Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 172: Secrets exposed by Elune

Jingyu will also dream, but because of his powerful spirit and protection from the replacement system, there will generally be no existence that can invade his dream... If there is, first of all, this existence must not hold him a heart of harm. And willing to accept the premise that after entering the dream, he will dominate the entrance and exit.

Elune can be said to do so at great risk. If Jingyu imprisoned her in a dream and no longer let her go out, and not to mention her body, her spirit could only survive in his dream.

Such an adventure also shows the importance of her here.

In addition, she took some precautions... As soon as he saw him, he told him about all kinds of things she knew from Tyrande about him, especially the femininity.

"I hope you stay sensible to me," she said, "I came to help you... if you imprison my spirit, Tyrande will never be able to communicate with me again. Even if I can communicate, I will Tell them what happened to me."

The implication of this is that, for me, you have destroyed your image in the hearts of so many female elves, is it worth it? Please weigh yourself rationally.

Jingyu lost her smile after understanding, "Well, I promise not to do anything to you in the dream... Please also be considerate to me, don't let me keep talking with my head raised so loudly in the dream, okay?"

The goddess who appeared in front of him had an amazing height. Jingyu is no longer short in humans, but its height is only as large as one of her nail shells. If they were not far apart, Jingyu really couldn't see her face.

The goddess stunned slightly and chuckled:

"It's rude, this is my original figure. You created a bit of tension for me, and let me ignore this."

Her body began to shrink and eventually became the size of an ordinary human.

Look at her again and you will find that she really deserves the name of the goddess. Its appearance and posture can be called a goddess.

She has pale violet skin. A silver hair pours like a waterfall, spreads behind him, and hangs vertically on the ground. Dressed in a tube top fishtail long dress, the outline of the body that can shake people's hearts is outlined. Both legs and feet are hidden under the fish tail, and I can't see whether she is wearing shoes... She standing in front of Jingyu has a similar height to Jingyu. The width of the shoulders is significantly narrower, highlighting her feminine beauty.

Pointy ears are like elves, but Elune is not necessarily an elf.

Jingyu skipped this point after seeing her appearance, because he had seen too many beauties in his life so far. Of course, if she wasn't in a dream, if she hadn't promised that she wouldn't do anything, if she hadn't discovered a fact that made him more concerned than this...he might praise her a few words.

Goddess, naturally has a temperament that most mortal women do not have.

"Are you... is this compression of Lingge?" Jingyu asked.

Elune's shrinking size gave him a greater sense of presence than he had just before.

Her presence felt that there should be no change, nor could she purposely change. It would be his illusion to think so. What makes him illusion is the reality of her shrinking size.

Elune glanced at him with some surprise... This emotion was both a question to him, and also because he asked it this way. Although she is not that frivolous woman, she still thinks that she has a very high attraction for men, especially the target is the pervert. But the "sex wolf" was not attracted to her.

This not only did not annoy her, but made her extremely admirable.

After a moment of hesitation, her silver eyes explained to him with a gentle expression:

"As you think, it is indeed the compression of the spiritual lattice... Our natural gods, the difference between the spiritual lattice and the body itself is actually not very big, and the change of body type is the compression and release of the spiritual lattice. Special attention should be paid when the gods meet, their seemingly small bodies may have an even higher quality than the planet itself."

When dealing with a body like the opponent, a little carelessness when attacking, it is likely to be hurt by the shock.

Jingyu knows and nods to her to express gratitude. What will happen to this goddess in the future, he does not know, in short, he first wrote down her good.

Elune began to tell him his purpose.

"If you don't mind, I want to talk about the existence of me, Titan, and the connection between us..." Jingyu naturally wants to listen. Since it was his dream, he transformed into a table and chair, and made the false space beautiful. They sat on the moonlit night where they could see the magnificent waterfall, breathing the fragrance of green grass and trees, drinking old wine.

Elune smiled with satisfaction, silver eyes flashed with memories.

"We originated from the same legend. With the knowledge you know, we can be counted as belonging to the Greek **** group. My parents are Gaia, the **** of the earth, and Uranos, the **** of the sky. My real name is Phoebe, But I am called Elune here... Please continue to use Elune to call me in the future."

"So, are you actually the Titan God?" Jingyu said, he thought, no wonder she was so huge.

Elune nodded, "I am the first generation of Titans, and you know, the Titans who have been to this world... I think they are actually descendants of a certain Titan. When the war broke out, I, and some other Titan gods, who were reluctant to participate in the war and could not remain neutral in that environment, chose to leave."

"I understand this." Jingyu thought that when he was in the "Gundam seed" world, the Atlantic Federation had forced the neutral nations to choose camps, while non-selfs were enemies. He asked Elune: "The war is over, have you ever thought about going back?"

Elune shook his head. "I didn't take part in the war, and the defeated party was my siblings. My relationship with the victorious party was awkward."

"Then you haven't contacted the descendants of the Titans here? Tell me about your impressions of them," Jingyu said.

"I think that these descendants can be called Titans, but not Titans. But their power cannot be underestimated. However, their behavior is not to my liking... The creatures have their own development and evolution, but they are subjective. The earth has arranged the evolutionary path for the creatures, which is a kind of arrogance of the powerful!

I did not contact them. Although they are descendants of the Titan God, that Titan God may be one of my brothers and sisters, or who is in the immediate descendants... But as a family of Titans, they have nothing to do with me... they are already A new group that is constantly traveling in the universe.

The Titan that brought a crisis to this world, I think, he went through a wrong process of returning to his ancestors. Although he has obtained powerful energy, it is negative, and his future can only be destroyed. "

That's where the story about his past with the Titans is here. Elune introduced the inside of the world from here.

"Have you heard of the ancient gods?" she asked.

Jingyu carefully recalled, "It is such an impression, I remember that they seem to have fought with the Titans."

‘Ancient God’ is different from the moon **** Elune, and also from the demigod or LOA (animal god)... Jingyu doesn’t even know why they are called gods.

"Yeah... I don't even know how they appeared here. When I came here to accept the elves' prayers, they were already sealed by the Titans. But now, they are eager to try to break the seal." Ai Rune said in a very worried tone: "In my perception of them, once they are successful, no one can stop them unless the Titans return, or you take back all the power."

"Now I'm going to move, is it using the Burning Legion's invasion?" Jingyu asked: "However, once the Burning Legion succeeds, Sargeras will enter Azeroth... If I take back all my strength, I can stop the ancient gods. , He should also have the power to fight."

"You forgot? Sargeras's essence is destruction, let him fight the ancient gods, no matter winning or losing, the world will be destroyed." Elune reminded him: "There is another reason why he will not fight with The war of the ancient gods, this is what I mainly want to say today... The other evil thought mentioned in my letter is related to the ancient gods. And its source has the power of Sargeras. "

Jingyu raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean by "power effect"?"

"It may have borrowed Sargeras' power to enter Azeroth." Elune said with some uncertainty: "I just don't know whether this borrowing relationship was actively helped by Sargeras or Sargeras himself. Perceived and used... This will determine Sargeras’ relationship with the ancient gods."

In Elune's view, this is a very difficult problem-if Sargeras takes the initiative to help, his cooperation with the ancient gods will make the battle on Jingyu very difficult.

However, Jingyu did not worry about this, but instead solved a doubt because of this remark.

‘The replacement system did not betray me. ’

In this way, he has no worries.

The dream is coming to an end, Elune finally said: "There is so much news about that evil thought, and I want to remind you...I suspect Sargeras sent demons to capture the rangers and huntresses in order to collect their equipment Use that special metal to re-forge his weapon. I have used cross-border power to protect those elves. I don’t know how long it can last. Go and rescue them."

Elune disappeared, her dreams awakened, and Jingyu opened her eyes as if she were still dreaming...



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