Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 154: Training 2

"Hey, you idiots, we are here!" the ensign shouted in the middle of the field.

The soldier holding the shield hit the shield with a hammer, making a loud noise, in order to attract the attention of the demon guards.

They did not launch an attack when the enemy did not know what was going on. Naturally, to avoid being called invincible by other elves when they won.

The demon guards were successfully attracted and looked at the past. They froze for a moment... not because they didn't find the existence of those elves, but were frightened by the total number of elves when they went out and forgot about them briefly.

They didn't think about why the elves in the field were there, and what the elves above the field were doing. Collectively holding an axe in one hand and a fist in the other, Zhang Shi growled loudly. The killings occupied their brains, causing them to charge the elves desperately.

The wild elves who were unprepared for this were suppressed in momentum...they might have thought that the opponent was just a defeated soldier. What I saw at this time was just the opposite.

"Shoot! Shoot!" When the second lieutenant responded, the demons had rushed forward five steps and ten meters, and his voice was a bit panic.

The four sharp arrows shot out, and even one shot was empty, showing the archer's rush.

The other three, two are fixed on the chest of the demon guard running at the front, and one is fixed on the right arm of the elf at the rear left of him.

The demon guard hit with two arrows fell forward... Before he could fall, his body that hadn't died was hit by the demon guard in the rear and he even flew forward. Then the demon guards stepped on it.

The harsh sound of the bones being crushed by the big feet, the belly burst out of the internal organs, and many elves' scalp numbness changed suddenly.

The first demon guard who died was trampled by his companions.

The demon guard with the arrow in his right arm is now the front runner. He didn't care about the injury on his arm at all, just the excitement that was visible to the naked eye to run at the front.

He stared in the eyes of the elves and was telling the elves that I was going to chop all of you.

"Continue to shoot!" The second lieutenant urged the archers not to be in a daze. "Don't just aim at one and shoot their legs!"

The two sides were originally 50 meters apart. After the Demon Guardian ran like this, there was only 25 meters left.

The second lieutenant wants to win, and the victory should be more calm... but he has one more person than the opponent, and he is ready to wait for the situation, and the opponent does not attack with the same array at all. If you do not calmly win, you will not be recognized.

The demon guards rushed forward another five meters, and the archers' arrows were aimed again and intended to shoot.

I don’t know if the demon guard rushing to the front is intentional or unintentional. In short, he growled again... Then, the archers found that their arrow tip inevitably deviated from the original goal and pointed to the demon guard.

They want to reverse it, but they can't do it, they can only launch it.

Also facing this situation are their teammates... Swordsmen and other swordsman elves and shield elves stared at different targets, and when the demon guard roared, they could only stare at him.

"This is... taunting?" The elf on the Guanlan seat recognized a name for this type of skill, "That demon is a flesh shield."

The four arrows were shot on the demon guard's chest and arm, but they did not block his footsteps, and it did illustrate his resistance to injury. However, his speed dropped.

The three demon guards quickly ran past him... At this time, they were only 10 meters away from the shield.

The second lieutenant sucked his tongue and shouted, "Defense!"

The hand holding the shield lowered the center of gravity, the left hand was holding the shield, and the hammer in the right hand was ready to fight back.

The swordsmen defended each side of the shields in pairs. They guarded the archer and were responsible for blocking the demon guard and the archer.

The four archers continued to shoot—because the demon guards were too close to themselves, it became more important to prevent them from actually approaching them than to prevent them from approaching. They still know the workaround and point the target at the demon guards' chests.

The demon guards blocked an axe as big as their ears when they ran... Only one demon guard hit the arrow and stumbled and was knocked off by his companion and fell to the ground. But after a few laps, he climbed up again.

The demon guard running at the forefront finally confronted the shield-handler. The collision force of the big axe standing on the shield made the left arm of the shield-hands numb for a short time.

The shield-handlers were taken aback, thinking that if the demon guards knew how to cooperate and strike continuously, they would definitely not be able to hold the shield.

Thinking about it, they started to fight back, hammered out, hit the demon guard in the chest, and knocked it down.

This injury did not kill the two demon guards, and prevented them from getting up quickly.

Swordsmen should run over to solve their lives at this time, but other demon guards came around from both sides.

Four swordsmen are against four axemen. Except for the lieutenant himself, the other three swordsmen are on the side suppressed by the opponent's power.

Seeing this, the archers wanted to open the distance and continue shooting at the demon guards, running backwards backwards... The demon guard with the arrow in his chest threw his big axe at the archers.

The two archers in the center are enveloped by the spinning big axe. They panicked shortly, and the big axe brushed over the top of their heads, scaring them out of cold sweat.

Before they were fortunate to escape the danger, they heard the two archers shouting, "Be careful!"

I saw the demon guard who threw the axe, fiercely pulled out the arrow in his chest, and grabbed the arrow to stab the squatting archers.

They were too late to get up, and because their legs were so soft that they could not stand up, they seemed to be dead under the arrow.

Eight rangers defending this block fired arrows at the demon guard.

The demon guard fell on the leg of an archer. If he didn't die, he opened his mouth and took a bite...

The battle ended after a quarter of an hour. As a result, the ranger shot and killed three demon guards. The demon guards trampled one on their own, and the other four demon guards were killed by 9 active elves; one elf’s leg was almost bitten off, counting him, The five elves were almost killed.

The result of the game was that the opponent was all dead, but whoever wins and who loses, all Guanlan people naturally know.

Jingyu standing by the guardrail, after finishing in the venue, said in a tone that did not change at all:

"Now, come for the second training..."



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