Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 155: Dominance

In the second training session, Jingyu named the Moonlight Guard.

The Moonlight Guard is composed of members of the upper elves who are proficient in magical combat. In this era, it can be said that it is quite a powerful unit... As far as Jingyu is concerned, half of them are enough to match the "Lost Guards" of the Burning Legion.

However, after Jingyu used the magic of sealing, he easily caught them alive.

It is the live capture of the entire army!

The moonlight guards all felt ashamed.

This time, in order to wash the shame, they sent the most powerful one among them.

And Jingyu, appointed as his opponent, is a hellhound.

Every elf who knows that the moonlight guard is powerful thinks that the moonlight guard has won. The moonlight guard thought that he was underestimated by Jingyu. Before he started fighting, he offered to increase the number of hellhounds.

Jingyu just smiled lightly,'You will win before you say it', he responded in this way, and also told the rangers who are protective personnel,'Now that I am present, you don't want to shoot the demon anymore, always give follow-up Keep some training for the troops... This time, you are as if you are familiar with this process. ’

This is simply to tell the Moonlight Guard and the Elves that he has decided that the powerful Moonlight Guard will lose to the Hellhound.

Moonlight guards the whole army with anger... they are the only one who thinks that if they are fighting against the eight demon guards, only one of the most powerful members can win, and ordinary members only need two to pull the distance just like that. Pcs.

They are so powerful that they have not been hit in the least by the defeat of the elf warriors.

Furthermore, how does hellhound look, it is impossible to be stronger than the eight demon guards with one head, right?

They think they are underestimated.

Give him a look! The moonlight guards stood up from their seats and cheered for their companions. The slogan contained dissatisfaction with Jingyu's arrangement... But as a result, the strongest moonlight guard lost in a one-on-one situation Under the hellhound.

The entire moonlight guard quietly demented.

The elves in the whole venue couldn't say a word... Tyrande and the rangers she led had already dealt with the Hell Hound, and actually killed many of these vicious monsters. They didn't think it was strong, and they didn't know it would be stronger than one of the strongest moonlight guards.

‘Is it because Jingyu knew this hellhound is different, so did he stun him early? ’

Looking at Jingyu, who still stood beside the fence, the priestess Tyrande couldn't help but wonder.

The next three games, the fourth game, the fifth game... ten consecutive games, the elves won no victory.

The whole fighting area was filled with depression, and the elves were all in nightmares.

A few elves soon responded to a terrifying fact that the two sides of the battle, the elves and the demons of the Burning Legion, differed in number and type of arms each time, but the man chose.

Did he control the victory or defeat of ten battles in this way?

They cast unbelievable glances at him, thinking about what kind of brain is necessary to achieve such a magical judgment that can be called prophecy; thinking that he can defeat the elf, and conversely, he can also What makes the elves victorious... This only requires manipulation of the mix of arms and the number of soldiers participating. There are not many elves who can think of this, but it is enough for Jingyu. He believes that with such responsiveness and judgment, these elves have enough influence in the troops here.

He needed these elves to believe in his commanding ability in the heart like a god.

It was then that he began to make concluding remarks on why the elves would lose, why the demons would win, and what the elves lacked.

He gave the elves time to think and then took the eleventh training.

This time the elves won.

In the twelfth game, the elves still won.

The morale of the elves is gradually recovering. Waiting for their morale to reach a new high above the beginning, Jingyu let the elves and the demon draw a tie, as the end of the training day.

On the way back to the city while riding Moonsaber and Fasci, he rode slightly forward, and Fasci in the back always looked at him secretly.

Jingyu smiled and asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with my face and body?"

Faskey shook his head, "I just think you are amazing..."

I thought I saw his depth, but found that it was still too shallow. Unconsciously attracted, want to further understand what he can do. For this, she wanted to stay beside him a lot.

This is the real idea in her heart. However, she was loyal to the Queen and thought she should not be so delusional about the Queen's love. So, she said nothing, and even forced herself not to show her face.

At this time, Jingyu did not delve into this. "Are you amazing?" While riding, he did not smile with pride and complacency. "Experienced so many things, the enemies encountered are so difficult, and naturally can become amazing. "

experience? Faskey suddenly realized that he really didn't know anything about this man's past.

She couldn't help but even persuade herself under the pretext of'I will pass on what I heard to Her Majesty'.

"Can... tell me something about your past?"

"Do you want to listen? Okay..."

After spending time thinking about it, Jingyu talked about his time as a deputy marshal of the navy.

Faskey looked at him all the way with admiration.

After returning to the city, Jingyu had dinner with Jaina and Azshara. Seeing that they had accumulated some evil energy generated when they absorbed the energy of the Well of Eternity, he helped them to **** away... so for three days, he repeated such things-

Go to the training ground and arrange different elf arms to fight the demons; chat with Fasi; help Jaina and Azshara take advantage of this short period of time without war.

Of these three, only chatting with Faskey is to relax... especially the first one is to prepare for his brief departure from the capital.

If the elves are not stupid, they should remember his arrangement, so as to think about what happens when more people fight.



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