Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 156: Raven Evanna

On the morning of the fourth day, the elves were set up in the Hippogryph camp outside the city, and the three hundred Hippogryphs were ready for long-distance flight.

In the city, Jingyu recruited senior leaders of the current elf troops such as Azshara, Dijana, Kurtalos, Tyrande, Maiev, etc., and gave them the final account before he left.

"The priest of Dijana went with me and I believe that her prestige can help me on this trip. After we leave, if you want to avoid fighting with the Burning Legion, you must block this news...I judge that at most Blockade for three days.

Maiev, you have to use this time to find out if anyone betrayed the elves and deliberately leaked the news. Kurtalos, give the command of the troops to you, don't let me down my trust in you. Just remember one thing when you are commanding the troops, ‘intentionally putting the queen in danger’.

Azshara, you are still the strongest hero besides me as before. I think as long as they don't have a demon who can beat you, they will not easily attack. If their offensive does not count casualties, it means they have restarted the portal... If I haven't returned at this time, you will fight and retreat, you don't have to stick to the local defense and lose a lot of troops.

Jaina, through the last battle, the enemy knows that there will be someone who uses teleportation magic, and may take some countermeasures to have to be careful. Follow Azshara as usual, and let Tyrande send some rangers to protect you when you go out.

Finally, I want to remind you to be careful of the conspiracy used by the enemy to use assassination.

Also, the assassin is not necessarily a demon..."

After telling them everything they could think of and making sure that they had no doubts, Jingyu glanced at each listener's face with dignified eyes and turned to leave...Faskey came in from outside at this time.

"Sir Jingyu," her facial expression is a little weird. "There is a female elf who wants to see you and says there is something for you."

Jingyu frowned and raised her eyebrows... The "wrinkle" was when the other party appeared, and the "picking" was curious about what the so-called "thing" would be. He signaled that the elf seniors inside could leave, and they also pretended to be the end of a confidential meeting. Then he said to Faskey:

"Let her come in."

Faskey went out after Jaina and the other elves. She hadn't brought the elf in yet, and Jingyu heard Azara and Dijana's slight "Eh" surprise.

He thought that as a very few ‘older (read chng)’ among the elves, they might know the female elf. Moreover, this female elf has not appeared in front of them for a while.

After a while, Faskey walked in with an elf female with light blue and silver hair. This elf woman has a beauty and figure that is not inferior to that of Fasj, wearing armor and carrying a big bow.

Jingyu had already been a little curious about her, and after looking at it, she could not help but squint and flashed a fine light.

"Who are you? Even weaker than Azshara but stronger than other elves, I haven't heard of your existence."

This female elf and Fazqi were both amazed... Fazqi showed some alertness, and the female elf showed relief after thinking about it. When Jingyu looked at her, she also looked at Jingyu, but she couldn't see the depth of Jingyu.

"I didn't expect you to be able to see my strength. This is my first disguise failure since I became a demigod. You are really amazing. It is no wonder that you can command elves to fight demons and control the outcome of the game 100%." ​​The elf applauded .

She took a letter from the armor and handed it to Jingyu, her expression was a little solemn.

"I am the messenger of the goddess Elune, named Avenna... The original form is a crow, changed into an elf for convenience... This is a letter from the goddess to you, please look over."

Jingyu took the letter and opened it up.

‘Powerful in a different world, for some reason I cannot use my power to help the life battle here. First of all, please accept my sincere gratitude, thank you for coming to Tyrande’s request. I will take this as a human relationship in my heart.

The reason why I wrote this letter is because of two things I have to tell you immediately.

The first one is related to the transmission error. I don't know if you noticed that two different evil thoughts penetrated into the teleportation array, forcing me to adjust the teleportation array.

Fortunately, you succeeded in teleporting; unfortunately, one of the evil thoughts also teleported in. Where did it go and what did it do, I haven't traced it yet. I will continue to track down in order to give you news as soon as possible.

In addition, recently, I felt another evil appear. You have successfully come into this era and blocked the pace of its invasion, which is really comforting to me. Once again express my gratitude to you.

The second thing, I sent Avena to you, I hope to help you. She has good strength, and her flying speed is the fastest in the world...’

This is the whole content of the letter. Jingyu frowned after looking at it.

‘There is still a bad idea? Why didn't I feel it? Also, when Daier told me the judgment of the other half of the system to me, it just said something... Did the other half of the system deliberately lie to me? ’

Elune is the initiator of the teleportation team, she should not feel wrong. It could only be that he really didn't feel it. For the other half of the system, Jingyu does not know how to judge the cognitive changes brought about by this sudden situation.

In this case, he first thought of Daier and wanted to ask her to help herself to ask what was going on. But, he quickly contained this impulse...I must solve the troubles caused by my negligence on my own.

This is his self-esteem as a strong man and his confidence in his ability to solve problems.

At this time, he did not pay attention to a certain detail-Elune said "two evil thoughts", and the other half of the system told him "a force"... This may not actually conflict.

Jingyu's eyes rose from the stationery and looked at Avenna.

"Your goddess asked you to help me... do you know?" he asked.

Avena nodded, "Do I need to help you contact the other demigods? As long as I fly with all my strength, they will definitely arrive earlier and faster than you expected."

This is a tempting proposal. With those powerful demigods, Jingyu can attack the Burning Legion as soon as possible. Even if Sargeras sends the devil in regardless of his personal power loss, the possibility of his own taking control of the teleportation array will be greatly increased.

However, Jingyu cannot ignore the existence of another evil thought mentioned in the letter.

He wanted to give Elune some time, and wanted to see if that evil thought would participate in this war.

So, "No, you don't have to contact them... if Malfurion finds Cenarius, the latter will do it. Now, I want you to accompany me to the sea."

He destroyed the letter in front of the two female elves.

Avenna looked at the debris that slipped through his fingers and asked, "Can you leave the front line as the highest commander of the army?"

"Of course! If your speed is really what Elune said, we may be able to return before the Burning Legion dares to launch an attack." Jingyu said.



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