Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 169: Return to Isaline

Three hundred Hippogryphs and Avenna arrived in the evening one after the other.

Ai Wenna did not find Shao Hao and the Monkey King. She originally thought that the meeting would return without success. After getting the list of the number of mercenaries, she was unbelievable and stunned.

"This, compared to sending troops by their emperor, I think it's only strong... 2500 soldiers with some foundation!"

She shook her hair with an indecent grunt, and glanced at Jingyu. She seemed to want to see what he was made of before she could cause such a miracle.

Jingyu laughed at her expression and explained: "After the request to send troops was rejected, I thought of recruiting mercenaries. I didn't have much hope for this at first, but when I was walking on the street, I found here There are so many people practicing civil martial arts... If you give up such resources, it would be too wasteful. So I just "worked" a little."

When saying the word ‘slightly’, Jingyu used **** to compare the width of a centimeter.

Avena's lips twitched, and she put down the list: "It's good to have a large number of people. Then, how do you plan to quickly transport them to the battlefield? From here to Aisalyn, it will take one month by land. But, We don’t have enough flying units to transport them."

Cenarius was looking for the demigods and dragons to fight, the fastest time was 10 days... a month, when the pandaren arrived, maybe the war was over.

"This is indeed a problem." Jingyu thought about it by touching his chin. "So, I will select 300 warriors who can't grow in a short time and fly back with us. The rest let them return by water and land. I will Give them martial arts in advance so that they can comprehend as they hurry."

"Maybe they will be stronger when they arrive? It's a good idea, so let's do it." Avena said: "Then we will start tomorrow... Please try harder today and hurry up and teach them Right."

She also used her fingers to make a centimeter wide. Imitating him so much, the playful color is full.

"It's night now, do you want me to be a professor all night?" Jingyu couldn't help crying.

"That's right, anyway, the gap between sleeping and not sleeping with your strength is not too big. Hurry up, don't waste time." Ai Wenna pushed him out of the room indiscriminately, greeted Dijana to contact the panda person in charge The officials who received them gathered the mercenaries in a large enough place.

This officer was also cunning enough. He concentrated the mercenaries on the previous large square that could accommodate 10,000 people, and spread the news. In this way, the pandaren who arrived at the news filled the whole square... except for the high platform that had not had time to dismantle.

Jingyu was invited to the high platform.

When standing on the high platform, Jingyu was thinking, if I can't adjust my psychological balance, all I have to do at this time is to use the method of sound transmission into the secret, and let only 2,500 people who follow me listen.

This is the fairest way for them.

However, when he looked down, the faces of pandas were all the purest longing for martial arts.

‘Well, it’s like preparing for the second wave of mercenaries. I always have fresh martial arts to attract you. ’

After making up his mind, Jingyu said aloud that he would explain the key points of luck and force when attacking the breakpoint. He has no reservations in this regard, and he also reminds the panda people in particular that they can attack and defend if they are used well. I also sternly warned that martial arts, which are extremely lethal, cannot be used for bad things.

"If anyone applies my teaching to bad things, I will do it myself."

He left this sentence, ended the lecture, and since then has left a heavy stroke in the history of the pandaren.

In the era after 10,000 years, there still exists the pandaren faction ‘Dragon Boxing’.

On the second day, a one-night horned eagle beast, carrying two hundred and eighty pandaren warriors, flew to Kalimdor together. Jingyu and Dijana took the Avenna and had already set off in the middle of the night. They have now crossed the strait and entered the Kalimdor continent.

After a day of non-stop flying, Avena flew to where she could see Isaline.

Here, there is a thick smoke and warfare, obviously a new battle is in full swing. However, one of the two warring parties is the Burning Legion, while the other is not an elf.

With Jingyu's superhuman eyesight, he saw two huge brown bears. It lies eight meters high on its prone, and exceeds 20 meters in length. A sharp demon bear claw violently beats the nearby Demon Guard Legion, each claw can tear dozens of demon guards; another communication element summons wind, fire, thunder and lightning to help.

The Burning Legion surrounded them, charging without fear of casualties. The dead bodies have been piled up thick, and the surface of the two giant bears is also scarred. They roared and fought endlessly.

"It is the brothers of Usok and Usor, they are demigods! They must have been called by Cenarius!" Avenna in the form of a crow communicated Jingyu's consciousness in the voice of the female elf. She seemed anxious, because the giant bear brothers were not in good condition, "What's the matter? Elves? Why don't they support Usok and Usor!"

Jingyu thought, is it that Kurtalos has a typical elf-like xenophobic heart, and deliberately let the giant bear brothers sink into the enemy lineup?

But then, Azara and Tyrande are here, it is impossible for this to happen.

"Anyway, let's go to help!" Jingyu asked, "Avena, have you been flying for so long, can you support it? Or, you will send us over, and you will be near..."

"Don't say let me go to rest!" Avena sternly refused. "Go down on your own and let Dijana stay on my back. Her healing spells are useful for the bear monster brothers, you help them resist the enemy ...Should you do it?"

"That is of course." Jingyu chested.

He did this to bring relief to the tired Evanna and Dijana, who had never fought under such circumstances.

Avenna's flight speed accelerated, and after ten breaths, she was only 500 meters away from the giant bear brothers. Jingyu jumped from here without waiting for her to lower her height. This made Dijana's heart almost jump out of her throat, and Avenna was also shocked... The latter quickly hovered to get ready to pick up the'reckless' Jingyu.

Jingyu pulled out his saber in the air, and fired a ring-shaped sword toward the giant bear brothers.

Sword Qi emptied the demon guards and wiped out the decay, which relieved the pressure of the brothers.



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