shouted and explained to them in devil's language. Later they even changed their curse and began to fight back.

Throughout the sky, the doomsday guards (at least all of them in appearance) have become a pot of porridge. They don’t believe anyone except themselves... Some dooms guards who are not ghouls have also joined the blow to their companions, but they think this Just protect yourself.

Jingyu, located at the center of all focal points, turned into a group of black bats and quietly left from the cracks of the battlefield.

The bats regrouped in his appearance in front of Avena.

"Let's go, before they find out the truth, we will evacuate early." Jingyu said: "The energy that I divide will not dissipate in a long time."

If it does not dissipate, it means that that part of the energy cannot be recovered, and can only be recovered through cultivation... Jingyu is not so stupid, wasting energy on disposable ‘supplies’.

Avena looked at the Doomguard Warrior, looked at the bat wings behind him and said:

"I think you... are more like cunning demons than they are."

"Slow wordy!" Jingyu stared at Dijana, who turned her face away from her lips, and flew towards Mount Hyjal first.



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